
White Abyss

One day, the world is engulfed in a white mist. No one knows how or why it happened, all they know is that if they enter the abyss, they will die. This follows the stories of those who attempt to survive against the abyss.

Hiritoro · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Land of Betrayal

"I was just-"

"Enough. Just help me fix the boiler, we'll die from the cold if we can't turn up the heat" Miya coughed with a raspy voice. She sounded sophisticated and even with her raspy voice, she sounded sweet, kind and caring.

"Fine, fine. Just let me do it, don't need you getting in the way" Jack lightly chucked before his footsteps could be heard, slowly becoming more distant as he descended down the stairs.

"You still ill, Luke?" Miya asked politely in a slightly worried tone.

"Yeah, but it'll pass over soon. Give me a couple of days" I replied with a quiet laugh. We were all with our own problems. Even while I may be out of it physically, which caused the others to worry, I can tell that it is nowhere near as bad as we all are mentally. Hidden beneath our laughs, we are all fighting our own battles inside our head. If we lose, we could become monsters. After all, human instinct will always be to survive, it's never included the care for others, that's just something we humans came up with ourselves.

"Well, if you need anything, tell us" an image of her smiling appeared in my head, influenced by the tone of her voice before she soon disappeared down the stairs.

Looks like I'm alone again. Since I've got time to think, I should come up with something to do. There's got to be a way out of this, some way that we can survive. While thinking with utmost concentration, so focused that even death couldn't wake me, something appeared in my mind. What will happen to us after this whole thing. Will we just die or...? What happens when we die? Will I just be dissolved by the universe or will I just be reborn and join back into the life cycle without my memories? But without my memories, is it really me? I could have lived a thousand other lives, all completely different yet never know. Will I ever...find peace?

I looked around the room. It was messy, dirt everywhere; it hadn't been cleaned in a fortnight. There were two windows, both allowed me to see the blinding white mist that had stolen the outside world. I'd lived in this house for a few years with Jack and Miya, we had moved into this place and split the cost so we could all live easier. Everyday was like a party, even with the strange nothingness that capture our world in it's abyss, we had so much fun. Looking at my room, I laughed. My black, wooden desk was covered in all sorts of different items; my computer desk was rather clean but the walls behind it were covered in different words or theories of how to be more efficient; my darts board was covered in holes from how I'd vented my frustration; there a lot of things that either Jack or Miya had given me during our time living together.

"If I die, I suppose either way I'll be forgetting these. The abyss, my life, Jack and Miya, everything. It's quite sad really. To think it'd end up like this" I muttered as my thoughts spiralled aloud. In other places, people will have probably killed one another, either out of fear or perhaps, thinking that it is all a dream, attempting to end everything by killing each other. I mean, I've heard the voices. Constantly calling out in my mind "Let me out. Die. Die. Kill. If I just kill them, maybe I'll survive. Right, right. If Kill them, I'll be able to last longer" all of them spurred by my instinct as a human. Maybe I should, morals are just simple stupidity formed by humans to relay order. If morals were true, then killing animals would be immoral. In such a situation, it's okay to kill others, right? No. No. No. No. I can't kill them. They are my friends. But 'friend' is just a term created by humans, nothing is set in stone, I have to kill them before they kill me. No, they would never kill me, we're frien-. It's all in my head.

Trust. You can't put faith in it, especially in a situation like this. Impossible. Irrational. Completely stupid. Trusting a family member would be stupid at this point. After all, family is just another thing made up by humans. No one will take such a stupid thing like family seriously when it's life or death. It's all about human instinct. Yet, I know I can trust my friends because, they would never betray me.

Ah. My stomach feels bad now, must be this cold. To think it would last this long. They're supposed to fade after a few days but it's already been five. I really want to help the others but it appears I won't be able t-.

An excruciating pain revolved in my stomach like it was twisting uncontrollably while my neck felt it was being strangled. Gasping for air, I try to look around for something to stop it. To my side, I spot a glass of water, but it was practically empty. My eyes burned and burned with my throat while the pain got more and more excruciating. The food. Looking at the chicken I had been digging into, I see a green liquid flow out. T-that's disinfectant. They poisoned me. But why? We're friends, right? How could they do this? Are they working together? Was this their plan all alo-

"Aghhhhhhhh" I yelled but my voice was too broken by the pain in my throat to resound. Even if I survive, they'll just finish me off. I have to...the window. I'll just jump out of the window. While the insides of my stomach burned, I forced open the window, allowing it to freely enter my room and devour me. Not a moment later, my body was engulfed by the white fog and I fell to the ground, disappearing in the white abyss.