
White Tiger's Evolution

Reborn as a tiger, in a post-apocalyptic wasteland world.

Oscer · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Fighting the giant snake

"So now I have stepped into the ranks of the extraordinary first-order? Is this energy in the body the power possessed by extraordinary species?"

"But what's the use?"

It is difficult for Ye Qian to feel a little change in body shape. In his opinion, there is not much difference except for a strange energy in his body.

And he doesn't know what this energy is used for. It's just pure energy flow, or can it mobilize this energy?


Internal power?

Can you call out to beat someone?

Not so much...

Ye Qian thought, a little concerned about the energy in his body.

He always felt that it should not be so simple, but as a beast he could get too little information.

Not only is this energy only the tip of the iceberg of what the world knows.

It's like a frog at the bottom of a well that doesn't know what the world is like, making him full of curiosity but unable to explore.

Perhaps the only way to quickly understand the world is to know it from human mouths.

Speaking of humans, Ye Qian not only remembered the human who could mutate into a werewolf at that time, but maybe a month has passed, maybe he won't come back?

Ye Qian couldn't be sure.

"Forget it, let's go with the flow." Ye Qian stopped thinking about energy.

Soon, the three little guys also finished eating. It was obvious that their round belly was very full and very refreshing, and they were happily rolling on the ground.

After all, there was not much rest near the lake, so Ye Qian and Tiger Mother got up to pack the remaining food and take them home.

As they left, the grass suddenly swayed not far away.


Ye Qian turned his head and stared at that position, but did not notice anything strange, then turned his head back and continued walking.

But in the next second, a snake head quietly emerged from the grass and was staring at the three cubs coldly. The long tongue was forked on both sides and the bloody snake letter was spitting out, making a low and low tearing sound.

Ye Qian turned back from time to time, he always felt as if something was pressing against him, and this feeling was always there just now, but he turned back many times without finding any abnormality.

"Am I overthinking it?"

Ye Qian thought to himself, and turned back and walked forward again.

And that snake is quite smart. Every time Ye Qian turns around, it will stop and move without being noticed. Its black snake skin can hide itself very well in the dark, so it can get close to the prey and raid.

It's been more than October, and it's coming to November soon.

November is the time when snakes prepare to hibernate. Before hibernation, they will start to forage in large quantities to accumulate various nutrients and fats in their bodies to provide their bodies with the energy they need during hibernation.

The snake has poor eyesight and a very sensitive sense of smell. During the foraging process of this snake, it smelled the strong bloody smell of unicorn antelope, and found several crescent white tigers.

Ordinary snakes naturally rarely attack tigers, but this one was very bold and even stared at Ye Qian's family and wanted to attack!

Maybe it has enough confidence in itself.

It was still approaching, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Ye Qian, who felt uneasy and vigilant earlier, finally felt the obvious difference after the other party increased the speed.

"No! Something must be following in the dark!" Ye Qian turned around again and saw a giant snake.

Wow, grass!

So big!

Ye Qianyou was startled for the first time when he saw it.

It was a giant snake with black eyes and red eyes, an estimated length of seven or eight meters, and a body thickness of between 30 cm and 40 cm.

It is a mutant snake that has reached the second-order supernatural, the speedy black snake, which is mainly referred to as speed.

"It turned out to be a second-order mutant snake!"

The virtual screen can display the rank and name of the creature, so Ye Qian can see it at a glance.

Although this is not the first time he has encountered a second-order creature, it is the first time he has seen such a large snake.

Seriously, Ye Qian wouldn't be so nervous even if he met a lion or a powerful predator like a giant bear, but snakes are really a bit terrifying!

"Come on!"


Ye Qian immediately roared.

Snakes can't be touched without touching them. I don't know if they are poisonous. Even if they beat them, they are accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake, which is extremely dangerous!

The tiger mother obviously didn't want to provoke this kind of existence and led the cubs to flee quickly, and the three little guys were scared enough by the giant snake to run forward.

But the speed of the three little guys was not as fast as the second-order mutant snake. Seeing that they were about to catch up with the younger brothers and sisters, Ye Qian knew that he had to fight.


He turned around in his heart and quickly rushed towards the giant snake, and the tiger mother turned around at the same time.


At this time, the speedy black snake was about to catch up with the slowest little girl, and it had opened its mouth.

Ye Qian clearly saw the yellow liquid with low fangs.

Ye Qian's heart sank, but he still rushed forward, because he knew that if the little ones were in danger, the tiger mother would never escape alone.

Not only for his sister, he must also fight for the tiger mother!



Ye Qian swooped over and tried to attack the giant snake with its sharp claws. He stopped the Black Snake's threat to the little sister, but also made the other party shift the target to attack Ye Qian.

"Tear off~"

The speed and response of the speedy black snake, known for its speed are very fast. It avoided the huge mouth of the tiger's claw and wanted to bite Ye Qian's neck directly.


Ye Qian raised his tiger palms so that his back two feet stood on both feet for a short time, and his front palms grabbed wildly.

As a result, I didn't expect the snake's skin to move so powerfully, it quickly lowered the snake's head and swam from the left side, wrapping around Ye Qian's body.

"Not good!"

This is the snake's usual hunting technique, death coiling.

Ye Qian couldn't imagine how fast this second-order giant snake reacted, and his body was entangled in a circle in a very short time.

The heavy snake body instantly made him trip over to the ground, and the strong stench of the snake body came to his face, which was extremely disgusting!

The tiger mother rushed along, and the giant snake immediately waved its long tail and slapped away.

Attack with tail flick?

Can swing so much and carry this kind of power!

Just kidding! ?

Is this an action that the snake body condition can do?

He has only seen it on the snake that was filmed in the tomb of a tomb robbery movie!

Ye Qian knew that he had far underestimated the fighting power of this giant snake. Not only its speed, strength, but also its ability to control its body had surpassed that of ordinary snakes.

The second order seems to be significantly different from the first order!

Fortunately, the tiger mother just jumped over, waving her claws to attack the snake's head.

The speedy black snake quickly swung its head and roared, while preventing the tiger mother from rushing directly, while tightly wrapping Ye Qian.

The tiger mother didn't dare to rush forward easily, because it was uncertain who would bite who.

And if it wasn't for the existence of a tiger mother, there was no need to choose to entangle Ye Qian first, but it might have been bitten at that moment.