
White Ruby

After graduating, Ruby's father hire two bodyguards for her. A lady names White and a man names Lucky; they are lover. One night, Ruby goes to feast with her boyfriend, and she is abused by her man and his friends. White and Lucky save her. Since that night, she usually goes to talk with Lucky. Her action makes Lucky think that she likes him. Instead, she is interested in White.

chhayamoon · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Author's Note

I don't say I write GL, I prefer womance.

With such type, you cannot find arouse scene, only deep and pure relationship between the two female characters of mine.

I plan few womance novels, both in contemporary and ancient period.

Writing fiction is not able to support my living, so I don't update fast. However, still I wish and wait for the day my creative story is recognized and provide me sun light.

Thanks for support, and thanks for read even once and never come back.