
White Roses Dyed Blood Red

Several thousand years ago, a species very similar to humans arrived, they helped the humans grow and strengthen. The only condition, to never record anything related to them in history. It was best to leave a few things to the imagination. Now in modern day, they return with peace being the last thing in mind. Li Yaorui, a thirteen year old that is overly accomplished and too smart for her good, Innocent yet well versed in the declining state of the world and its political state, has a target on her back, though not the regular target. In the future she'll have to face unimaginable challenges and sooner than one would hope. He was the son of a mafia head, young but accomplished, but absolutely terrible when it came to love. All the books and lessons he got turned to dust when he finally reunited with his childhood friend. Those were his thoughts when they first reunited, now, he knows that she has a target on her back, yet the enemy is still unknown, let's hope that he is enough to protect her. ________________________________ The moon shone, full and proud. Next to her laid a boy of her age. Brown eyes that shimmered gold, reflecting the dancing fireflies. Wavy black hair, dark as the night sky. His hand gripped hers. A smile plastered on his face, revealing his dimples. The stars gleamed at them. Trees swished, swaying the, to sleep. The milky way revealed its colours as the meteors fell. Wish after wish. Giggle after giggle. Crickets chirped in the background. A nearby river trickled. "LiLi?" "Yes?" "You'll come back, right?" "Of course, how else am I supposed to make you my bride?" "I'll miss you, come back soon okay?" The boy turned his head, allowing her to see his face in full. "Okay," "Promise?" "Promise," She felt herself smile. "Xiao Rui," "Yes," "Don't forget to stay away from other boys," "I won't forget," She giggled. "You better not, I don't want my bride to be stolen," "Don't worry, I won't let anyone steal me," "You better not, and don't forget me," "I would never forget you, ___________________________ Cover art is not mine, creds to the creator, I found it on pinterest Expect a high level of cringe in the first few chapters.

Iris_Lee_ · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
87 Chs


Hu Angli's POV

"You wake up this instant boy! You hear me!?"

The rough and deep voice strangely sounded like his father's.


Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!


He was dead this time for sure.

"I'M UP" He shouted as he shot straight up in bed.


How did he get into a bed?

And, where the hell was he?

"Bout time you little wimp! Next time you decide to comatize yourself, make sure that your mom isn't having one of Nature's Cycle, you have no idea how sensitive she gets during one of those. I have already killed several people for making your mother cry. I love it when she's on cycle, I get extra snuggles and kisses."

While his father ranted about how a-adora, he couldn't do it. He couldn't picture his mother being all cute like, she was even worse than his father during one of her fits.

He shivered at the thought.

As he looked around the room, he realized that he was resting the school's mini-hospital.

"Father? What happened exactly? How long was I here for?"

"You were out for about a day? Maybe a little less, no one is exactly sure. No one knows what happened either, what kind of incompetent men did I hire?" If any of his men heard the man, they would have vomited blood!



"ACHOO!" A whole department of men sneezed at the same time.

"There must be a flu going around." Said one of the many men.

"Hurry, and get back to work! If big boss learns about us slacking, he'll definitely kill us!"

"Why did the lady boss want us to look for so many wedding decorations?"


Back to the Hospital

"Are you sure that you weren't able to find anything?"

"Yes, we were all hoping that one of you would know."

"What do you mean one of you?"

"Your friends and three other girls were found in a vegetive state. It's a good thing that the monitor had been able to knock down the door. Who knows could've happened to you six."

Hu Angli tried to recall how he went into a coma. He remembered the call and how beautiful his wifey looked. There was something about a secret code, no, two secret codes. There was a guy, somebody, what was his name?

Chen...Hu? Chen...Huo? Chen...HAO! That was right, the guy's name was Chen Hao!

And there was something else, something that he couldn't quite remember. He knew that Chen Hao had a theory about the codes, but there was something other than that...

Then it hit him, Chen Hao was murdered in cold blood.

Most people would be horrified by now. But Angli? He treated like it was the most common thing in the world. And to him, it was. His family had ruled over the underworld for generations their roots were deep.

Their empire had spread globally, allowing them to handle trades and illegal transactions from Antarctica to Siberia.

The Hu family name was known all over. Nobody knew their faces, nobody that is alive knows their faces.

"Where is my baby~!" The hospital door swung open.

"Hello, mother," Angli smiled at his mother

"Omo, look at you! Sitting here like a potato! You were supposed to be in my daughter-in-law's room! Yet here you are letting her be stolen from somebody that isn't you." His mother left the room in disappointment.

"What do you mean that she was being stolen away?" Angli chased after his mother.

"Look for yourself," Mrs. Hu pointed her chin to a door.

Hesitatingly, he opens the door slowly, careful not to make a noise.

"Come on, eat your apple, ahhhh~,"

When Hu Angli entered the room, he was met by a horrifying sight. A man was feeding HIS Sweety food! To make it worse, the other man was his love rival ah~!

The "couple," felt the room temperature drop several degrees lower. Looking around, they notice the cause of the cold atmosphere.

"Angli? What are you doing here? You're a patient here too, right? So what are you doing out of bed! You're supposed to be resting!"

Seeing Yaorui worrying about him, Hu Angli looked at An Samuel smugly.

'Hmph, dare to compete with me? Impossible!' he thought.

"I'm fine Rui-er, the doctor said that I should start to move around a bit to gain back some strength," Even though he was happy to have his darling worry over him he didn't want to stress her out. "I thought I'd stop by for a visit, speaking of visits...what is he doing here?" He glared at his opponent.

"Oh! Senior An was the monitor who found me, Bao Bao, and Sheng Rong nearly dead in our dorm."

"How many times do I have to tell you? You can just call me Sam or Sammy, you don't have to be so formal with me Yaorui."


"I saved your life, this is the least you could do, please."

Yaorui looked down guiltily and replied with a quiet, okay.

It was now Samuel's turn to look smugly at his opponent.

Upset, and extremely jealous, Hu Angli stormed out.


Yaorui's POV

"A-ah, don't leave! You should eat something first! Aish, he's so moody."

Yaorui stared at the door, a weird feeling bubbled up in her chest. "This must be how he felt when I grounded him.

Yes, it's guilt. Totally guilt. Yaorui nodded her head and affirmed her thought.

"What's up with him? Yaorui-ah, open your mouth," Samuel continued to feed her, pleased by her obedience.

"Samuel? Can you tell me where my other friends are?"


"Please, I'll sit in a wheelchair and let you escort me there."


"Please, Samuel Gege?" She pleaded with her puppy eyes. Yaorui's puppy eyes have never, once, failed her. "Please..."

"Fine! Aish," Samuel slammed the fruit bowl down on the table and stood up, "Wait here," He pointed his index finger at the girl happily gobbling the fruits.


"Aish, t-this, pah!" and he too stormed out.

"Why is everyone slamming doors today?"


The door was slowly pushed open, carefully and silently.

"Samuel, is that you? That was fast!" The excited voice of a thirteen-year-old echoed throughout the spacious hospital room. "Angli? What are you doing here? That doesn't matter, I need to see Sheng Rong and Gebao, can you take me there please?"

"Will you forgive me for storming out if I do?"

"Mmhmm, 100% forgiveness! Now come help me." She reached out towards the boy. What could she say? She was worried about her friends, for all she could know they might still be in a coma or injured!

Hu Angli walked over to his princess, he wrapped an arm around her back, while the other slipped underneath her knees.

Subconsciously, Yaorui's arms wrapped around Angli's neck.

"Room number?"

"What?" Yaorui looked at him, confused.

"What is the room number you want to go too?"

"Right...umm, Big Brother Gua said 250."

"Hold tight."


Samuel POV

"Yaorui~ah! I got a wheelchair!"

An Samuel walked into the room cheerfully, it was as if he had never stormed out of the room. Instead, he acted like a happy puppy.

"Yaorui? This brat!" Samuel was extremely upset! How could he not be? His first love basically ran away from him! Wait. No, the Yaorui he knew wouldn't run away from him, then that must mean that...SHE WAS KIDNAPPED!


"Where is my princess!" A commanding voice bellowed.

Walking down the hall was a group of fifteen people.

In front of the group were two elderly couples with an equally pressing aura. Behind them were two more couples, one dressed in professional business attire, and the other in military uniforms decked out with medals. Following the four couples, was yet another couple accompanied by five other people. The last couple looked young and were the definition of elegance. Among the five remaining people were three girls, all seemed to be in their early teens. Whereas the two boys seemed to be at the edge of their teens, their bodies strong and face beautifully developed.

The man who had just bellowed was the man dressed in the business attire, slight traces of restlessness and fatigue was seen in his eyes.

"Relax father, Rui-er should be resting in this room." Li Shenhui tried to calm his father's emotions.

Without wasting a second, both the elderly couples rushed in behind the agitated man.

"You little punk! Do you think lying to your grandparents is okay! Come here and let me give you a beating!" The sound a yelling grampa was heard the moment the grampa stepped into the room.

The remaining seven, walked into the room, confused by the old man's shouting.

"Grandfather is right, where did my sister go?" Li Anshi, the calmest and oldest twin-spoke up.


'Great, the one time when sneezing shouldn't happen, it happens.' Thought the boy hiding in the bathroom.

The military wife walked towards the bathroom, not even bothering to silence the sound of her steps.


With one swift kick, she breaks down the door.

A tall boy walks into the room from the bathroom.

"Hello, I believe that we have met before?" A menacing smile spread across the boy's face.


And it was lights out for the family."