
White Tiger's Evolution

Reborn as a tiger, in a post-apocalyptic wasteland world.

Oscer · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Enter the extraordinary stage

The appearance of the white tiger made the other one-horned antelopes even more panicked and even completely confused.

One actually turned around the moment the tiger mother appeared and rushed back to Ye Qian's side, facing him with that sharp single horn.

The so-called dog will jump over the wall when he is in a hurry. This is the first time Ye Qian has encountered a prey and has the intention to actively attack him.

The speed of the rush is very fast, and the sharp antelope horns are enough to pierce his body at this speed!

Ye Qian was shocked.

Now as a tiger, trying not to get hurt when hunting, even if he loses his prey, he can't take risks easily.

In this case, although he is very likely to knock down the unicorn antelope, he is also very likely to be injured.

This is a move where the losses outweigh the receipts.

But he didn't want to let the prey that came to his mouth escape just like that.

He wants to try!


Ye Qian chose not to take risks, but it also increased the difficulty of leaving the one-horned antelope.

He quickly avoided and dodged to the left. The unicorn antelope didn't stop and ran straight forward. Just as the prey passed him, Ye Qian jumped back from the left again.

"It's now!"


At this moment, the roar of the tiger seemed to spread throughout the jungle, and he burst out with all his strength and knocked down the unicorn antelope in one fell swoop!

"Get down on your knees!!!"


At that moment, Ye Qian's sharpest weapon claws penetrated into the flesh of the unicorn antelope, and he was pressed firmly under him.

He succeeded! He managed to knock down his prey!

But it's not over yet!

The unicorn antelope is not dead yet, and there is still the possibility of breaking free.

Ye Qian's was stimulate, perhaps it was the first time he had come into contact with a living prey, perhaps the first time he had thrown the prey to the ground, or perhaps the first time he had killed himself!

His emotions were extraordinarily tense and fierce at this moment, and a trace of hideousness appeared on the tiger's face.

He looked back on the actions of the mother tiger after she threw down her prey, and used those skills that he had learned At this moment.

He completely modeled the action of the tiger mother. Furthermore, he slammed his front paws back and stretched forward, and then quickly, accurately, and decisively bit the neck of the unicorn antelope.

Bite it hard! He tried to bite it to death with the greatest bite force!

Never let go!

There was no time to think about anything in Ye Qian's mind, and now the only thought was to kill the one-horned antelope.

He was too focused, but he didn't know that at this moment, his body was quietly growing a bit, a strange force flowed through his body quickly, and the three attribute values ​​also exceeded 10 points at this moment.

At this moment, he has officially left the ordinary species and entered the extraordinary stage.

Seeing that Ye Qian actually completed the entire hunting process alone, the tiger mother's eyes were obviously surprised.

This child is really outstanding. Maybe it won't be long before he becomes the famous Crescent Tiger King among the Crescent White Tigers!

After a while, the one-horned antelope under the tiger mother was dead, and Ye Qian's side followed closely, and he slowly let go and calmed down.

"Does this count as completing the hunt alone? It doesn't count..." Ye Qian smiled.

But this experience gave him a lot of confidence, and he decided that it was time to find a time to hunt independently and completely without the mother tiger.


Ye Qian and the tiger mother called out to the younger brothers and sisters who were hiding in the distance and watched, and the three cubs quickly ran over when they saw it.

At the same time, a behemoth in the calm lake in the distance slowly floated half of its body out of the water, its extra-large eyes and pupils shrunk, and suddenly filled with an icy murderous aura.

The tiger's cry somewhat irritated it, and its constricted pupils returned to normal after being frozen on the lake surface for a few seconds, and soon dived into the lake.

Ye Qian was completely unaware of this, he and the tiger mother dragged the prey to the ground.

Ye Qian doesn't know much about these yellow-furred unicorn antelopes, but they look a bit like Tibetan antelopes. The two male unicorn antelopes are estimated to have 140 to 50 pounds of meat.

Today can be said to be a bumper harvest, at least enough for their family to not go out hunting for 10 days.

Ye Qian began to enjoy the prey he preyed on by himself, taking off the fur of the unicorn antelope.

The tiger mother taught her younger brothers and sisters to share the prey with them before eating, but these little guys actually learned it long ago, and quickly rushed to help the tiger mother remove the fur.

They didn't eat them hesitantly like Ye Qian did at the time, but they were very decisive when they saw the tiger mother eating them and immediately began to bite the fresh flesh.

The three little guys ate more and more vigorously. They tore off the fresh meat and chewed it, and began to compete with each other to occupy the best position for food, which fully reflected the appearance of carnivores.

Even the first unpleasantness happened during the first meat-eating process of the three little ones.

The third brother who is the strongest among the four tigers except Ye Qian, suddenly barked and roared at the younger sister.

At this moment, the nature of tigers first appeared in them.

A timid and weakest little girl gave in with a roar, and no longer squeezed with them to choose a position with less meat and less easy to eat.

"Come here, come to my brother's side."

Seeing this, Ye Qian took the initiative to signal the little sister to come and eat here. The little girl was very happy and crawled over and ate quietly.

Ye Qian has always watched the growth of these three little guys. From when they were children, they played with each other like a family, and now they are fighting and playing with each other.

In the future, if you continue to grow up, it is very likely that there will be real fights, and eventually it will evolve into a fight using hidden claws, real knives and real guns.

Maybe until one day the family that once united and harmonious will be gone forever.

And this is the tiger...

Of course, this is not the case for all of them. For example, in Ye Qian's world at Tiger Reserve, there were four tigers formed into a famous tigress army.

Ye Qian didn't expect them to unite with each other in the end, it's enough not to kill each other.

After a while, Ye Qian finished eating first and lay beside him to rest. He finally noticed a strange energy flowing in his body.

This energy seems to flow out from the crescent-shaped lines on his head and spread throughout his body, very comfortable! But it never happened.

"What's going on here?" Ye Qian couldn't understand, but he suddenly thought of something: "Could it be..."

Ye Qian immediately opened the virtual screen.

[Physical]: 10.1/20

[Strength]: 10.1/20

[Speed]: 10.1/20

"Sure enough! All three of my attributes have exceeded 10 points." Ye Qian was extremely pleasantly surprised. He had been stuck at this step for five days.

But I didn't expect to break through the limit unknowingly.