

Hi! Welcome. Thanks for choosing to read this novel. I hope you enjoy. This novel might seem confusing for the first 10-20 chapters, but please bear with me, but no worries ; ) I'll gladly answer any of your questions at the comment section. So here are some of the main characters; ML: His name is Damon. 17 years old and currently in his final years of high school. You might be thinking, ' how does he look like? ' He's tall, approximately 178cm, dark curly, long hair and brows, long eyelashes and a not-so-manly build. He's roughly above average in terms of handsomeness. Mrs Giovanni: Damon's mother. A widow, but has an intention of remarrying and does well in catering for the family. Mr Adams: A business man with an anonymous background. A widower with two kids, and has an intention to remarry. Tristan: 17 years old, and a very-good friend of Damon. Loves reading and inventing new things. [ authors note: err... he's kinda a nerd ] Abigail: Our ML one and only high school crush. Dosen't give him any face tho. A disastrous-level beauty. The school goddess. A daughter to the most successful entrepreneur in New York city, Mr Humphrey. Kayla: A random school girl. 14 years old. Our ML one but not only stalker. Loves superstition and uses any available chance to discuss it with our ML, a superstition hater! Hannah: A girl with a mysterious identity. No surname. Always quiet and seats at the back in class. A newbie, and suddenly has an interest in our ML. ... That's all for now guys! keep reading to find out more characters. Enjoy!!

Ede_Gaius · Horror
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

A grand entrance

'' Beep beep beep! ''

The continuous sound from the alarm clock kept interfering with Damon's sleep which he found pretty annoying.

'' Damn it! shut the f**k up! '' Damon hit the alarm frustratingly hoping to silent it but...

'' Shit! '' Damon yelled getting up from the bed holding his swollen hand with an almost teary eyes.

Yeah, that's how it has been for the lazy scholar every morning.

Annoyed by his alarm clock,

Hits it frustratingly,

Alarm clock remains in its position,

His hand get swollen from the impact.

Grudgingly, Damon gets up from bed to get ready for school.

' I need to look cool today so Abigail won't be able to get her eyes off me ' He thought while purposely undoing his first 4 buttons, and placing his tie on his trouser pocket.

' Damn! I look ravishing ' he smiled in contentment while carrying his backpack.

He left heading for the stairs and caught a glimpse of his mom setting the dinning table.

'' Morning mom '' he greeted pecking his mom on the head.

'' Morning sweetie. Hope you slept well? '' His mom smiled.

'' Err... yeah I did. Mnnn... smells delicious. '' Damon said awkwardly while sitting and getting a piece of bacon for himself.

'' Damon, how many times have I told you that you should wash your hands before meal? how dirty can you be? do you know the amount of germs your hand contains? '' Mrs Giovanni scolded her son when she saw him eating the bacon from his hand.

'' Oops... that wasn't intentional. In fact, mom, I'm late for school. I should get going. Bye, love you! '' Damon rushed while stuffing the remaining bacon in his mouth and using a tissue to clean his hand.

'' Sigh... at least button your shirt and wear a t... Sigh. And... he's gone. '' Mrs Giovanni ate and cleared the dishes while preparing for work.


At Townsend Harris High school,

'' VROOM!! '' A super loud sound accompanied with gusts of wind was heard and startled most students.

' Who the hell is that?! '

' Damn! my skirt! '

' Humph! such a reckless driver '

Different comments were heard coming from the students at the 'grand entrance' of a particular student.

The student parked his bike, removed his helmet, arranged his curly hair, and dusts his clothes.

He strolled through the main entrance, holding his backpack in one shoulder.

' Oh my! Its Damon! ' a student screamed.

' He's so handsome! '

' Gosh! Look at the hair! his eyes! '

Different remark from the female students were heard directed to Damon, but he pretended they were just breeze. Only her was worthy of his attention.

'' Damn! Such a nice grand entrance that was!'' Tristan came hugging Damon's shoulder.

'' Oh my! did you eat so much bean and vegetables during the weekend? how have you grown so tall? '' Damon gasped seeing that his friend was suddenly tall enough to hug his shoulder.

'' Jeeeeeez! that hurts '' Tristan whined.

'' Yeah? it hurts me more! how dare you grow tall enough in just two days? are you seriously a kun? '' Damon complained and Tristan rolled his eyes.

'' That's enough. Let's get going to class! ''

'' Aye Aye! Nerd. ''