

In the Land named Lender, there existed creatures that no one has ever heard about. Have you ever heard of creatures from one of its kind? One among the myths beings who are said to be the strongest of all? Who lives behind the shadows of humans, who are called the strongest from one side while the others called them immortal? They are not fairies, Vampires, Goblins, or Werewolves however something beyond them. They are called DeathLocks. It is a rare rumor about them that they are powerful and strong after being gifted with a natural mysterious source called a system. The system works well with them as it provides them necessary requirement from above what a normal human being struggled to earn. With this, they wage wars over numerous Kingdoms and conquered lands according to their own will. No one can stop them or battle against them. On the other hand, a common fact about their system is known that Human beings can’t see their system as for this the Deathlocks feel proud for it. However, everything slowly collapses when a young boy from the humans named Yutosai soon discovers a chained Deathlock who is trapped between survival for life and with the darkness of death. What’s worse both are quite close to each other. To turn the matter upside down, this Deathlock chooses Yutosai to be his slave in exchange for his freedom by providing him THREE systems at a time, with all different statuses and power which soon takes his life from the poor of slavery till meeting up with mighty kings. How does Yutosai’s life changes into a world where he sees mystery behind lands, finds cries behind voices, seeks evil behind the white, visits strong Kings and salutes Empires, met dark villains, and feels peaceful auras trapped around his land? With the blood of a slave running in his veins, find out his long journey around the land and how will he manage to finish the main quest line with one sentence to be solved as an order by his master: WHITE FEELINGS, BLACK HEART.

Ninestar619 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Horror of death.

“Yutosai….. Yutosai…. Wake up” called a female voice that sounded like she was crying “please wake up Yutosai…… wake up…”.

Opening in darkness, the sight of Lily looking straight down at him came in front. She was crying enormously with tears dropping nonstop on his face.

“Lily?” questioned Yutosai himself while looking up at her that why is she crying so badly?

Lily, on the other hand, moved away from him as the boy sat up looking at his right side.

He scanned around his surroundings. There were few people at all corners, sitting hopelessly with their heads hung as though they gave up on something.

The area was a black room with only a single window on the top that seem to be running clouds over it. The entire room was shaking as though it was been pushed over by a cart.

“Are we getting shifted somewhere?” he asked the weeping girl.