
White v/s Black Naruto

Chūnin exam, ninja world came to comparison live room. The figure for comparison is none other than Konoha Village's Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto. One white and one black! ==================================== Disclaimer:- This fanfiction is not mine. I am merely translating. Update - 2 chapters a day.

SidNaz · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

54. Sasuke's Defection

[After the Battle in the forest of the death, Uchiha Sasuke's neck had an extra curse seal.]

[In the qualifiers before the third match, Uzumaki Naruto defeated the strong enemy Inuzuka Kiba with his personal will and sudden fart.]

[He was very excited, and at the same time he also started to look at him with admiration.]

[Unfortunately, under his cheering and cheering, Hyūga Hinata was severely injured by Hyuga Neji, and was almost killed by Neji.]

[Naruto got annoyed and decided to make Neji look good in the final official match.]

[The battle between Rock Lee and Gaara was the most intense, but Rock Lee, who opened the Eight Inner Gates, still resulted in a disastrous defeat with serious injuries beyond imagination.]

[The qualifiers are over.]

[During the one-month rest period, Naruto met his teacher, Toad Sage Jiraiya.]

[Using Chakra of Nine Tails, he summoned Mount Myōboku Gamabunta, and got the other party's approval.]

[This is also the first time Naruto met Nine Tails.]

["Hmph! You've been living in my body for so long, just take some Chakra as rent, bastard!"]

[The meeting between Uzumaki Naruto and Nine Tails was not harmonious.]

[At the beginning of the race, still with the help of Nine Tails Chakra, Uzumaki Naruto defeated Hyuga Neji, and threatened to change the Hyuga clan after becoming Hokage.]

[At the same time, Uchiha Sasuke showcase the new ninjutsu chidori to the stage and defeated Gaara.]

[With the thick smoke rising from the stands, Orochimaru launched the Konoha Crush plan, and for a while, Sunagakure and Otogakure Village jointly dispatched.]

[Orochimaru was even more foul. First Hokage and Second Hokage strangled Sarutobi Hiruzen in the barrier.]

The content on the screen made all the viewers gasp suddenly.

Sunagakure and Orochimaru's Otonin Village went so far as to start a war against Konoha Village.

And he actually used the Forbidden Technique to summon the dead undead.

The future, this is actually the picture of the future.

Orochimaru: "Hmph! This is what I want to see, Sarutobi-sensei."

Senju Tobirama: "Damn brat, you actually started a war against Konoha."

Senju Hashirama: "No matter what time it is, there is always war, and this kid is quite talented, and he actually summoned you and me."

Uchiha Madara: "Hahaha, I laughed so hard, Konoha's First Hokage and Second Hokage attacked Konoha Village? Hashirama, what are you doing? Reanimation Jutsu can control you?"

Orochimaru: "The only bad thing about my ninjutsu is that I haven't fully mastered it yet, so the summoned person can't use their full power."

Uchiha Madara: "Your boy is a talent, but this shabby ninjutsu still needs all your strength to undo it? Hashirama, you won't be stupid in the pure land world, will you?"

[The wounded Gaara escapes with the help of Kankuro and Temari.]

[Uchiha Sasuke is in hot pursuit.]

[Haruno Sakura, Shikamaru and Naruto are ordered by Kakashi to support Sasuke.]

[When a few people caught up with the two, they realized that Gaara had burst out the power of the tail beast in his body, and Sasuke was no match at all.]

[Haruno Sakura is also trapped by Gaara and is in danger.]

[At the critical moment, Uzumaki Naruto burst out with unprecedented Chakra with terrifying strength, instantly summoning 2,000 Shadow Clone.]

["Sakura-chan, let me protect you."]

[Uzumaki Naruto even beat Gaara with 2,000 rounds of ammunition. Gaara doubted her life. Under anger, Gaara finally turned into complete tail beast.]

[However, Uzumaki Naruto did not panic at all, and the results of his practice were fully demonstrated in this battle.]

[Toad Gamabunta is here! Fight against One Tail.]

[Uzumaki Naruto's head hammer attack, awakening Gaara from the Feigning Sleep Technique.]

[Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen summoned Shinigami with the help of the Shinigami mask, hoping to seal two Hokages and at the same time take Orochimaru with him.]

[All families in Konoha Village are dispatched collectively.]

[Remember, Hyuga Hiashi told Hanabi: "Our Hyuga family is the most powerful family in Konoha Village."]

[The final blow, Uzumaki Naruto collided with Gaara at high altitude.]

[Uzumaki Naruto wins, Gaara has never seen such a powerful person, and he trembles with fright.]

["The taste of being alone must be uncomfortable."]

["But now I am different from you. I already have companions who are more important than life. With them, every day of my life is full of hope."]

["If you attack them, I will definitely beat you."]

[Naruto's heart was conveyed to Gaara, which changed Gaara's bloodthirsty problem.]

[Third Hokage died in battle, what will happen to Konoha Village?]

[Uchiha Itachi's sudden return home instantly ignited the hatred in Uchiha Sasuke's heart.]

[Facing his former brother and the hatred in his heart, Sasuke started Chidori tightly in anger.]

[Unfortunately, as soon as Tsukuyomi was casted, Uchiha Sasuke lay down in the hospital with Hatake Kakashi.]

[For Konoha, for Sasuke, for Kakashi and even for Rock Lee.]

[Of course there is also Rasengan which is about to master.]

[Uzumaki Naruto followed Jiraiya on the road to find Tsunade.]

[Learning Rasengan, the stronger Naruto beat the legendary fat sheep in a bet.]

[Sannin War, the battle between Uzumaki Naruto and Yakushi Kabuto arouses Tsunade's will and overcomes empty blood.]

["Until I become Hokage, I will never die."]


[Tsunade returns, Konoha Village is united.]

[The big crisis has just been resolved, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't bear Uzumaki Naruto's progress, Itachi's stimulation and Orochimaru's bewitchment.]

[Sasuke! Defected Konoha, into the arms of Orochimaru.]

[Valley of the End, the former brothers stand on the opposite side.]

["Why are you so obsessed with me?"]

["Because we are brothers."]

["A guy like you who was born with nothing, what can he understand about me!"]



[Uzumaki Naruto failed.]

[With a heavy heart, and with great affection for Uchiha Sasuke.]

[Naruto didn't feel depressed because of this.]

[Cheer up and start again!]

[Under the leadership of Jiraiya, the master and apprentice will go to practice for up to three years.]

["When I... come back, I will definitely become very powerful."]

The screen with white frame slowly came to an end.

The audience also watched with horror.

It turned out that in the near future, they would face such a terrible thing.

Yamanaka Ino: "I didn't expect that today would be the day when the ninja village outside would start a war against us."

Yuhi: "Hey, Lord Third Hokage has died."

Asuma: "Fortunately, the viewing system appeared in time, otherwise we would have to face this kind of scene in the next step."

Inuzuka Kiba: "But Naruto is really cool, especially his battle with Gaara, how did he do it?"

Nara Shikamaru: "I feel like the gap between us and him is getting bigger and bigger."

Tsunade: "I'm dizzy, my haemophobia (blood phobia) has also healed itself under his influence."

Tenten: "I didn't expect Fifth Hokage to be Master Tsunade, she is my idol."

Only the three of the seventh class did not speak.

Up front, Uzumaki Naruto was still complacent, whether it was the Chūnin exam or the fight with Gaara later.

His performance is absolutely remarkable.

Even learning Rasengan, Uzumaki Naruto doesn't care much.

Because, Uzumaki Naruto with the black frame also acquired Rasengan at the same age.

However, only Uchiha Sasuke's defection made Naruto feel nervous.

Obviously, he failed.

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Naruto looked at the dark border that was slowly emerging in the sky with great interest.

"Since I failed, let me see what you will do in the face of this in your world."