
White Knight: King of Eos

14 year old prince Soichiro Kugo lost his home Eos when he was 4 to shinigami (Gods of death) and has been hiding since. One day in the year 759 on a hunt he encounters a shinigami and attempts to kill it but the shinigami reveals itself to be his late sensei Chozen Kaibaro. Chozen informs him that Soichiro has to find 15 regalia (Royal weapons) that once belonged to his ancestor's to gain a form called arminger which will help him stop the shinigami king and end his reign of terror.

Kingsaif2099 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Dragon's Den

1 month later

After days upon weeks of journeying the group encounter a strange cave. "Your call Kugo." Chozen said. "Let's go in and see if there's anyone in need of aid." Soichiro said. The group enters the cave and they explore it but find nothing until they get to the very bottom of the cave and find a dragon. "Oh Shit. Guys, keep quiet if we wake this dragon we're dead." Soichiro said. The group slowly walk around the dragon and right as they almost pass it Leo accidentally steps on a branch. The dragon opens its eyes and the group stands very still, not moving a muscle. The dragon gets up, stretches its wings and roars. Soichiro summons the soul blade and the sword of the wise, Suki summons the dragon spear and the trident of the oracle, Chozen summons his katana, and Leo summons the hyperion daggers. Soichiro throws the soul blade at the dragon's head, warps to it and attacks the dragon's head. Chozen throws Leo at the dragon and Leo manages to stab his daggers into the dragon's stomach. Suki throws her dragon spear at the dragon's wings, warps to it and stabs the trident of the oracle into the wings. The dragon roars and fire comes out of its mouth. The dragon turns its head toward Soichiro. Soichiro gets hit by the flame and falls to the ground but Chozen catches him. Leo and Suki fall to the ground but Leo manages to save Suki and himself by warping with a dagger. As Leo and Suki land behind Chozen and Soichiro, they get back up to face the dragon but Chozen stops them. "Stay put. This motherfucker's mine." Chozen said with a mighty rage in his eyes. Chozen summons his katana and his wings and flies towards the dragon. The dragon attempts to burn Chozen with its fire but he dodges it. Chozen slashes the dragon's face and then he slashes off one of its wings with one strike, Chozen then slashes the other wing. Chozen then slashes both of the dragon's arms within a second. "Woah." Leo and Suki said. Chozen slashes the dragon's legs and sheaths his katana. The dragon's legs come off and it falls back into a wall. Chozen floats in front of the dragon. He begins to have a red glow and says "In fearful day, in hopeless night, my proud soul shall burn throughout the night, let those who try to stop what's right, beware my power, KINGSGLAIVE'S MIGHT!!!" Chozen's katana turns red as he pulls it out of its sheath. Chozen then flies up and he slashes the dragon in half both horizontally and vertically. Chozen's katana turns back to normal as he sheathes it and the dragon falls to the ground in pieces. Chozen loses his red glow as he flies back to the others. "Are you guys ok?" Chozen asked. "Me and Leo are fine but Soichiro isn't waking up." Suki said. Chozen checks Soichiro's pulse and says "He's alive." Leo notices a weapon nearby. "Chozen is that what I think it is?" Leo said. Chozen walks up to the weapon. "Oh my god. It's the sword of the tall." Chozen said, picking it up. Chozen tries to put the regalia in his arsenal but he couldn't. "Shit. Come on, we have to leave . You two carry Soichiro and I'll carry the sword. If you two get tired let me know so we can switch." Chozen instructed.

Hours Later

After hours of walking and alternating between carrying Soichiro and the sword of the tall, Chozen, Suki and Leo set up camp. Suki and Leo put Soichiro in a tent with a hot towel on his head. "Chozen, what do we do now?" Suki asked. "I don't know." Chozen said. "You don't know? Soichiro hasn't woken up since the dragon's den, we have Nighteye and Daigo's shinigami hunting us, we have a regalia that we can't even put away in any of our arsenals." Suki said. "GET OFF MY BACK! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO CAUSE I'M SHIT OUT OF IDEAS! AND DON'T ACT LIKE I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT SOICHIRO CAUSE THAT KID WAS LIKE A SON I NEVER HAD!!! I'VE WATCHED THAT KID GROW UP INTO WHAT HE IS NOW AND YOU OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD KNOW THAT I WOULD DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING FOR HIM!!!" Chozen shouted. "HEY!!! Calm the fuck down, we're all upset and tired. Look we're all worried about what to do but for now let's just hide the sword of the tall and and get some rest." Leo said. Everyone went to their tents and fell asleep.

Middle of The Night

Soichiro wakes up in a dark room. "What the hell? Where am I?" Soichiro wondered. "White Knight." A mysterious voice said. The room lights up. Soichiro sees all 15 regalia pointing at him and 15 people in front of him. "Who are you people?" Soichiro asked. "We are the former kings and queens of Eos. We stand before you Soichiro Kugo to inform you of the shinigami king." The Wise King said. "If I'm here to be informed about the shinigami king then why am I surrounded by the regalia?" Soichiro asked. "We have to be cautious. Moving on, We want to inform you that the shinigami king has become the head of an organization called Nighteye and he has set up Nighteye outposts at every tomb that contains a regalia." The Yaksha King explained. "What do you want me to do?" Soichiro asked. "We need you and your team to get stronger and for you to master the ordinal call skills." A mysterious king said. "Who are you?" Soichiro asked. "I am the Father King." The Father King said. "If I may ask, why did I not remember the time I used arminger?" Soichiro asked. "You have no memory because you were filled with so much rage that you tapped into arminger's power." The Father King said. "Our time is up. Good Luck White Knight and remember, walk tall."