
Whispers of the Bunian: A Silat Tale

In the heart of the Johorean jungle, where the emerald canopy conceals ancient secrets, a village exists in the mystical embrace of nature. This is a place where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blur, and the jungle's rhythms dance to age-old tunes. At its center is Ayyash, a young boy dedicated to Silat, the revered martial art passed down through generations. His days are filled with rigorous training, guided by the teachings of his late father, a Silat master. Ayyash's aspirations reach beyond the earthly realm. In the midst of the jungle's beauty, he seeks not only physical prowess but also the spiritual essence of Silat. Yet, the jungle harbors secrets older than any martial art, including a hidden Bunian village veiled from mortal eyes. Najwa, a Puteri Bunian, is curious about the world beyond the veil, drawn to a boy she glimpses in the shadows—a boy whose movements are like poetry, whose spirit is like the wind. Their connection defies their separate worlds, leading Ayyash to stumble upon the Bunian village, a realm of ethereal beauty and mystery. Their encounter is miraculous, bringing together two souls connected by Silat's ancient dance and a curiosity that transcends realms. But fate weaves wonder and heartache in equal measure. As Ayyash and Najwa's love faces the ultimate test—the divide between two worlds—the secrets of a lost Silat manuscript hidden deep within the jungle hold the key to their destinies. This is a tale of tradition and mysticism, where the echoes of Silat's past resonate through the trees, where the Bunian village guards its secrets, and where the love between Ayyash and Najwa unfolds amidst the enigmatic Johorean jungle, a place where magic and martial art entwine, and where the past and future collide.

MohdShukri_MN · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Ayyash's Silat Revelation

Two days passed, and the eagerly awaited day of Tengku Iskandar's return had finally arrived, filling the enchanted garden with a palpable sense of anticipation. Ayyash, who had dedicated these days to deepening his understanding of Silat and the newly discovered "Storm Surge Strike," felt an ever-growing tempest of excitement surging within him.

Seated gracefully on a mossy patch in the garden, he remained attuned to the gentle rustle of leaves and the delicate vibrations of nature's energy. The fruits of his labor had infused his being with newfound vigor. Each breath he took resonated with the wisdom of the jungle, and the breeze whispered secrets only he could comprehend.

A harmonious part of this enchanted realm, he had become a dance of energy and spirit, as poetic as it was profound.

As Ayyash wrapped up his training and made his way towards the garden's entrance, his heart was a tempest of emotion. Eager anticipation mixed with a gentle undercurrent of curiosity, a potent blend of feelings that stirred deep within him.

Awaiting him at the entrance was Tengku Najwa, her eyes alight with hope and warmth. Her absence during these two days had been felt keenly, and the sight of her filled Ayyash's heart with a joy that words could scarcely convey.

"Ayyash," Tengku Najwa greeted him, her voice a melodic symphony to his ears. She smiled warmly, and her eyes held a luminous depth that spoke of a connection beyond mere words. "Let's go to Istana Bunian; my father is already there, waiting for you."

Her presence was like a calming balm to Ayyash's soul, and he nodded in agreement, his heart dancing to a melody only she could hear. As they made their way to the palace, they walked in comfortable silence, their hands occasionally brushing against each other's in a wordless, intimate connection.

Tengku Najwa, always perceptive, sensed the profound transformation in Ayyash. Her gaze, as they walked side by side, held an unspoken promise of unwavering support and understanding. She knew that something extraordinary had transpired in the enchanted garden, and she was eager to learn the depths of his experiences.

Tengku Najwa's gaze never left him. She sensed a profound transformation in Ayyash, a change that went beyond words. She couldn't help but notice the depth of his newfound wisdom and inner strength, which seemed to radiate from him like a luminous aura.

"I sense a change in you, Ayyash," she remarked, her eyes studying his features with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. "Something significant has transpired during my absence. Tell me, what have you discovered?"

With a tenderness in his eyes, Ayyash began to recount the remarkable experiences he had undergone in the enchanted garden. His words flowed with a poetic grace, painting vivid images of the Orang Rimba's dance, the harmony of nature, and the birth of the "Storm Surge Strike." Tengku Najwa listened with rapt attention, her heart resonating with the profound journey he had embarked upon.

When he concluded his account, a meaningful silence enveloped them. Tengku Najwa's gaze held an unspoken understanding, as if she could sense the intricate tapestry of nature's secrets woven into Ayyash's being. It was a moment of deep connection, where words were not necessary to convey the profound change that had taken place within him.

Tengku Najwa's eyes sparkled with affection as she listened to Ayyash's captivating tale. With a loving smile, she said, "Ayyash, your journey in the enchanted garden is truly remarkable." Her hand gently reached out to touch his, she brushed a lock of his hair behind his ear. Leaning closer as she continued, "I can feel the depth of your experiences in every word you've shared. It's as if nature herself has whispered her secrets to you. I'm honored to witness the transformation within you, my beloved."

Approaching the grand doors of the palace, their hands naturally intertwined, fingers brushing lightly, a silent gesture of affection and support. They shared a moment of unspoken tenderness, a reflection of the deep bond that had grown between them amidst the mysteries of the Bunian realm.

Inside the palace, Tengku Iskandar awaited their arrival with a knowing smile. Beside him, Putri Mayang Sari stood, her graceful presence enhancing the scene. Their eyes, like those of their daughter and Ayyash, held a depth of understanding that transcended mere mortal comprehension. As the couple entered the grand hall, Tengku Iskandar and Putri Mayang Sari's presence radiated warmth and welcome, creating an inviting and harmonious atmosphere.

"Well, well," he said with a twinkle in his eye, "if it isn't the man who has been keeping my daughter's heart aflutter." Tengku Iskandar's words were filled with a playful tease as he extended a hand toward Ayyash in a friendly greeting.

Beside him, Putri Mayang Sari added with a warm smile, "Indeed, Ayyash, you've brought a certain light into our daughter's life." Her voice held a maternal warmth that complemented her husband's playful tone.

Tengku Najwa's cheeks took on a delicate rosy hue, a subtle blush that added to the warmth in the room. She stood proudly by Ayyash's side, her love for him evident not only in her gaze but also in the soft, melodic laughter that danced in the air, filling the room with a sense of joy and affection.

With a reassuring smile, Tengku Iskandar continued, "I trust my daughter's judgment, and if she has found someone who makes her heart sing, then I welcome them with open arms." His words conveyed not only warmth but also a profound trust in his daughter's choices and her need for independence.

The grand doors closed behind them, sealing the world of the Bunian realm in an embrace of mysticism, as the mysteries of their intertwined destinies continued to unfold.

Tengku Iskandar's presence exuded wisdom and a deep connection to both realms, making Ayyash feel like he was in the presence of a revered mentor. As Tengku Iskandar embraced him, Ayyash felt a surge of warmth and love, a confirmation of the strong bond they had developed.

With a gentle smile, Tengku Iskandar addressed Ayyash, "Ayyash, my young friend and son of my kindred spirit, it warms my heart to see you again. I trust you've been well during my absence."

Tengku Najwa couldn't contain her excitement any longer and eagerly shared, "Father, Mother, Ayyash encountered the Orang Rimba again! What's most fascinating is that they shared their wisdom with him, and he has created a new Silat movement called the 'Storm Surge Strike.'" Her voice carried a blend of enthusiasm and reverence for the incredible journey Ayyash had undertaken.

Tengku Iskandar's eyes sparkled with genuine interest, his well-groomed beard framing his face, giving him a regal appearance. His kind eyes conveyed a deep respect for Ayyash's journey, and his warm smile welcomed the storytelling. "The Orang Rimba?" he inquired with a hint of awe, his curiosity piqued. "That is a truly rare and remarkable occurrence, Ayyash. I'm eager to hear more about your experience."

Beside him, Putri Mayang Sari, the epitome of grace, listened attentively. Her gentle presence added a sense of warmth to the moment, and her eyes held a mother's pride for Tengku Najwa's chosen companion.

As Ayyash began recounting his encounter with the mystical spirits, both Tengku Iskandar and Putri Mayang Sari leaned in, their body language conveying their undivided attention. They nodded in understanding and occasionally exchanged glances filled with shared admiration.

When Ayyash finished his story, Tengku Iskandar spoke with a deep sense of reverence, while Putri Mayang Sari joined her husband, "You have experienced something truly extraordinary, Ayyash. The Orang Rimba are guardians of the jungle, and they only reveal themselves to those they deem worthy. It is a testament to your character and destiny."

Ayyash, deeply touched by the genuine interest and warmth of Tengku Iskandar and Putri Mayang Sari, replied with a sense of gratitude, "Thank you, Tengku Iskandar, and thank you, Putri Mayang Sari, for your unwavering support and allowing me to practice in your enchanted garden. It was in that magical place that I had the breakthrough that awakened my Silat. I am forever grateful for the opportunity you've given me." His words carried a profound sincerity, reflecting the depth of his appreciation for their kindness and guidance.

Intrigued, Tengku Iskandar leaned forward, his eyes filled with curiosity, and asked, "Tell me more about this 'Storm Surge Strike,' Ayyash," he inquired, his tone laced with genuine interest.

Ayyash returned Tengku Iskandar's interest with a warm smile. With a step backward, he gracefully positioned himself in the center of the grand hall, the room's opulent decor framing him as he prepared to demonstrate. Beside him, Tengku Najwa shifted and gracefully took a seat in the nearest chair, her anticipation evident in her posture and a soft smile gracing her lips.

As the three of them settled into their seats, Tengku Iskandar, Putri Mayang Sari, and Tengku Najwa exchanged eager glances, ready to watch Ayyash's demonstration with keen interest.

The hall at Istana Bunian was nothing short of magnificent. Its grandeur was evident in every corner, from the ornate carvings on the walls to the intricate patterns of the Persian rugs that adorned the polished marble floor. The walls were adorned with ancient silat weapons and tapestries depicting legendary battles.

Dim lighting added to the air of mystery that surrounded the hall. Flickering candles, ensconced in elaborate golden sconces, cast dancing, dramatic shadows upon the walls. The soft, warm glow of lanterns hanging from the high ceiling gave the entire space an otherworldly feel. It was as if the hall itself held the secrets of a thousand stories, waiting to be unveiled.

Ayyash paused for a moment, his gaze gently locking with Tengku Najwa's as a warm smile spread across his face. In that fleeting connection, unspoken affection passed between them, a silent acknowledgment of their deep bond. Then, with a grace that mirrored their unspoken connection, he began to display his new Silat movement.

With fluid yet deliberate motions, Ayyash extended his arms, fingers splayed, as if he were summoning rain from the heavens.

"The 'Storm Surge Strike' is a Silat movement inspired by the rain and the energy of the enchanted garden," he explained with enthusiasm, his hands weaving through the air in an intricate dance, conjuring the essence of a storm.

Tengku Iskandar listened intently, following the choreography of Ayyash's movements. Each step had a mesmerizing rhythm, every gesture an embodiment of the rain's power and the garden's vitality. He nodded in approval as he recognized the seamless harmony between Ayyash's motions and the forces of nature.

Tengku Iskandar's eyes lit up with excitement, a spark of curiosity dancing in his gaze. "How about a friendly sparring match, Ayyash? I'm eager to witness your new Silat movements in action." He stepped forward, his enthusiasm practically palpable, and together they made their way to a cleared area, both fighters brimming with anticipation, ready for a friendly duel.

Ayyash met Tengku Iskandar's excitement with a deep sense of respect and gratitude. He bowed slightly before his mentor and replied, "I would be honored to spar with you, Tengku Iskandar. Your guidance and support have been invaluable to me."

It was a sparring session, but it held more significance than just a display of skills. Ayyash knew that this was his opportunity to prove the worth of his new Silat movement, the 'Storm Surge Strike', while also showing respect for his mentor.

As Ayyash and Tengku Iskandar prepared for their sparring match, the dimly lit hall seemed to hold its breath. The tension lay heavy in the air, and the flickering flames cast eerie, elongated silhouettes on the two silat practitioners. This atmospheric setting served as the perfect backdrop for their impending duel, where time-honored wisdom clashed with daring ingenuity in the most regal and enigmatic of surroundings.

Their eyes locked for a moment. Ayyash's respect for his mentor and the tradition was evident, and he was well aware of the legacy he had to uphold. But he was not challenging the tradition; instead, he was adding a new dimension to it.

The sparring match began, and it was like a symphony of martial artistry in motion. Ayyash's 'Storm Surge Strike' was truly unique; it combined the power of a storm with the fluidity of a water. As they circled each other, the suspense grew, both fighters locking onto the other's every move.

Tengku Iskandar lunged with a swift strike, but Ayyash's body moved like a leaf caught in the wind. He evaded Tengku Iskandar's blow, then countered with a sequence of moves that were almost hypnotic. His arms flowed like raindrops down a windowpane, and his legs, like lightning, delivered swift, precise kicks.

As they engaged in their intricate dance of combat, Ayyash's movements echoed the grace of flowing water, while Tengku Iskandar's techniques remained as solid as ancient trees. However, Ayyash had a surprise in store. Suddenly, a mystical mist materialized seemingly from nowhere, enshrouding the hall. This appearance was drawn from the very essence of nature, harnessed by Ayyash. The ethereal mist, saturated with moisture, descended upon the polished marble floor, transforming it into a glistening, wet surface, turning the hall into a slippery battleground reminiscent of a rain-soaked street during a monsoon.

The hall became a slippery battleground, reminiscent of a wet street during a monsoon downpour. Their footwork grew precarious, and each step was a test of balance and agility. Ayyash's Storm Surge Strike, now even more unpredictable on the slick surface, granted him an advantage, enabling him to slide and glide like water, his movements mirroring the ebb and flow of a river.

Tengku Iskandar, however, drew upon his profound silat expertise to adapt. He rooted himself firmly, resembling a sturdy tree resisting the tempestuous currents. The tension in the hall intensified as the fighters continued to spar on the treacherously wet floor, with nature itself presiding as the impartial referee in this captivating, elemental showdown.

The advantage of the 'Storm Surge Strike' was evident. Ayyash's movements were unpredictable and carried the raw power of nature. Tengku Iskandar, though skilled and experienced, found himself surprised by the fluidity and speed of Ayyash's attacks. The suspense in the air was palpable, as they traded blows, each fighter testing the other's limits.

Tengku Najwa and her mother, Putri Mayang Sari, stood in awe as they watched the fierce battle between Ayyash and Tengku Iskandar unfold. Ayyash's 'Storm Surge strike' was a captivating showcase of nature's duality, embodying the gentle caress of rain and the raw power of a thunderstorm, all masterfully woven into his silat techniques.

Ayyash executed a sequence of strikes, his body moving with the grace of a dancer. It was as if he had harnessed the very elements he spoke of in his Silat form. He delivered a powerful 'Storm Surge Strike,' and Tengku Iskandar was momentarily taken aback by the sheer force and beauty of the technique.

However, Tengku Iskandar's experience and discipline were not to be underestimated. In a surprising turn, he countered Ayyash's move with a swift block and a well-timed counterattack. Ayyash was momentarily off balance, a testament to the mastery Tengku Iskandar had honed over the years.

The sparring match continued, each fighter pushing the other to their limits. Ayyash's 'Storm Surge Strike' was indeed a powerful and unique technique, but Tengku Iskandar's years of training ultimately proved advantageous. As the match concluded, they both stood, breathing heavily, but with a newfound respect and admiration for each other's skills.

"Impressive, Ayyash," Tengku Iskandar acknowledged with genuine admiration. "This movement not only harnesses the essence of nature's fury but also embodies the discipline of Silat. It is a testament to your ability to connect with the natural world and channel its energy through your martial arts. You possess a rare gift."

Tengku Iskandar supported Ayyash's endeavor with a serene and knowing look. In his mind, he pondered, "The 'Storm Surge Strike', inspired by the rain and the energy of the enchanted garden – it's a fresh breeze in the world of silat. Ayyash carries our tradition forward by integrating the wisdom of the past with the innovation of the present. I believe in him and our shared journey towards a stronger, more versatile silat art."

Tengku Iskandar, his voice calm yet filled with wisdom, looked at Ayyash and said, "Ayyash, remember this well: contentment with your achievements can be a silent enemy of progress. The moment you become satisfied with where you are, you may inadvertently halt your journey towards greatness. Silat, like life itself, is an ever-flowing river. It is in the pursuit of higher goals and continuous self-improvement that you'll find your true strength. Embrace your accomplishments, but never allow them to shackle your ambition. Seek excellence, for that is where you'll discover the boundless potential within you."

Ayyash nodded thoughtfully and replied, "Thank you, Tengku Iskandar, for your guidance. I understand now that satisfaction can be a shadow that dims the light of our potential."

Tengku Najwa, sitting nearby, exchanged a proud and affectionate smile with Ayyash, appreciating his dedication to self-improvement. Her mother, Putri Mayang Sari, observed with an approving nod, knowing that their love and companionship were rooted in mutual support and shared ambitions.

Tengku Iskandar's eyes brightened with an instant recollection. His face lit up with a knowing smile. A hint of laughter danced in the corner of his eyes.

Then, Tengku Iskandar said, "Ah, Ayyash, how could I forget? Putri Mayang Sari already told me about the person I'd like you to meet. After we enjoy our lunch, let's make our way to meet him."

Their laughter filled the room, a warm and harmonious melody. It was a moment of shared joy, deepening their companionship.