
White lie : it's how you define it

it's not about weather you were right or wrong.....they were in love....first love, just so magical, just so special....until fate played it's way...until they got to become strangers facing each other after 5 years... the young little genius is introduced at the last....what can the author do when she is a little forgetful..... ------------------------------------------------------------------ there was just soo much he wanted to ask... just no words to describe how he felt...to see her...he thought it was an imagination...another Hallucinations of his....but this is not how he imagines her or how he remembers her. the way she looks...shocked, panic, coldness, and indifference. all that he never ever imagined to once face...fate was really a cruel player...to bring today...to maker her a stranger to him. but after all that happened he thought never could anything make such a impact once again, for there to be things that can once again be startling...but it's like fate hadn't had it's fill. he couldn't say weather he is happy or sad anymore...well from 5 years he hadn't felt any emotions...after she left he also lost the life in him. love is love....there is no reason to love, nothing more that the love itself matters to the lovers. a fool, a blind....that's what the love makes out of you. but seeing her once again there was just one thing in his mind. ' This time I'm not letting you go '. ------------------------------------------------------------------ A week that was how long she waited for him....she wonders many times was that one week short, but she felt every moment of the week to be a century long in hell...all the people, noise, the talk....everything was just so painfull....so tormenting....but she thought he would be there for her when no one was...it's still like a nightmare to her...to remember him...but she waited...cause she wanted to tell him something...but before she could the words from all their friends...nah ex-friends, his friends hurt her like hell...it was just their prediction...but that was a truth...but not as they imagined....and she never wanted to leave before this as she did that moment...that's what made her vanish from their, and his sight.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- now facing each other...those two people who once shared dreams were thinking opposite things... He would everything possible to get her back....he want's her like no other drug....she was his addiction.... she wanted nothing to do with him....not anymore well what is stored in their fate.... and I think we forgot someone..... JOY: well author aren't you really something to forget someone as important as me...huff....with you forgetting things like this...is it the fate or you who is playing with my parents lives...ha.. ------------------------------------------------------------------ well yes the young cute, adorable light of hope in Laura's life and the best of the both of his parents presented in the form of this little genius "Joy" as she calls him....Jordan is the secret of Laura. A white lie that she thinks she keeps from Mark.

sara_ru · Urban
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7 Chs

Another Morning

" 04:30 A.M " shows the digital clock, in sync with biological clock of Mark zuhan...he gets up from the bed heading towards the inner door...

Half an hour later, he comes out in his green tuexedo.....all ready for another day...

his day starts with a cup of black coffee, and international business calls...

regardless of the day Mark has tuned everyday to workingday mode...it's been the same since he can remember, or from last five years....

last he can remember a different day was back before the tragedy that hit him hard...those memories always linger...and he dare not forget her...it's only her memories that keep him up from falling in the abyss of darkness...though it's painful...he feels, it cause it has her...

demon was at his door, but her memories were like the last light kept the door closed.

and her absence is the most painful wound on his heart...which would taker her presence to heal...

He then dives into the work to make himself more powerful....that is what he lives for, as all think...all so that he could one day find her back, bring her back, be able to protect her...now this has become his madness as all coin it...it's all true...but others can't understand what keeps him going into this ....if all would say that he is like a drug addict...he would gladly accept it if only his addiction and carving is her...Aliya Waren.....




the warm sunlight slowly shines through the windows onto the bed....making the playful two sleepyheads to go under covers, and continue their dreams....

the room is decorated in space theme, withe little cute pushies all covering the window sill, couch and a corner...making the disharmony, yet blending all too well...

the silence broke when a woman enters, withe a gentle smile...

" Joy!...Angle!...wakyy wakyy...get up you two sleepy heads it 8 o clock....you guys have plans don't you ...today's sunday!...your grandpa is at home...come get up n freshn up..."

this makes the two fluffy heads to come out of the covers, slowly rubbing their eyes in sync...making the scene sooo cute...

so the woman goes closer and hugs them...

" good morning mommy"..."sweet morning mommy"

ah here they go again..trying as much as possible to be unique... learning about communication and vocabulary...they try to use as many new words as possible...which melts the heart of Laura..."there you go ...morning babies...now freshen up come down for breakfast ... don't make your grandpa wait for long..." with that said, she slowly walks out seeing them heading towards the bathroom...they are a little more independent for a normal 5 year olds, but as the children of Aren family, and as her children, she is proud of them...



, this is how a Sunday... started for both Mark and Aliya / laura

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