
White rainbow

Collection of serial womance fictions

dolphin4d · LGBT+
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59 Chs

Chapter eighteen

Since leaving the house of Yang, the daughter of Wu did not stop smiling.

As for Xiaolan who was walking behind, she felt extremely curious about her mistress since she was in the house of Yang. The female maid knew that typically her young lady did not allow anyone to say heavy words to her; if someone did, she would pay them harshly; but at the last moment, she heard clearly that the second daughter of Yang spoke abusive words; however, her mistress was not angry but turned to be happy. This was a very big wondering that she could not hold in her mind, so she quickly said to clear her doubt.

"Miss, are you fine?" 

"Huh?" Lantian spun to her maid.

"She scolded you. Why are you still laughing?"

"You don't know anything." Lantian hit her fan over Xiaolan's forehead. "It's my business. Care about your work. I told you to buy medicine for my eldest brother. Do you buy it?"

"Not yet."

"You are so clumsy."

"Miss, it's not my fault. You brought me to the market to buy medicine for the eldest young master, but you turned to follow Yang's second miss when you saw her."

"Still argue back." Lantian hit the fan over Xiaolan's forehead again.

"Ooyh," Xiaolan cried. "It hurts, miss."

"If you know it hurts, don't argue with me. Hurry to buy the medicine and take it to aunt Li."


Lantian wanted to get off then she remembered something. "One more thing," she turned over, "find a baby tortoise for me. And don't give it food tonight."


"Do as I tell. Don't ask. Go."
