
Yuta's Lost Dream

<p>Chapter 2:Yuta's Lost Dream<br/><br/><br/><br/>Waking up and seeing Sharin sleeping beside me in my bed<br/><br/>Me: Sharin, what are you doing here? embarrassed<br/>Sharin wakes up.<br/>Sharin: I came to wake you up, but it looks like I fell asleep while trying to wake you. giggles<br/>Me: Oh... Okay, now go back to your room. What if my mom and dad saw us like this?<br/>Sharin: Let them see. giggles<br/>Me: Stop joking and get ready for school.<br/>Sharin: Okay... I'm going.<br/><br/>10 minutes later...<br/>Walking to school with Sharin<br/>Sharin: How much longer do we have to walk?<br/>Me: Just a little more. First, we're going to Shoto's house.<br/>Sharin: Why?<br/>Me: We always used to go to school together every day.<br/>Sharin: Hmm...<br/>We reached Shoto's house<br/>Standing in front of Shoto's house<br/>Me: Shoto, come out. Let's go to school.<br/>Shoto's dad: Sorry, but Shoto is not feeling well today. Go without him today.<br/>Me: What happened to him?<br/>Shoto's dad: Don't worry, it's just a fever.<br/>Me: Okay, then we'll be going now.<br/>Shoto's dad waves his hand and says goodbye.<br/>2 minutes later<br/>Sharin: I didn't see Shoto's mom there. Was his mom out when we were there?<br/>I stopped walking<br/>Me: His mom died 8 years ago in an accident...<br/>8 years ago...<br/>Shoto was playing in a playground with his mom.<br/>After a few moments, Shoto accidentally went onto the road, and a truck was coming. When his mom saw that, she ran and pushed Shoto to save him, but she was hit by the truck. Shoto was traumatized at that moment. When he reached his mom, she was in a very bad shape, and her last words were, "Shoto, don't cry... In this whole world, only humans have the ability to laugh and show other emotions. So always laugh instead of crying. And do you know what's more important than laughing? Making others laugh... Remember it, okay?"<br/>She died after that.<br/><br/>Sharin: I feel so sad for him. He must have been traumatized by that.<br/>Me: That's why he always used to laugh whenever he got a chance...<br/>We reached the school<br/>Me: Okay, then I am going to my class. You go and find your class.<br/>Sharin: I thought we were in the same class. sad Okay, I am going...<br/>I entered my classroom<br/>Mizuko: Hey Yuta, how are you? It's been a while...<br/><br/>Mizuko... She and Shoto are my only friends in school, and only Mizuko and Shoto came to my brother's funeral from this school. She is very friendly to me, and she also came to my house to keep me company when I was suffering from my brother's death.<br/>Me: Yes, I am good...<br/>I sat in my seat in the classroom<br/>That evening after school<br/>I was walking out of my class<br/>Sharin: I was waiting for you so we could walk home together.<br/>Me: Okay...<br/>We both were walking home<br/>Sharin: Yuta, what is your dream in life?<br/>Me: I don't have one.<br/>Sharin: Don't lie. I know you want to become a national baseball player.<br/>Me: How do you k-...<br/>Sharin: Shoto told me.<br/>Me: That fool... He can't keep his mouth shut, can he?<br/>Sharin: Why are you giving up on your dream?<br/>Me: I don't have any reason to become a baseball player now. My brother was in the national baseball team. I wanted to be like him, and I wanted him to acknowledge my skills, but he is gone now.<br/>Sharin: Your brother is still watching you from heaven. Don't you want to make your brother feel proud of you from there?<br/>Me: But...<br/>Sharin: Not everyone has a reason to chase their dreams. Some find their reasons after reaching their dreams. I'm sure you will find your reason too.<br/>Sharin smiles at me<br/>Sharin: Okay, let's go home now.<br/>The next morning<br/>I wake up<br/>I walk to the hall and see Sharin cooking breakfast in the kitchen<br/>Me: What are you doing? Where are Mom and Dad? And where are your parents?<br/>Sharin: They went to a wedding party. They will be back by evening, so today I am cooking for you.<br/>Me: Sharin, do you know how to cook?<br/>I am a little scared because I see that she made a mess in the kitchen<br/>Sharin: It's my first time cooking. See, I already made miso soup for you.<br/>I feel sick after seeing the miso soup because it is purple<br/>Me: Sharin... Uh, what is this?<br/>Sharin: It's my delicious miso soup.<br/>Sharin smiles at me, wanting me to eat it<br/>Me: Okay...<br/>I eat the miso soup and feel like throwing up, but I eat it and pretend that it is good to make Sharin happy<br/>Me: It's so delicious. (my mind voice: I am going to throw up)<br/>Sharin looks happy after seeing my reaction<br/>Someone is knocking on our door<br/>Sharin is going to check who it is.<br/>Me: Sharin, sit here. I will go.<br/>Sharin: Okay...<br/>I open the door and see it is Shoto and Mizuko<br/>Me: What are you guys doing here?<br/>Shoto is hiding in the corner of the gate and blushing because I have a crush on Mizuko, but he never confessed it to her.<br/>Me: Hey Shoto, what are you doing there?<br/>Shoto: He stammers Uh... Your garden looks beautiful. How do you maintain it?<br/>He is talking about random things because he is embarrassed.<br/>Mizuko: Today school is a holiday, so I thought we could have fun. I brought Shoto with me.<br/>Me: I see... Come inside, both of you.<br/>They both enter the house.<br/>Shoto sees Sharin in the hall and gets jealous<br/>Shoto: Hey Yuta, what were you doing with Sharin before we came here? Tell me. He points his finger at me as he says that.<br/>Me: Don't get the wrong idea. We were eating breakfast.<br/>Shoto: I see...<br/>Mizuko takes the miso soup in her hand<br/>Mizuko: Yuta, what is this purple stuff?<br/>Me: Sharin made that miso soup for me.<br/>Sharin: That's right, that's me.<br/>Mizuko looks like she is going to throw up by looking at the miso soup<br/>Mizuko: Yuta, you ate this stuff?<br/>Me: Yes...<br/>Sharin: He said that it was so delicious. She smiles.<br/>Mizuko: Uh, this doesn't look edible to me. Sharin, I think Yuta lied to you. This miso soup is terrible.<br/>Sharin: Yuta... You lied to make me happy...<br/>Me: Uh... (I stammer) I really like it. It's good... (lying)<br/>Mizuko: Stop lying already.<br/>Me: You got me... Yes, it was pretty bad... (I smile nervously)<br/>Sharin: At least you ate it. Thank you...<br/>Mizuko: Okay, let's get to the point... Where should we go today?<br/>Shoto: How about my dad's library? (He looks excited)<br/>Mizuko: No one is willing to go to your dad's boring library. Instead, let's go to the amusement park. (Her eyes are glowing as she says that)<br/>Sharin: That sounds great.<br/>Me: Okay...<br/>Shoto: Okay, I am ready... (He looks sad because Mizuko insulted her dad's library)<br/>We get ready, open the door, and suddenly it starts raining<br/>All together: What...!!</p>