
Whispers of the midnight

In a world plagued by a deep-seated enmity between humans and night creatures, the struggle for dominance extends throughout the ages. Among the three lands of Wolfburg, Alstla, Cepheus, and Persia, Cepheus is renowned for its formidable population of night creatures and a few daylight creations, while Alstla is strictly inhabited by the day creatures. Persia, on the other hand, serves as a neutral ground, offering solace to all creatures willing to submit to the ruler's authority. The tension between Cepheus and Alstla has long been a source of instability, with its repercussions reaching even the highest echelons of the council. It is in this bleak scenario that a solution is born - an alliance, forged by a marriage between Cepheus and Alstla. Laurel, however, becomes a thorn in the side of the Duke of Alstla and his family. Conceived through the despicable act of the Duke's drunken assault on a young maid, she enters the world burdened by the circumstances of her birth - not a product of love, but of violence. Since her earliest days, her half-sisters have harbored a deep resentment towards her, constantly reminding her of her humble origins. Their hearts yearn to rid themselves of Laurel's presence, but fate takes a curious turn, and an opportunity presents itself. Laurel Pathrick is chosen to be the bride of Leandro, the infamous younger brother of Lord Alfred, also known as the Devil's Son. This choice not only alters the course of Laurel's life but also sets into motion a series of events that will have far-reaching repercussions on the precarious balance between humans and night creatures. Pain, struggle, and the search for belonging intertwine in this tale of forbidden love and political intrigue. As Laurel embarks on her journey into the heart of darkness, her resilience and determination will be tested, and the fate of the fragile alliance between Cepheus and Alstla hangs in the balance. With a touch of the mystical and a sprinkle of mystery, this engrossing narrative invites us to explore the depths of both the human and night creature realms, revealing the complexities of their entangled existence and the hope that love and compassion may transcend the barriers of fear and loathing. vu

Chikamso_Patience · History
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16 Chs

Chapter 5: unexpected

Laurel, who resided on the fourth floor all alone, constantly had to make her way up to the top floor to enjoy a meal with her dear relatives. This required ascending a whopping one hundred and twenty stairs, thirty for each floor. However, unlike the lackadaisical daughters of the Duke, Laurel had grown accustomed to this routine and hardly felt the strain of climbing those stairs.


Molly opened the dining room door for Laurel, who elegantly strolled in with a polite smile. She curtsied and greeted, "Good evening, Father and Duchess." Having been raised by her mother, Laurel had never intended to refer to the Duchess as 'mother', even after her mother's disappearance. Laurel never saw the need to address her as 'mother' in public. The Duchess initially believed Laurel was mocking her and punished her severely. However, Laurel remained unaffected and continued to address her as Duchess.


The Duke graciously acknowledged Laurel's warm greeting with a nod, his gestures conveying politeness and acknowledgement. On the other hand, the Duchess, in her own peculiar way, chose to ignore Laurel's very presence, as if she were invisible. Yet, this deliberate disregard had no effect on Laurel, who, undeterred, found a spot to sit far removed from the illustrious family.


At that moment, the Duke's firstborn daughter, Kathryn, arrived for a visit, her bulging baby bump evident for all to see. With a grace befitting a future grandmother, the Duchess positioned herself near Kathryn, their physical proximity suggesting a deep mother-daughter bond. It was a tender and poignant moment, for this would mark the Duchess's foray into the world of grandmotherhood, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her first grandchild through Kathryn,She chose to sit closer to her mother, the Duchess, who effortlessly included various vegetables in her meals. As Kathryn was expecting her first child, the Duchess was particularly attentive, making sure to always extend invitations to the grand mansion and ensure that her daughter followed a nourishing diet for the baby's well-being.



"do you know where Maggie is?" Herbert asked, sitting to his father's right. Meanwhile, the Duchess sat on the other side.


The esteemed butler, who stood resolute by the ornate entrance, gracefully lowered himself with all the elegance befitting a servant of his caliber. His response, delivered with the utmost deference, resounded through the lavishly adorned halls. "Lady Maggie has declined the invitation to occupy the identical table as Lady Laurel, following their spirited disagreement earlier today."


All eyes at the table snapped towards Laurel, their gazes icy and unforgiving. As the youngest legitimate child of the Duke, Maggie had grown up in a world of privilege and constant coddling. Her every whim was indulged, and her desires were always met with approval. Even when she set her sights on the viscount's only son and requested a marriage between them, everyone readily agreed. However, to their surprise, just a few weeks after the engagement, Maggie's affections shifted back to her childhood sweetheart. Now that word had spread of her unhappiness and the blame was being placed on the illegitimate daughter, the desire to tear Laurel apart consumed them all.


"What exactly did you say to her?" Herbert brazenly interrogated, his eyes glaring intensely at the woman who claimed to be his so-called half-sister. Evidently frustrated, his voice carried a deep hint if anger .


Laurel, who astonishingly had a mouthful of delicious sustenance, carelessly neglected to divert her gaze towards him, and instead had the audacity to leisurely chew her food. This mundane act of negligence proved to be the proverbial last straw for poor Herbert, whose escalating frustration manifested itself in a resounding bang of his hand landing upon the table's surface with enough force to send the plates rattling. Uttering his subsequent inquiry through gritted teeth and a considerably more severe tone, Herbert, fully aware of the unsettling predicament, couldn't help but again demand justice, demanding, "What exactly did you say to Maggie?"


Laurel, who had gracefully devoured the food in her mouth, elegantly grasped her glass of water and tranquilly sipped it before lifting her gaze with an icy stare. Serenely, she responded, "I was savoring the gentle garden breeze this noon, when sister Maggie, consumed by fury, approached me unyieldingly. Perplexed, I couldn't fathom the root of her wrath, yet soon I discovered it revolved around the fact that Mr. Carlos had extended a gracious invitation for afternoon tea, a gracious invitation that I graciously accepted."


Of course, in this moment of understanding, they were all well aware that Laurel had purposefully chosen to honor the invite to the tea ceremony, solely with the intention of ruffling Maggie's feathers. " why did you honor the request " The Duchess, her face contorted into a displeased expression, posed a direct question to Laurel, her lips forming a tight, formidable line, as she stared at her with an unmistakable coldness in her eyes. Laurel, on the other hand, calmly stood her ground, not allowing herself to be swayed or disarmed by the Duchess's piercing gaze. It was a standoff, a silent battle of wills, where each woman's determination and resilience clashed.


"Duchess, it seems you're implying that I have made an error. However, I am an unmarried individual, and Mr. Carlos is also single. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that Duchess has been diligently working to find a suitable match for me."Laurel's response came across as frigid, yet maintained a level of politeness and composure."


"You are a deceptive individual, your penchant for dishonesty is unrivaled. It is evident that the sole reason behind your lofty tributes to tea was your awareness of Maggie's fondness for Carlos, and your despicable intention to instill sorrow within her," Herbert vociferated, his imposing figure towering over Laurel as he fixed her with a disdainful stare.



Laurel saw no necessity to exhibit politeness or even refute the allegation. "So what if my dear sister, Maggie, finds herself betrothed to the offspring of a viscount? In just a matter of mere months, they shall enter into the bonds of matrimony. Why should it concern me in the slightest if she happens to be experiencing melancholy in her heart? No matter how desperately you endeavor to weave a web of deceit, I am well aware that Maggie, in an ill-advised attempt to ensnare Mr. Carlos's affection, has resorted to offering her physical intimacy. Not only has she thus tarnished her own reputation, effectively rendering it naught, but she has also besmirched the name of our distinguished father,who could be accused of neglecting to properly guide his children ....."



Before Laurel could even comprehend what was happening, Herbert, fueled by a tempestuous surge of rage, impulsively launched a gleaming silver blade in her direction. However, thanks to her lightning-fast reflexes and unwavering presence of mind, Laurel skillfully evaded the deadly projectile, narrowly avoiding a fate that would have tainted her visage forever. Though her quick thinking saved her from meeting a far more sinister end, the frenzied knife grazed her delicate face just enough to leave behind a minor, yet perceptible scar.



," the enraged Duke bellowed with untamed fury, his booming voice reverberating across the opulent dining hall. For what felt like an eternity, the Duke had been silently engrossed in his meal, attempting to savor every delectable bite in a futile effort to distance himself from the escalating tension. Yet, he couldn't evade the overwhelming presence of discord that loomed over the table. In a valiant attempt to preserve his own serenity, the Duke had chosen to amuse himself by indulging in the culinary delights that adorned his plate, hoping that the simple act of consuming food could provide solace in the midst of turmoil.


Alas, this internal coping mechanism ultimately failed, as Herbert's reckless actions snapped the Duke back to reality. The audacious act of flinging a knife through the air, with apparent disregard for the consequences, shattered the fragile peace that the Duke had fiercely clung to. His tumultuous thoughts surged forth, destabilizing the calm facade he had maintained amidst the brewing storm.


"Wow, I'm amazed at your audacity and disregard for anyone else, you don't have the authority to confront Laurel in this situation,"The Duke, with a mixture of audaciousness and recklessness, uttered a statement that left everyone in an unprecedented state of astonishment. No one, not even in their wildest imaginations, could have fathomed that the Duke would come to a defense Laurel. His unexpected support for her sent shockwaves throughout the room, causing Even Laurel, who had always been correct in her previous actions, couldn't help but give him a bewildered glance. Throughout her life, her father had never defended her; he only chastised and punished her.


"But my dear lord," the Duchess began, her voice filled with a sense of injustice and hurt. However, much to her surprise, the Duke swiftly interrupted her, motioning for her to cease speaking by gently raising his hand.



"Maggie has been excessively indulged by all of you, to the point where she has resorted to using her body as a means to entice a man into marrying her. This behavior is completely unacceptable, and as punishment, she will be confined to the mansion until her wedding, which will now take place in a month," As the Duke's words echoed through the grand dining hall, an air of shock and dismay filled the room. The atmosphere was heavy with a mixture of disbelief and anger. It was inconceivable that sweet, innocent Maggie had fallen so far astray, resorting to such desperate measures in her quest for marriage.


The Duke, resolute in his decision, made it clear that Maggie's actions were unacceptable. In an act of severe retribution, he declared that she would be confined to the mansion until her wedding, now scheduled a whole month away. The gravity of the punishment weighed heavily on everyone present.


With his pronouncement hanging in the air, the Duke made his way toward the door, his footsteps echoing on the marble floor. Feeling eyes upon her, Laurel couldn't bear the thought of remaining in the room, surrounded by these judgmental gazes. Blood trickled down her face from an earlier altercation, yet her determination to escape the oppressive atmosphere overshadowed any pain.


With measured steps, she left the dining room, silently trailing behind her father.




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