
Whispers of the Eternity

Arachnea, a bright-eyed nineteen-year-old, leaves the comfort of her small town life to pursue her dreams in the historic city of Verona. As she steps into the ground of the majestic and beautiful city, she is unaware that her life is about to intertwine with beings as timeless as the city itself. The six vampires, each appearing not a day over twenty-nine, are brothers bound by blood and secrets. They are the guardians of ancient lore and the keepers of the night. Each brother is a different shade of the night. As Arachnea's world collides with theirs, she discovers that each brother offers her a different facet of love and a glimpse into the immortal world. From the passionate whirlwind with Zachary to the serene depths with Caleb, her heart is both a prize and a sanctuary for these immortal beings. But as ancient enemies emerge from the shadows, Arachnea and the Perry brothers must unite. Love becomes their greatest strength and their most vulnerable weakness. Together, they must navigate the treacherous waters of vampire politics, family feuds, and the haunting question of whether an eternal love can truly exist. *** Mary Joye. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Mary_Joye · Fantasy
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14 Chs

10. Dawn's Promise

Third Person's PoV

Three days had passed since the night of confessions and unspoken promises in the Perry brothers' castle. Arachnea found herself back in the familiar confines of her aunt's house, the memories of her time at the castle lingering like the scent of a distant perfume.

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the breakfast table where Arachnea and Aunt Mary sat in comfortable silence. The clinking of porcelain and the soft rustle of the morning paper were the only sounds that filled the room.

Aunt Mary looked up from her reading, her eyes meeting Arachnea's. "You've been quiet since we returned," she observed, her voice laced with concern. "Are you alright, dear?"

Arachnea offered a small smile, her thoughts drifting back to the enigmatic Austin. "I'm fine, Aunt Mary," she replied, her voice betraying a hint of the wistfulness that tugged at her heart. "Just... lost in thought, I suppose."

Her aunt nodded, understanding the unspoken words that hung in the air. "You know, Arachnea," she began, folding the paper and setting it aside, "this house has always been a place of refuge for us, me and my husband. But it's also a place for you, where you can dream and plan for the future."

Arachnea's gaze shifted to the window, where the world outside beckoned with its endless possibilities. "I know," she said softly. "And I have been dreaming, Aunt Mary. Of college, of new beginnings, and... of unexpected friendships."

The mention of friendships brought a curious twinkle to Aunt Mary's eye. "Anyone in particular?" she prodded gently, a knowing smile on her lips.

Arachnea blushed, the image of Austin's moonlit face flashing before her eyes. "Perhaps," she admitted, her heart skipping a beat at the memory.

Aunt Mary reached across the table, covering Arachnea's hand with her own. "Then hold on to those memories, child," she said warmly. "They are the light that will guide you through the darker days."

The conversation turned to the upcoming journey to Verona's academia, the preparations, and the excitement of a new chapter in Arachnea's life. But throughout it all, Arachnea's mind wandered back to the castle's gardens, to the secrets whispered in the night, and to the six brothers whom she felt something, a deep connection.

As the day wore on, Arachnea busied herself with packing and organizing her belongings for college. Each item she placed in her suitcase was a step closer to the future she had envisioned, a future that now seemed intertwined with the mysteries of the Perry brothers.

In the quiet of the early evening, as Arachnea sat in her room, a soft knock on the door broke her reverie. She opened it to find a courier, a letter in hand addressed to her in elegant script.

Her hands trembled as she doesn't recognized the handwriting, and she dismissed the courier with a polite nod before tearing open the envelope. Inside was a note from Austin, his words a balm to her restless spirit.

"Arachnea," it read, "as the stars return to the night sky, so too does my mind return to our conversations. I eagerly await the day when our paths cross again, under the auspices of academia or the quiet solitude of the gardens. Until then, know that you are not alone in your dreams."

The letter ended with a simple, yet profound signature, "Austin." Arachnea held it to her chest, a smile spreading across her face. The future was uncertain, the path ahead uncharted, but she felt a newfound courage stirring within her.

With Austin's words etched in her heart, Arachnea looked out the window at the starry sky, her resolve strengthened. She would face college and all its challenges with the same determination that had carried her through the gardens that night.

And somewhere, in the depths of the castle, Austin looked up at the same sky, his thoughts mirroring hers. The distance between them was but a mere whisper in the grand tapestry of their lives, a tapestry that they would weave together, one starlit thread at a time.

In the stillness of the night, Arachnea's heart raced with fear. Aunt Mary's condition had worsened, her breaths shallow and her fever high. She fell sick after the courier arrived and reading Austin's letter. The once comforting walls of their home now echoed with the sound of her aunt's labored breathing, a stark reminder of their isolation.

Arachnea reached for her phone, her fingers fumbling in haste, but the screen remained dark. The device, once a lifeline to the outside world, was now nothing more than a useless piece of glass and metal. She dialed her mother's number, the one she had been told to call in times of distress, but the call went unanswered, the ringing tone a cruel reminder of her helplessness.

With her anxiety mounting and her options dwindling, Arachnea turned to the last hope she could think of—the Perry brothers. She remembered her aunt's words about the hospital being miles away from their town, Verona, and the realization that conventional help was out of reach settled in with a heavy weight.

Taking a deep breath to steady her shaking hands, Arachnea penned a letter to the brothers, her words a mix of desperation and hope.

Dear Perry Brothers,

I am writing to you in a time of great need. My aunt, Mary, who has been a pillar of strength and love in my life, is gravely ill. Our town's hospital is too far, and I fear she will not withstand the journey. I have tried to reach my mother, but to no avail.

I do not know if you use smartphones or any modern means of communication, but I am sending this letter with all the hope left in my heart. Please, if you can hear my plea, help us.

With deepest regards,


She sealed the letter with a trembling hand and entrusted it to the night, sending it off with a courier who promised swift delivery.

The hours that followed were torturous. Arachnea sat by her aunt's bedside, whispering words of comfort, though she knew not whether they were heard.


As the first light of dawn crept through the curtains, a commotion at the front door jolted Arachnea from her weary vigil. She rushed to the entrance, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and hope. There, standing before her, was a group of men clad in the unmistakable regalia of the Perry brothers' household guard.

"Miss Arachnea," the leader, a stern yet kind-eyed man, began, "we've been sent by the princes at the behest of your letter. We are here to escort you and your aunt to the castle, where the princes have promised their aid."

Without hesitation, Arachnea led them to Aunt Mary's room, where they found her still and pale, yet holding onto life with a quiet tenacity. The men moved with efficiency, gently lifting her onto a stretcher with the utmost care.

As they made their way through the winding roads to the castle, Arachnea couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the swift response of the Perry brothers. The soldiers spoke little, but their presence was a comforting balm to her frayed nerves.

Upon arrival, the castle gates opened as if by magic, revealing the grandeur of the Perry family's ancestral home. The soldiers carried Aunt Mary through the opulent halls, their boots echoing against the marble floors, until they reached a room that had been prepared for her arrival.

It was a chamber fit for royalty, with silken sheets and an array of herbs and potions lining the shelves.

Arachnea stood in the midst of the chamber, her pajamas a stark contrast to the regal surroundings and the elegant attire of the six brothers who now entered the room. The Perry princes, known to all as 'Your Highness', approached with a composed urgency that seemed to command the very air around them.

Cole, the eldest, with a voice that resonated with authority, addressed her first. "Arachnea, we understand your distress. Please, tell us how we may assist you further."

Her voice trembled as she spoke, the panic clear in her eyes. "Your Highnesses, I… I cannot reach my uncle Seth, Aunt Mary's husband. He needs to know of her condition, but my attempts to contact him have failed. I fear he is unaware of the gravity of the situation."

Tears streamed down her cheeks, her sobs filling the room as the weight of her worries seemed to crash down upon her. Brian stepped forward, his demeanor gentle, a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Do not worry, Arachnea. We will ensure that your uncle is informed. Our resources are at your disposal."

Austin, whose connection with Arachnea had always been profound, knelt before her, his gaze soft and understanding. "We will take care of everything," he assured her. "Focus on your aunt; she needs your strength now."

Caleb, the keeper of the castle's vast knowledge, nodded in agreement. "We have ways to send messages that do not rely on modern technology. Your uncle will be notified posthaste."

Zachary and Xero, the youngest, moved to prepare a communication using their unique methods, their movements swift and decisive.

Arachnea paced the room, her agitation growing with every step. "Doctors," she insisted, her voice rising with urgency. "Uncle Seth is never home, he's always away on business. He can't help us. Aunt Mary needs medical attention, not just… not just messages!"

Cole raised a hand, signaling for calm. "Arachnea, we understand the need for medical expertise," he said in a soothing tone. "Rest assured, we have summoned the finest healers from across the lands. They are well-versed in both modern medicine and ancient remedies."

Brian added, his voice equally gentle, "Your uncle's presence is important for support, but we will ensure Aunt Mary receives the care she needs. Our castle is equipped with facilities that rival the best hospitals."

Austin stood and approached Arachnea, his presence a comforting force. "You are under our protection now," he reminded her. "We will not let harm befall your aunt."

Caleb spoke next, his voice a soft echo in the chamber. "Trust in our abilities, Arachnea. We have resources beyond the ordinary, and we will employ them all for your aunt's recovery."

Zachary and Xero returned to the room, their expressions serious yet reassuring. "Communication has been sent," Zachary confirmed. "And our healers are already preparing for Aunt Mary's treatment."

Arachnea, still clad in her simple pajamas amidst the brothers' regal finery, felt the tension ease from her shoulders. The soft assurances of the Perry princes enveloped her in a cocoon of safety. She realized that in this castle, where the lines between the old world and the new were blurred, Aunt Mary would receive the best of both.

With a deep breath, Arachnea allowed herself to be guided to a chair, the brothers' voices a lullaby of promises and comfort. As she sat, the reality of the situation settled in; she was not alone. The Perry brothers, with their timeless wisdom and boundless resources, were with her, and together, they would face the challenges ahead.

In the hushed confines of the castle's ancient walls, the Perry brothers convened in a circle around Arachnea, their eyes closed as they sought to communicate through the silent bond that connected them. A subtle hum filled the air, a vibration that spoke of their unity and the power they held.

Cole, his brow furrowed in concentration, was the first to break the silence. "We have the means to heal her swiftly," he stated, his voice barely above a whisper inside their link. "The magic that runs through our veins can restore Aunt Mary's health in an instant."

Brian, however, hesitated, his gaze shifting to Arachnea. "But we must consider Arachnea's view of us. She sees us as protectors, not as beings of the night with powers beyond human understanding."

Austin, who had always felt a deep connection with Arachnea, nodded in agreement. "We cannot risk frightening her, not when she has placed her trust in us so completely."

Caleb, added, "Our primary concern must be Mary's well-being, but we also owe it to Arachnea to maintain the trust she has in us."

Zachary, suggested a compromise. "Let us use our abilities subtly, blending them with the healers' work. That way, we can ensure her aunt's recovery without revealing the full extent of our nature."

Xero, the youngest and often the most daring, concurred. "We can weave our magic into the treatments, making it appear as though the recovery is a natural progression."

The brothers reached a silent consensus, their decision made in the space between thoughts and the shared understanding that had always guided them. They would use their powers, but with such finesse that Arachnea would remain unaware of the true source of Aunt Mary's healing.

As they opened their eyes, the bond between them unseen but as strong as ever, they turned to Arachnea with reassuring smiles. "We will begin the treatments immediately," Cole announced. "And you shall see improvement by the morrow."

Arachnea, her heart still heavy with worry, looked up at the brothers, her eyes searching theirs for any sign of deceit. But all she found was the same steadfast resolve that had brought her to seek their help in the first place.

Arachnea's gaze lingered on the empty space beside her, her thoughts a whirlwind of concern and sorrow. Noticing her disquiet, Xero stepped forward, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

"Arachnea," he began, his voice a soft melody in the tense atmosphere, "do you remember Lysander, my tiger? He seemed quite fond of you during your last visit. Perhaps his company might ease your spirit."

At the mention of Lysander, a flicker of warmth touched Arachnea's heart. She recalled the majestic creature she had encountered in the castle's dungeon, its amber eyes reflecting a wisdom and kindness that had surprised her. The memory of the tiger's soft fur and the rumbling purrs that vibrated through its massive frame brought a momentary respite from her worries.

"Yes, I remember Lysander," Arachnea replied, a small smile breaking through her sadness. "He was… unexpected, in a place like this."

Xero nodded, understanding the unspoken words. "Lysander has a way of bringing comfort without words. If you'd like, I can bring him to you. Sometimes, the presence of an animal can be more reassuring than any human words."

Arachnea considered the offer, the thought of the tiger's calming presence appealing to her troubled mind. "I would like that," she said, her voice steadier than before. "Thank you, Xero."

As Xero left to fetch Lysander, the other brothers continued their preparations, their movements a dance of precision and care. Arachnea watched them, her heart buoyed by the prospect of seeing the tiger again, and by the unwavering support of the brothers who had become her unlikely guardians.

When Lysander arrived, his large head nudged gently against Arachnea's hand, his deep purrs filling the room with a soothing resonance. As she stroked the tiger's head, her fears began to subside, replaced by a sense of peace and the knowledge that she was not alone in her struggles.

The Perry princes watched the scene with a collective sense of relief. Their decision to keep their true nature hidden from Arachnea had been the right one. In the company of Lysander, she found solace, and in the actions of the brothers, she found hope.


Mary Joye.