
White Roses Dyed Blood Red

Several thousand years ago, a species very similar to humans arrived, they helped the humans grow and strengthen. The only condition, to never record anything related to them in history. It was best to leave a few things to the imagination. Now in modern day, they return with peace being the last thing in mind. Li Yaorui, a thirteen year old that is overly accomplished and too smart for her good, Innocent yet well versed in the declining state of the world and its political state, has a target on her back, though not the regular target. In the future she'll have to face unimaginable challenges and sooner than one would hope. He was the son of a mafia head, young but accomplished, but absolutely terrible when it came to love. All the books and lessons he got turned to dust when he finally reunited with his childhood friend. Those were his thoughts when they first reunited, now, he knows that she has a target on her back, yet the enemy is still unknown, let's hope that he is enough to protect her. ________________________________ The moon shone, full and proud. Next to her laid a boy of her age. Brown eyes that shimmered gold, reflecting the dancing fireflies. Wavy black hair, dark as the night sky. His hand gripped hers. A smile plastered on his face, revealing his dimples. The stars gleamed at them. Trees swished, swaying the, to sleep. The milky way revealed its colours as the meteors fell. Wish after wish. Giggle after giggle. Crickets chirped in the background. A nearby river trickled. "LiLi?" "Yes?" "You'll come back, right?" "Of course, how else am I supposed to make you my bride?" "I'll miss you, come back soon okay?" The boy turned his head, allowing her to see his face in full. "Okay," "Promise?" "Promise," She felt herself smile. "Xiao Rui," "Yes," "Don't forget to stay away from other boys," "I won't forget," She giggled. "You better not, I don't want my bride to be stolen," "Don't worry, I won't let anyone steal me," "You better not, and don't forget me," "I would never forget you, ___________________________ Cover art is not mine, creds to the creator, I found it on pinterest Expect a high level of cringe in the first few chapters.

Iris_Lee_ · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
87 Chs

Jealousy and Greed

"Big b-brother?"

"Hey, hey, he'll be alright," Yaorui went into a panic, trying to stop the tears from flowing down his face.

She was convinced that, if he cried, she'd cry too, and she wanted to be strong for him, just like he was for her.

"I love you," She confessed in the heat of the moment. Each teardrop that fell from Samuel's eyes sent thousands of needles to her heart. "I love you, forever and always. Your brother does too, and your sister, and your parents, they love just as much as I love you,"

She continued to whisper words of love and comfort, encouragement, and hope. She did all the little things he did for her when she was just as broken and depressed as he was right now.

It might not seem like it, but the two brothers were closer than the pieces of paper stacked on top of each other. They've both been through hard times together, and there was nothing in the world that could tear them apart.

Though they never said it out loud, they loved and cared for each other more than anyone could comprehend. The love they held for each other could be seen in their eyes when one or the other was mentioned.

"I love you, I love you, I love you..." She repeated the words over and over in his ears. Each word laced with the admiration and love she held for the boy in her arms.


The next morning Yaorui was awoken by her morning kisses, something she very much willing to experience for the rest of her life.

"Good morning,"

"Good afternoon,"

Her eyes widened, she sat straight up and looked at the clock.

It was 12:34!

"Ugh, I have a meeting to get to, it starts in about an hour,"

She stood up and dragged herself to the bathroom, grabbing a change of clothes on the way.

A tender smile played on Samuel's lips as he watches Yaroui disappear behind the bathroom door. The soft sounds of running water brought him back to reality, reminding him of last night's events.

His face darkened, revealing a vengeful expression. Samuel reached for his phone and dialled a number.


"In this lifetime, your only enemy is me, Hu. Ang. Li,"

. . . . .

Thirty minutes later, Yaorui emerged from the bathroom. She was dressed in a simple outfit, a white long-sleeved blouse and a bluish-green coloured skirt.

When she exited the bathroom, she heard the voice of the anchorwoman speaking.

"After last night's incident, An Wade, Japenese CEO of Infinite A, is now currently in a stable condition after having been critically injured in the car explosion."

The man next to the woman continued the story, "Police have been unsuccessful so far in the investigation for the cause of the explosion, they suspect a gas leak or a tampered break, more updates will come after the break,"

"Sunscreen that can keep your skin white-,"

"Before you leave," Samuel began, "Be careful of Hu Angli, I suspect that he was the one behind the incident, if he can kill me, he'll kill my brother too,"

She pursed her lips together and walked out the door.

. . . . . .

Li Corps

Yaorui entered the meeting room, exuding a calm and cold aura. Her eyes were as blank as the expression on her bodyguard's face.

Inside the meeting room, sat the board of directors. This was the end of the year meeting, making it one of the most important ones yet.

Most of the directors were displeased about having a child be their President, they believed that they would have been a better choice.

These men were corrupted with greed and money. Originally, Yaorui had planned to fire them all and replace them with more competent people, but without any evidence to justify her actions, she had no choice but to keep them around.

Over these three and a half months, she had managed to subdue the board of directors into ants. Much to her disappointment.

She was quite sad when none of the directors did nothing to give her a reason to fire them.

But not this time.

This time, Yaorui had managed to find evidence of stolen money, fraud, harassment, and embezzlement.

When she sat down, she scanned over the stiff board members.

'They know,' She thought.

They know she knew.

A chilling smile spread on her face, terrifying the board members.

"So...who's first?"

They all looked at each other, trying to pinpoint their first sacrifice. The first man was young for his position, around the age of thirty or forty. There were traces of wrinkles on his face, and his head had begun to go bald.

"Mr. Chu of the marketing department, go on,"

Mr. Chu adjusted his tie and collar while making his way to the front of the room.

"A-at the beginning of the year, our reviews have been through the roofs. This continued until President Li, and her family went on a short trip, the ratings had dropped by 0.5%. Upon your return, they increased by 1% then dropped by1.5% after the mysterious deaths,"

Li Yaorui looked at Mr. Chu approvingly, Mr. Chu was a new recruit to the board of directors having been promoted from the manager position. Because of this fact, Mr. Chu has yet to be corrupted by the other men, it wouldn't be very long for him to start cheating like the rest of the corrupted men in the room.

They call themselves dignified businessmen, who do what they think needs to be done. She calls them trash that can do nothing but whore around. You don't hear about male whores very much, do you?

For now, Yaorui had decided to keep Mr. Chu around, she was curious to see just what kind of man Mr. Chu was, maybe he may not be as bad as the others, or he might be worse.

The next fresh meat was someone she was planning on humiliating and throwing out.

This was going to fun.


"Brother Samuel!"

A bolt of energy crashed on to Samuel, causing him to groan from the pain of the impact.

"Careful there, I'll end up staying in this hospital longer than I have to if you keep doing that. Rui'er will definitely scold us, you don't want to get scolded by your sister, do you?"

Li Aishi shook her head no, "I missed you though, it was so boring just sitting in my room with no company," She pouted as if she had her candy taken away, "I hate morning check-ups, they take too long,"

"Well, your sister will be leaving for a charity event tomorrow, what do you say about spending Christmas together? Hmmm?" Samuel stroked his future sister-in-law's hair.

"But I don't have a present to give you,"

"That's okay,"

"Did you get a present for me?"


"Well then, I have to give you a present, or I'll feel bad,"

"Little sister Aishi is so cute," Samuel smiled and patted her head dotingly.

Li Aishi was momentarily dazed by Samuel's smile, it was so warm and loving.

Then she remembered the smile that was given to her older sister, and she became bitter. Why did he only give her older sister lovesick smiles and not her? It was not fair! She wanted them too!

Her sister was always the lucky one, the most loved and doted upon. The entire nation loved her! Her sister was the first princess, someone who was fair and looked at every problem from different angles. She was kind and cared for the world, and on top of that, she was a genius.

Her biggest accomplishment was curing cancer at the age of eight.

Aishi would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous.

Then there was her second sister, a hacking genius who was always praised for her perfect manners and good temper. Her twin sister Li Anshi was a government agent and worked for the military at times. She was regarded highly by the high ranking officials, and the country worshipped her for saving millions from death when she defused a bomb at the Chinese New Year festival.

While her sisters had the nation's love and respect, she had haters and scorns. The higher up scrawled at her because they thought that she was an entertainer who used her face to gain money.

That wasn't true!

She was smart too! She went to the school for geniuses and was a star student in her class. Just because she wasn't as good-tempered as her sisters' did not mean she was useless as well.

That day, after returning from a day with Samuel, she got to work making a handmade gift for him in hopes of gaining the same smile he gave her sister.