
White eyes

Prota dies, meets God and ... Author: Do I have to write something you already know? A reincarnated in the world of naruto. Not like Uzumaki. Not like Senju. Not like Uchiha. He reincarnated into a branch that separated from the Hyuga clan and returned to its origins, remembering who they were and from whom they descended. Taking the surname of its original patriarch. "None of those so-called Systems." "Nothing from Sharingan". "Nothing from Rinnegan." "Nothing from Rine-Sharingan". "Only Byakugan and that is enough." "I will show you all the terrifying power of the Byakugan." English is not my language. you're warned.

CronosRikudos · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 25: Truth.

Upon arriving at the coliseum, everyone was gathered, only Naruto and Sasuke were missing.

Well, Naruto seemed to enter like in the anime.

Hiruzen started this tournament with the name of Third Exam.

The rules of engagement were explained.

This only ends if he retires or dies. And if the referee determines that the match ends, he will intervene.

There is no discussion if that happens.

"Well the first confrontation is ..."

"Otsutsuki Ishin vs. Hyuga Neji"

"The others must go out and wait."

That said, the others left the field.

"This will be an interesting fight."

"Yes, the genius Hyuga against the genius Otsutsuki."

"Definitely a battle of genius."

"Yes Yes."

The crowd was arguing about the two young men present in the arena.

Neji and Ishin looked at each other.

Neji activated his Byakugan and put himself in battle position.

The referee announced the start of the match.

"The first meeting begins."

With those words, the audience applauded the beginning of the expected battle.

A minute passed.

Neji and Ishin were still looking at each other without moving.

On the other hand, Ishin's uncle Hiashi spoke his monologue to hanabi. Ishin didn't hear him, but he could imagine, turning his attention to Neji, he wanted to try something.

Ishin tried to deliver a blow that was deflected by Neji grabbing him to the side and low.

Neji tried to see a point of depression from Ishin's back, but Ishin arched out extending a palm, pressing Chakra through it, causing Neji to be thrown back, making distance between the two, Ishin performed Kage bunshin and sent four clones, eight clones were defeated, then the process was repeated, sixteen clones, the process was the same, however ...

Of the eight clones, Neji was cornered and when he hit the broken Neji colon in place, creating a chakra dome that protected him and rejected him from attack by creating the Kaiten.

Ishin created more clones and the same thing happened, Neji repelled them all with the Kaiten (Rotation) Ishin made a slight and imperceptible smile, you were Ishin the same again, but the clones attacked throwing Kunais and shuriken, which Neji repelled with the Kaiten imported again, the clones continued to pull the Kunais and shuriken steadily and Neji performed Kaiten steadily.

(applause, applause, applause).

Ishin started clapping. His applause echoed throughout the stadium, he approached Neji performing at Kaiten while applauding, standing in front of the chakra dome, Ishin said.

"As expected of the supposed genius Hyuga."

"A good command from Byakugan".

"And a good use of the main branch technique, Kaiten."

Stopping, he extended his palm just inches from the dome and hesitated.

"But this Kaiten is not an absolute defense."

Passing the chakra into his hand and pulling him out, reaching Neji, pulling him out of his dome and holding him spitting blood because the chakra had entered him causing him minor but enough damage to stop his Kaiten.

The clones disappeared, the two returned to the arena.

Neji got up.

"How can you know about the Kaiten?"

"Even get me out of it."

Neji asked but Ishin remained silent.

"You lack concentration."

"To be more precise, it also lacks control of the chakra throughout the body and maintains it equally on both sides to make the Kaiten the so-called absolute defense."

Ishin explained to Neji about it.

Yako was mentally taking note of how to perform the kaiten and the same could be said for Miya, but on the other hand.

"Ho, do you think I will know about the kaiten".

Neji did not consider it as such.

"I know enough that this is a main branch technique, it is only taught to those who are talented and is not directed at the secondary family, no matter how much talent or strength they display, perhaps earning their death for that type of blasphemy in dishonoring the clan rules. "

Ishin said with a smile.

Playing a song Neji didn't like triggered his Irrationality switch. Running Asia Ishin directly with the ideas of ending the match.

"What can a stranger know?"

"That you can know the truth in the Hyuga clan."

Neji was close to Ishin with his palm outstretched.


Ishin sighed.

Near the impact, Ishin raised the palm of his hand and released the other, expelling Chakra from his entire body, weighing to turn in the same place to the left ...

A chakra dome larger than Neji's for at least a meter more, sending Neji a few meters away.

That left the audience speechless, Hiashi rose from his seat looking at the young man who had still done something unthinkable for a person outside the Hyuga clan, in addition to a Kaiten almost without fail at his age.

"I'm tired."

Ishin said.

"I'll get this over with."

"I don't need this anymore."

Ishin put his hands to his glasses. Taking them off and throwing them on the ground.

That action and words returned to the public.

The greatest unknown. What is under the glasses of an Otsutsuki? The young master of that clan was taking off his glasses, everyone in the audience who had heard of this clan or seen it. And what they saw left them beyond awe and disbelief.

Hiashi couldn't believe or understand what his eyes were seeing.

Hanabi left unattended was like his father.

"White eyes."

The first person spoke.

"I ... That's not ..."

"The Byakugan?"

"That can only be a blank eye, right?"

Incredulity, they do not understand the reality that was shown to them and, to cause more surprise, all the Otsutsukis present took off their glasses or destroyed them. Those glasses had already accomplished their mission, the clan no longer needed them. Hizushi got up from his seat and straightened his hair.

"It's been a while, brother."

Hizushi said addressing his older brother, the current leader of the Hyuga Hiashi clan.

To Hiashi, seeing his younger brother as the current leader of the Otsutsuki clan, he clarified why the young man in the arena could use Kaiten, because he knew of the Hyuga clan as if he had grown up in it, Hiashi looked at the Hokage and then looked back. To his younger brother giving his thoughts.

"Well cousin, are we done with this battle?"

Ishin said with a smile when veins started to protrude from the sides of his face, signaling that he had activated his Byakugan.


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