
White Reaper

A teenage boy and his class are summoned to another world by the will of an unknown god. The world is a fantasy world with mythical monsters, demons, vampires, and lords that rule over their kind. With the human race possessing a larger population, starts to face a crisis of the return of several different lords that hold humanity in contempt. As such the summoned heroes are given a mission to kill the lords, but among them the is a dark lord in the making. Will the heroes fall to the dark lord or will the dark lord fall to the heroes? I will play my role as the dark lord to its best and not get killed by the hero, shall we begin this exciting new world that I was sent to?

Hailwinreads · Fantasy
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13 Chs

11 Corruption

Hey Sofia.'Winter said.

... What is it?'Sofia said.

Do you think you could heal him...at the very least prevent him from dying, I still need to ask him some questions.'Winter said.

Sofia let out a sigh as she thought, how am I going to heal someone who had a sword through his chest, but she didn't say it outright just gave him a look.

Do you want him to barely move or at least be able to speak?'Sofia asked.

Can you do all of the above!'Winter said.

I don't think so.'Sofia said, as she walked up to the man lying on the ground passed out.

She placed her hand on the wound.

You can use healing magic right?'Winter asked.

Yes, but am not as good.'Sofia said.

Haa, that's good, it would have been bad if he died on me.'Winter said.

Yeah, from the injury you gave him, his lucky to still be breathing...are you sure you want him alive?' Sofia asked.

Yes just do it, you're already wasting time, his life is at risk.'Winter said.

She let out a sigh as she started the healing process. It was easier to heal a martial artist than a mage, martial artists have a body that naturally has a fast healing process but if you add that with healing magic it increases the results.

But in this case, it was an injury that could have killed most martial artists, so him being alive is his luck.

At the back of the Church training field, we can see a man with blonde hair training alone with a wooden sword, hitting away at the puppet.


For how long are you going to keep that up.'Holly asked.

Haa, ah sis what are you still doing up?'Michael asked.

I couldn't sleep, now back to my question why are you still training?'Holly replied.

I need to get stronger if I want to protect this place and you.'Michael said.

You know if you keep working your body that hard it's going to give out on you.'Holly said.

Yes, I know but you have healing magic so I think I'll be fine.'Mickael replied, giving out a smile.

Ha...are you doing this because of today's training.'Holly asked.

No, why would you say that.'Michael said.

Because you thought it was going to be easy because you trained before you came to this world, but the training was not what you thought it was going to be, not to mention you got your ass handed to you by a girl.'Holly said.

Ahhh, how blunt sister can you be a little bit more considerate to me, because am the hero I have to work twice as hard...but for someone who doesn't have the upper body to handle me...she beat me so easily.' Michael replied.

What do you expect she was a kendo tournament winner at the age of 13, did you think you could beat her.'Holly said.

Yeah, I guess you're right I was too full of myself, but that's even more reason for me to train.'Michael said.

Why do I even bother saying such to this bastard who doesn't even listen to me, the is no point in trying to make fun of you. Your hopeless brother.'Holly said.

Hmmm, why so serious, you know I can take care of myself.'Michael said.

Ha, I know that but this isn't earth anymore...

That's why I have to train.'Michael said.

Fine I give up do as you please.'Holly said.

Hey Somi do you think training is always going to be this easy.'Hayley said, sitting in a chair.

Tr, training was easy...I don't think so.'Somi said, lying on the bad face first like a log.

Ohh, come on now you can't be like that, you were trained by Winter after all.'Hayley said.

E,e, even if I was...he was way nicer than this instructor we have, I want to cry.'Somi said.

Oh come on now you can't be like that, oh, I did see that you were doing quite well in meditation.'Hayley said, trying to cheer up Somi.

Yeah, you're right, at least am not the Michael after you beat him in every aspect of physical training even in the daily duel, he was to train twice as hard, even though he didn't lose to anyone.'Somi said.

Haha, yeah that has to be rough.'Hayley said.

But you were amazing the way you swung that sword is awesome, I could tell that you were going all out on him.'Somi said, as she got up from her log position and started to act out the sword swings in excitement.

Hahaha, you liked it that much.'Hayley said.

Yeah, you were super strong.'Somi said, flexing her none-exciting muscles.

Yeah, but am still can't beat Winter.'Hayley said, looking down.

Owo, so big brother Winter is your goal?'Somi said.

Yeah, you can say that I wonder if his gotten stronger.'Hayley said.

At the same time in a valley, Winter was about to start his interrogation of the five men.

They are going to wake up soon.'Sofia said.

Okay, that's good av'been waiting for some time now.'Winter said, scratching out his body.

Winter, was that your first time killing someone.'Sofia asked.

Ahh...yeah it was...hmm they are waking up.'Winter replied.

What happened?

Where am I?

Hey, why am I tired up!?

Hey, let me out of this you brat.

Do you think some rope can hold me? the man struggled to get out using mana but to no avail.

Forget it, your mana has already been sealed.


You also got caught!?

What do you want brat?' the captain asked.

Ohh, are you going to cooperate with me?'Winter said.

Like hell I will.' the captain replied.

Haa, I thought as much, looks like am going to have to torture you to get my answers, but since am a nice guy I will ask you all some questions if I'm not satisfied with your answers am going to break a bone, any bone I really don't care.'Winter said, with a grin on his face.

As if he wasn't bad enough, now with that grin it made him look far worse, as if it was telling them don't tell me and let me have some fun.

Okay, let's see...ah, the most simple and straightforward question, who sent you?'Winter asked.

The men kept quiet.

Haha, now which should I break first... let's start with the one at the edge.'Winter said.

Winter turned around to grab a stone.

This should work.'Winter said, as he grabbed the men's placing it on the ground and smashing each of his fingers. The man tried his best to hold it in but it was no good and he let out a scream.

Winter continued to smash all five fingers and went on to the next in descending order, from the first one who had five smashed fingers to the last one who had only one smashed finger, the captain.

All his men were screaming in pain except the last two.

This isn't going to get you anywhere.' the captain said.

Hmm... that's fine I already know who sent you, well I know one of them.'Winter said.

Then why are you doing this to use if you already know.' the captain screamed.

Well, I just wanted to experience how it is to torture someone, it's disgusting I don't like it at all.'Winter said.

You crazy bastard you dare break my fingers for nothing, if..if I get out of here I'll kill you. Man 1 said.

Yes, there you go. Winter said, as he kicked the man in the chest and sent him flying to the mountain.

Keok a simple sound and he was out.

I should have cut out your tongues instead.'Winter said.

The men said at the same time,' His crazy.

You know it's not too late to tell me what you want to do with the core!'Winter said.


Don't 'what' me just answer.'Winter said.

We don't know! one of the men screamed.

Too bad.'Winter said, as he threw another kick to the chest sending him flying to the wall as well.

It's pointless even if we tell him we're all going to die anyway, the men thought.

Okay, who's next...I mean... who's going to give me information that's what I meant, hahaha.'Winter said.

Shit, brat if you're going to lie at least hide that smile of yours.' the captain said.

Oh, shit I can't believe I showed you such an unsettling face, well it's not like it matters your all going to die anyway.'Winter said.

So what was the point of me having to keep them alive.'Sofia shouted.

Winter was surprised to see the cool-headed Sofia lashing out. He was so surprised the only thing he could say was sorry.

Yeah, now that I think about it the was something I wanted to try, so you saving them will not go to waste.'Winter said, walking up to the captain.

Well , let's see if this is going to work or not.'Winter said,as he placed his hand on the man's head and started to transfer his dark mana into the man.

[The skill Corrupt is in use]

[Corruption of attribute in process]

These damned notifications are interrupting me.'Winter thought.

Winter moved his dark man to the man's brain to see if he could see into his memories or control him.

The man let out a horrid scream that would drive chills down the spines of most people. The two men still alive were shocked to hear their Captain let out such a scream and Sofia did not flinch even a little.

It huuuuuurrrttttsss stop,ahhhhhhhh.

Then the was silence,the man's eyes turned black and he was unmoving,nor did he look like he was in pain.

Haa,that was trying but I think it's complete.'Winter said,as he fell to the ground.

The man got up and looked at Winter who was on the ground and got on one knee.

I great the master.

[Intermediate dark warrior created]