

In the Land named Lender, there existed creatures that no one has ever heard about. Have you ever heard of creatures from one of its kind? One among the myths beings who are said to be the strongest of all? Who lives behind the shadows of humans, who are called the strongest from one side while the others called them immortal? They are not fairies, Vampires, Goblins, or Werewolves however something beyond them. They are called DeathLocks. It is a rare rumor about them that they are powerful and strong after being gifted with a natural mysterious source called a system. The system works well with them as it provides them necessary requirement from above what a normal human being struggled to earn. With this, they wage wars over numerous Kingdoms and conquered lands according to their own will. No one can stop them or battle against them. On the other hand, a common fact about their system is known that Human beings can’t see their system as for this the Deathlocks feel proud for it. However, everything slowly collapses when a young boy from the humans named Yutosai soon discovers a chained Deathlock who is trapped between survival for life and with the darkness of death. What’s worse both are quite close to each other. To turn the matter upside down, this Deathlock chooses Yutosai to be his slave in exchange for his freedom by providing him THREE systems at a time, with all different statuses and power which soon takes his life from the poor of slavery till meeting up with mighty kings. How does Yutosai’s life changes into a world where he sees mystery behind lands, finds cries behind voices, seeks evil behind the white, visits strong Kings and salutes Empires, met dark villains, and feels peaceful auras trapped around his land? With the blood of a slave running in his veins, find out his long journey around the land and how will he manage to finish the main quest line with one sentence to be solved as an order by his master: WHITE FEELINGS, BLACK HEART.

Ninestar619 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Into the Black hollow.

“So how do you think we should get down there, Captain?” asked the Secretary while peeking down at the black hole. A strong energy was felt evaporating from that color with thick fog surrounding the area. Grey in color, if noticed in keen sight after every second it was growing one inch higher, absorbing every single living object into it.

Clearly, nothing could stop it or stand in its way. Like a sea weave washing over the shore.

“You do notice the affect it’s making after every second, right?” asked the man to the Captain who was still frozen on the spot staring at the fog hoping to see any action inside it.

“Well, well….. what do you see?” he smirked staring at the officer “a brave Captain in all times has suddenly turned into a scared cat. What’s wrong? Fearing from heights?” he teased him over and over knowing that this silly man won’t speak a word against him after viewing the result of the error he made.

On the other hand, Jennifer’s staring didn’t move away neither he blinked. He stared like a curious cat while his head ran with thousands of thoughts as he couldn’t think and his heart beating crazily.

Moving few steps backwards, Jennifer reversed back his paces.

“What are you doing?” asked the Secretary looking at him when suddenly he shouted shocked by the reckless act the Captain was going to do “HEY!!!!”

Running in three large and heavy steps with the voice resounding loud echoing in the surrounding, he stamped on the edge and jumped high off into the cliff, diving straight inside the fog. As he dived, a paddle of water created on the surface of the mist.

“What the?” shocked the man viewing this scene from the top “Why did the fog form paddle on itself?!”

Only water can perform this but, then why?

Viewing this he made up his mind and decided to follow the Captain. He reversed his steps, catching his breath and exhaling it out and he said “here I go!”

Running in full speed he raced to the edge and jumped straight into the black fog. When opening his eyes, the Secretary got surprised to find himself floating on air and diving smoothly in a black space. He could sense cold atmosphere into his structure as his coat was flying open in the slowly space.

“Wow!” he was amazed by this. In his notice there was another amazing fact of the fog that you could breathe out fog. There were sprinkling dust everywhere that created an atmosphere of perfect space around the era.

The man was deeply attracted by the unnatural scene that without any notice he covered up by diving 90 to 100, to 150, 150 to 200 feet below the hole. He dived a long way till finally a dim light brightened his surroundings and his feet touch a hard surface.

“WHA!” he was so shocked as he couldn’t get out the correct word and he mouth dropped opened as he viewed the place where he landed.

Wide place with blood splashes, stains and pools everywhere. The rocks, stones and wall all had a print of blood. A dark hollow place with no life in it.