
Whispers of the Mystic Gate

In a secluded village nestled by the mountains, young Eli Mason dreams of a life beyond the confines of his small world. Known for his intelligence and determination, Eli's life takes an unexpected turn when his influential Uncle Thomas arrives, offering him a chance to join the prestigious Mystic Gate, a renowned martial arts sect. This opportunity promises not only a path to greatness but also a way to lift his family out of poverty. Eli embarks on a rigorous journey of training and self-discovery at the Mystic Gate, where he meets Zack, a fellow disciple, and the enigmatic Doctor Mo. Under Doctor Mo's stern guidance, Eli and Zack learn the secrets of an ancient mantra, pushing their bodies and minds to the limit. Their friendship grows stronger as they face grueling challenges, from mastering complex martial techniques to unraveling the mysteries of the sect. As Eli delves deeper into his training, he discovers an ancient stone tablet with cryptic symbols, hinting at secrets buried within the Mystic Gate's history. Driven by curiosity and a growing sense of purpose, Eli is determined to uncover the truths that lie hidden. Meanwhile, Zack grapples with the physically demanding Elephant Armor Technique, showcasing unwavering resilience and inspiring Eli to push through his own trials. The duo's journey is fraught with danger and intrigue, from internal sect politics to external threats from rival factions. Eli and Zack must navigate these treacherous waters, relying on their newfound skills and unbreakable bond. Together, they uncover dark secrets, face formidable adversaries, and strive to unlock their full potential. "The Chronicles of Mystic Gate" is a tale of perseverance, friendship, and the relentless pursuit of one's destiny. It blends intense martial arts action with deep emotional arcs, appealing to readers who crave both adventure and heartfelt storytelling. Join Eli and Zack as they transform from humble villagers into masters of the Mystic Gate, ready to face whatever challenges the world throws at them.

Joel_Blyden · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: The Tale of Lucas (Part 1)

Chapter Seventeen: The Tale of Lucas (Part 1)


Between the two fighters, the clash of sword and blade created a dazzling display of sparks and swift movements. The weapons danced in mid-air, becoming two swirling masses of light that collided repeatedly, neither gaining the upper hand.


Eli Mason watched for a while, unable to discern who was superior. To him, it was simply an exciting spectacle, though he couldn't tell which moves were brilliant and which were blunders. As for determining who was more skilled, that was beyond his understanding as an outsider.


"Brother Mason, under which master have you been training? Coming out of seclusion, you must have made significant progress," Finn, unable to contain his curiosity, respectfully inquired about Eli Mason's mentor.


In the Mystic Gate, every inner disciple generally underwent two years of foundational training in the Hundred Refinements Hall. Afterward, they were assigned to senior masters to learn advanced martial arts, assuming specific roles within the sect once they completed their apprenticeship.


Of course, this was the typical process for most disciples. However, those who performed exceptionally well in the entrance tests could bypass the foundational training and enter the Seven Absolutes Hall directly, potentially becoming personal disciples of the sect leaders and learning the sect's ultimate techniques—a leap to greatness.


During the two years of foundational training, those who stood out could also catch the attention of elders, hall masters, or esteemed figures and become personal disciples. Although their future might not be as promising as that of the sect leaders' disciples, they still enjoyed more privileges and responsibilities than ordinary disciples.


Upon hearing that Eli Mason had just emerged from seclusion and considering that he had never seen him before, Finn naturally assumed Eli was the disciple of a prominent figure within the sect. Thus, he respectfully inquired, hoping to establish a connection.


"A few years ago, I caught the attention of an esteemed elder and became his disciple. As for which elder, it wouldn't be appropriate to mention his name," Eli Mason replied, understanding Finn's intentions. He put on a shy expression, but his words carried a hint of pride.


"Really? Brother Mason, you're quite fortunate. Your future within the sect must be bright. I hope, if there's a chance, you'll look out for your younger brother," Finn responded, noting Eli's reluctance to reveal his master's name. He didn't mind, knowing that any elder was far superior to his own master, and his tone immediately changed.


"Brother Mason is clearly destined for greatness. Your future is undoubtedly bright," he continued to flatter Eli.


"Incredible," Finn thought to himself. "This dark, unassuming guy managed to become an elder's disciple. Why hasn't any prominent figure taken an interest in someone clever like me?" Despite his thoughts, his expression remained even more respectful.


Eli Mason found Finn's sudden change amusing. From addressing him as "Brother Mason" to "Brother Eli," he noted the shift in tone. However, Eli bore no ill will. He understood that currying favor was a natural instinct, as everyone sought to live better and climb higher. Finn's name itself suggested he was a meticulous and calculating individual.


Yet, Finn would be disappointed to learn that Eli's status as an elder's disciple was nominal at best. Any random disciple in the Mystic Gate could easily best him. If Finn thought Eli was a tree worth leaning on, he had definitely picked the wrong one.


As Finn continued to flatter him, Eli pretended to listen nonchalantly, occasionally responding to keep up appearances.


"Brother Eli, with your skills, if you entered the arena, you'd undoubtedly defeat that swordsman," Finn said, continuing his praise while discreetly observing Eli.


"Strange," Finn mused. "An elder's disciple should have profound internal strength, yet I can't gauge his depth. His temples don't bulge, and his eyes lack the usual gleam. He seems like someone who hasn't practiced martial arts at all." The more he observed, the more puzzled he became.


"The match is over," Eli's casual remark snapped Finn out of his thoughts.


Startled, Finn quickly turned his attention back to the arena.


Indeed, the swordsman had disarmed his opponent, who clutched his bleeding arm, his face pale and angry. Though defeated, he did not appear to accept the loss gracefully. It was understandable, given their closely matched skills. A single mistake had cost him the match.


Finn watched with a regretful expression, repeatedly muttering, "What a pity."


"What happened? What's so regrettable?" Eli, having failed to grasp the intricacies of the match, decided to ask Finn, his ready commentator.


"If Big Wang's side had won this match, they would have won three out of five, making the final match unnecessary. Unfortunately, they didn't win," Finn explained.


"I see."


"But it's alright. Now it's down to the final match. Big Wang's representative is the best among us juniors, with a Thunderbolt Blade technique that can shatter stone and cut metal. Seeing Lucas's technique alone is worth coming here. No matter who Zhang sends, we're sure to win," Finn's initial dejection turned into excitement, clearly confident in Lucas's skills.


"Already at the final match? Who is this Brother Lucas?" Eli wondered.


At that moment, a cold-faced youth emerged from Big Wang's side, holding a gleaming long blade. He walked to the center of the arena, closed his eyes, and remained silent.


"Lucas! Lucas! Lucas!" the crowd chanted in unison, excitement radiating from their faces. Their cheers shook the entire arena, making it impossible to distinguish between rich and poor disciples—all united in their support for the young warrior.


Eli watched the cold-faced youth with interest. His demeanor and the crowd's reaction suggested he was no ordinary disciple. Eli couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Who was this Lucas, and what made him so special?


Finn noticed Eli's curiosity and began to explain, "Lucas joined the sect four years ago, not long after you went into seclusion. He didn't pass the entrance test right away and became a named disciple. But within six months, he topped all the tests and broke records by surviving thirty moves against senior disciples. This caught the attention of the higher-ups. Despite his average talent and limited potential, his determination earned him respect. He eventually became a personal disciple of an ordinary protector."


Eli listened intently, fascinated by Lucas's journey. Finn continued, "Lucas didn't stay ordinary for long. Using just the Wind-Thunder Blade Technique, he ranked in the top sixteen in the next junior competition, the only new disciple to do so. His consistent performance in subsequent contests made him a standout. Last year, he placed third, outshining even disciples who had been training for over a decade."


Finn's eyes gleamed with admiration as he spoke. "His achievements earned him the nickname 'Lucas the Fierce.' He's been involved in numerous missions outside the sect, gaining fame and respect. Now, he's expected to enter the Seven Absolutes Hall to learn advanced techniques."


Eli felt a surge of respect for Lucas. Starting from a humble position and rising through sheer determination was truly inspiring.


As the crowd's chants grew louder, the tension in the arena escalated. Everyone awaited the final match with bated breath.


From the opposing side, a burly disciple stepped forward, wielding a large, serrated sword. He locked eyes with Lucas, his expression one of fierce determination.


The match began with a flurry of movements. Lucas's blade moved like a striking serpent, swift and lethal. His opponent struggled to keep up, blocking each strike with visible effort. The crowd watched in awe as Lucas displayed his mastery of the Thunderbolt Blade Technique, each move executed with precision and power.


Despite his opponent's size and strength, Lucas's agility and skill kept him on the offensive. The burly disciple swung his sword in wide arcs, but Lucas evaded effortlessly, countering with lightning-fast strikes.


Eli found himself on the edge of his seat, captivated by the match. The contrast between Lucas's fluid movements and his opponent's brute force created a thrilling spectacle.


In a decisive move, Lucas disarmed his opponent, sending the serrated sword flying across the arena. With a final flourish, he brought his blade to his opponent's throat, signaling his victory.


The crowd erupted in cheers, chanting Lucas's name louder than ever. Eli joined in, feeling a newfound admiration for his fellow disciple.


Lucas sheathed his blade and acknowledged the crowd with a modest nod. Despite his impressive victory, he maintained a calm and composed demeanor.


As the excitement in the arena subsided, Eli couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Lucas than met the eye. The way he carried himself, the respect he commanded—it all hinted at a deeper story.


Later that evening, Eli sought out Lucas. He found him near a secluded stream, the moon casting a silvery glow on the water. Lucas seemed lost in thought, his usual stoic expression softened by the tranquility of the night.


"Brother Lucas," Eli called softly, approaching him.


Lucas turned, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Eli Mason. What brings you here?"


"I wanted to congratulate you on your victory. Your skills are truly impressive," Eli said sincerely.


Lucas nodded, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Thank you, Eli. But victories come at a cost."


Eli frowned, sensing the weight in Lucas's words. "What do you mean?"


Lucas sighed, looking out over the stream. "Every battle, every mission—it takes something from you. You gain respect, but you lose a part of yourself. The higher you rise, the lonelier it gets."


Eli felt a pang of empathy.


 "Is there anything I can do to help?"


Lucas shook his head. "We all have our burdens to bear. Just focus on your own path, Eli. Learn from the battles, but don't lose yourself in them."


Eli nodded, understanding the wisdom in Lucas's words. He knew that his journey was just beginning, and there was much to learn. But he also felt a connection to Lucas, a shared understanding of the challenges they faced.


As they stood by the stream, the night air filled with the sounds of the forest, Eli made a silent promise to himself. He would honor Lucas's advice and strive to become a worthy disciple of the Mystic Gate.


With that resolve, Eli felt a sense of calm wash over him. He knew that whatever lay ahead, he would face it with courage and determination. And with allies like Lucas by his side, he was ready for whatever challenges the future held.