
Whistle of Chaos

At the end of the Earth's destruction in 2368, researchers who managed to create a spaceship and artificial intelligence called Defender, set out on a journey to find a new habitable planet. Then managed to find a planet that has a very large photon power, namely Planet Veda. In order to create peace, the Defenders and Veda formed a space fleet, namely Whistle. To protect Whistle from the attacks of dark creatures named Vedarios and Dolls, Veda creates special artificial intelligence called Returners namely Sachi and Navile. Their mission is to protect the Defender, Whistle, as well as the power of the Vedas. Together with the other Defenders, they began to explore space to find other planets. However, repeated attacks from a group of dark creatures called Dolls and Zero's organization put the Whistle Fleet at risk. Can Naville and Sachi protect them all?

Tieria_Liu · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 19

The look of excitement on Navile's face when he told himself that he could do what Neil did only lasted a few minutes. Now all that is left is an expressionless face. Even if you look closely, there are lines of disappointment on his face.

Although Navile was confident that he could do as Neil had shown him if he tried it himself, it had been dozens of minutes since he started, and none of his attempts were successful.

Instead of forming a weapon that could be used to fight, the purple-colored aura that covered his body twitched irregularly. Navile finally gave up and threw his body into the recovery pool harshly. Making the water that was mixed with photon energy splash out of the pool, it hit Neil who was smiling as if he was innocent.

"I give up!" grumbled Navile while sighing harshly. It was obvious on his face that he was bored and frustrated.

"Well... this is your first time trying anyway. So don't push too hard. You'll be able to do it in a moment of desperate. need. Usually everyone will bring out all their abilities at such times, right?"


" Let it go, don't be so sad. I'll make you a tasty cake later so that your upset will go away."

"What am I, a kid?"

"It's not just kids whose mood gets better after eating sweets, right?"

"Well, it's up to you, Uncle. But I can't take any longer, me and Sachi have to see how the Defender examination progresses."

"That's right, huh. I forgot because I was in this place for so long. How long have we been here?"

"I don't know, I didn't bring Whistle Device. You usually have a time indicator on your head, don't you?"

"Am I a walking clock?" asked Neil with a burst of laughs.

Navile really didn't understand Neil's cheerful personality. But he couldn't make any complaints or ask Neil to change it either. For him, Neil's attitude like this sometimes helped to loosen the tension in his mind.

"Come on Uncle, it's not good to take too long to bathe. You'll get stretchy and become stronger," Navile said half-jokingly. A smile almost spread across his normally flat face. However, before the smile could form, Navile's mood changed drastically as he heard Sachi's voice echoing in his mind.

"You took so long. What have you been doing with Uncle? Hurry up, Veda is in danger!"

Without thinking twice or thrice, as soon as he heard that Veda was in danger Navile jumped out of the recovery pool without his top on. Taking quick steps, it looked like he was teleporting. Neil, who didn't know anything, was left alone in the recovery pool.

As his legs ran fast, his heart also beat faster, and cold sweat began to flow from his body. Likewise, the brainwaves were getting more and more intense. The unbearable worry made his entire body respond even before Navile had fully processed the information he got from Sachi through telepathy.

"Hey... Navile! What's wrong? Aren't you going to get some clothes on first?" Neil shouted.

His signature raspy but alluring voice echoed through the basement. Even so, Navile did not answer, not even a slight turn of his head. It was as if his soul no longer existed in this place.

Seeing Navile suddenly run away like he had seen a ghost, Neil became confused and bemused at the same time. He didn't know why Navile was like that and could only shake his head and cluck.

"What a young boy, suddenly running away without a word. Well, he said he wanted to hurry anyway. But don't leave your old uncle behind," Neil said as he got out of the recovery pool. He also got out of the recovery pool, grabbed some clothes and put them on immediately. Then walked leisurely to the stairs connecting the basement and ground floor of his cake shop.

"What's wrong? She's not in a trance, is she?" he said curiously. Still haven't gotten a clue about Navile's strange actions.

Without looking back, Navile ran as fast as he could towards the stairs that led up to the ground floor of Kyoritsi Cake Shop. Honestly, he heard Neil's voice, but his body responded to it as something outside of his priorities. So he simply ignored it and only focused on his goal, which was the stairs to the ground floor of the Kyoritsi Pastry Shop. Then immediately headed to where Veda might go.

"I've been playing around for too long, so my guard is down. I guess I'm not allowed to smile, huh?" he muttered to himself.

Once he arrived in front of the stairs, he grabbed the metal banister, and without taking a deep breath or preparing anything, Navile kicked the floor with force, making his body flash as fast as if he was using his teleportation ability. The metal stairs, which were tens of meters high, were taken up in a matter of minutes.

As soon as he reached the end of the stairs, with a rough movement he opened the door to the basement that connected to the ground floor of Kyoritsi's pastry shop. Then searched for Sachi in a state of panic. Until he finally realized that he was still wearing wet bottoms without a top.

"Sachi!" he called out with bated breath. In his haste he darted to the ground floor until his lungs burned. He paused for a few seconds and caught his choked breath. He had even forgotten that he could communicate with Sachi through his brainwaves.

While bending down and catching his breath, he tried to completely concentrate and call Sachi through telepathy.

"Sachi! What did you just say? Veda is in danger?"

It didn't take long until he got a response from Sachi. The girl's voice instantly rang out in his head.

"You should see it on the television, Navile."

" What? Why on TV, you can just tell me the details," Navile retorted. He hated to waste time, especially at this crucial time. And for some reason, the worry that Navile had felt from Sachi's voice had disappeared without a trace. As if nothing bad had happened.

Nevertheless, Navile followed Sachi's wishes. With no less speed, he ran down the narrow corridor, heading for his room. Opening the door roughly, he grabbed the remote control and turned on the television that was hanging on the ceiling.

Once he found the news that Sachi was referring to, he subconsciously threw the remote and ran again without paying attention to his appearance.

"What's all this about, Sachi?"