
White Dragon System

Zina_Otoo · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

*A New Dragon Lord Is Born*


It was a bright Sunny day and there was a group of people gathered at the Crestallion Hospital in murada a city in country z. Just then, a baby's cry was heard .

Mr.Robert Khan the father of the baby headed to the labour ward to meet his child.

Mr. Robert is about 7 feet tall with a brown silky hair. His skin glittered as if it were gold. His eyes had fire sparking in them giving him a firery aura.

As he approached the labour ward he was welcomed by the scent of fresh blood. Due to his supernatural abilities than normal humans. After all he was in the eighth stage of the dragon lord preparing to breakthrough the next realm ( Dragon Overlord ).


In this era of human race, humans has started gaining abilities due a meteor which fell on earth, destroying and reconstructing earth again.

Demons and beasts of all kinds popping out of nowhere leading to the first world war between demons, Dalkis, vampires, Dijins and humans.

But after so many years of fighting, All sides suffered huge casualties. Therefore they decided to stop the war and coexist peacefully. This led to the rise of 5 factions. Demons faction, Dalkis Faction, Dijins Faction, Vampires Faction, and Humans Faction.

But as time went on humans and their enemies grew stronger at an alarming rate, each wanting to conquer the other.

Therefore the gods in the heaven realm Place a seal on earth. Those who were able to break the seal ascended into upper worlds.

There are 10 realms before ones ascension. These are;

1. The Origin Realm

2. The Origin Realm Expert

3. The Spirit Realm Cultivation.

4. The Profound Realm.

5. The Profound Realm Expert

6. The Magic Realm

7. Dragon Slayer

8. Dragon lord

9. Dragon Overlord

10. Peak of world stage.


When Mr. Robert entered the room, he glimpsed at his wife with a smile and turned his gaze to the little figure in her arms. He said with joy

" well done Berney".

It was a boy just as he expected. He had a silver coloured hair unlike Robert.It was as fine as silk. His eyes Had an icy flame gleaming in them unlike Robert's whose own sparkled fire.

After examining the baby for a while, Robert looked at his wife and said to her

" we shall name him ALVA WHITE " .


After a couple of hours. They were finally discharged. They lived in a beautiful green villa in the centre of city Mamosta in country Z. The city contained a population of about 24 million covering a large surface.

When they got home, they were welcomed by sweet aroma of smoked sausages, kebabs, gizards and many more. There was a party on going in the house to receive baby Alva. At the party, Alva was gifted three precious things from both grandfathers, Leo khan and Lothet Golden.

Leo gave Alva a Diamond ring and a silver coloured wristband made from the strongest element ore available on earth.

Lothet also gave Alva a white book with no inscription on it.This peeked the interest of the people at the party. The book was sealed and hadn't been opened before. Coincidentally, it conformed with Alva's hair perfectly as it was there for him.

Gradually the party came to an end and everyone departed to their various homes.

By now, Alva was already asleep. The couple spent about half of the night admiring Alva and setting up plans for him to become strong. Finally they also sunk into their dreams and quietness envloped the neighborhood.

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