
Whispers of Betrayal

Emily's heart shatters when her boyfriend betrays her by cheating on her with her stepsister. Worse, she is forced to marry a bankrupt billionaire's son, Alexander Roberts, in her stepsister's place. What happens when the ruthless billionaire's son, whom everyone despises, has his own multibillionaire business and empire? Will she seek revenge on the family who neglected her? How will she survive with her billionaire husband, who takes ladies as nothing but mere objects? What will her stepmom and stepsister do when they realize Alexander Roberts's powerful network? Will they plead for her forgiveness or try to replace her in his life?

Joshua_David_2227 · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

Mrs. Smith walked up to Emily's bedroom door with Emily's wedding dress in her hand.

"Emily, your wedding dress has arrived; we need to try it out," she said as she leaned her ear towards the door in anticipation for a response.


Not hearing any response, Mrs. Smith pushed the door open to meet the flying curtains from the wind of the opened window. She realized Emily had vanished.


"Henry, Henry!" she yelled in urgent need of her husband's presence.


"Honey, what is it?" As he made his way towards her.


"It's Emily; she's gone."


"What do you mean she's gone?"


"Emily, Emily," he called out, his voice echoing all around the house but receiving no response.


"How could she have left the house unnoticed?" he questions.


"Pedro," he called out.


"Yes, boss," the gatekeeper responded.


"Pedro, get in here."


"Did you see Emily leave this house?" Mr. Smith questioned.


"Yes, sir, she said you sent her on an errand."


"What errand?" Mr. Smith questioned.


"Okay. Did you see her with any luggage, loads, or something?" He added.


"Yes, she was wearing a backpack," Pedro responded.


"She was wearing a backpack, and you let her leave? Oh my God, you're all so useless," Mrs. Smith stated vigorously, pacing back and forth.


"Well, ma'am, I couldn't."


The door creaked open, creating a brief silence as Emily appeared before them—partially drenched by the rain—her hair messy and sadness evident in her expression.


"Pedro, please leave us," Mrs. Smith stated, as Pedro excused himself immediately.


"And where the hell have you been, young lady?" Mrs. Smith questioned me in a firm voice.


Emily sat slowly on the couch, her fingers interlocked as she stared at the glass of water placed on the center table, lost in thought.


"Hey, I'm talking to you; I said, Where have you been?" Mr. Smith extended his hands towards his wife, interrupting her.


"Emi, where have you been?" He said it in a gentle tone, taking a step toward her.


"I… I just went to clear my head," she stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper.


Mr. Smith stood there and stared at her with sad eyes, but there was nothing he could do.


"Your wedding is tomorrow, and you have to try out your dress; go take a shower," Mrs. Smith uttered.


Lily appeared through the door, and the first person to catch her gaze was Emily.


"Yo, what happened to you?" She asked in humor, leaning against the wall, to take off her heels that had been itching her.


"Perfect timing, sweetie. I need you to help your sister test her wedding dress," she said as she exited the room.


"Seriously mom?" Lily murmured.



Emily stood in front of the billionaire's son, looking stunning in her wedding dress, her eyes filled with sadness—lost in the thought of what could have happened to Andrew. "Did he not want to be with me?" Emily thought to herself.


Spending the rest of her life with the ruthless billionaire's son, Alexander Roberts, was a nightmare she had tried to submerge, but it always surfaced, leaving a sting in her heart.


The priest cleared his throat, drawing her attention back to the present.


"Do you, Emily, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked.


"More like an awfully wedded husband," Emily jested in her thoughts.


Her father placed his hand on her arm, making a silent plea for her to say yes. With a deep breath, Emily shifted her face toward Alexander Roberts.


"I do," she replied, putting up a fake smile and staring into Alexander's cold eyes.


Her father and stepmom let out a sigh of relief, and Alexander reluctantly grabbed her, pulling her close for a kiss.


He never wanted anything to do with women. But he had to fulfill his father's wishes. Mr. Roberts had done his best to mold his son in his image, and all that was left was a beautiful bride.


Emily closed her eyes in an attempt to ignore the emptiness lingering in her heart. She had begun a new chapter in her life—a life she never wanted—and she had to find happiness in a loveless marriage.


Moments after the exchange of vows, Emily was faced with a press corps, for it was the wedding of the century. After answering a couple of questions, it hit her that she hadn't noticed Lily among the guests, but that didn't bother her—she couldn't care less.


Emily wandered the wedding venue in an attempt to escape any further engagements; exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders. Emily's heart felt a little soothed as she admired the different colored flowers that formed a path that she followed down.


Spotting an undisturbed garden alcove nestled among blooming flowers and gushing vines, Emily hurried towards it, seeking comfort in its serene embrace, holding up the lighter dress that she had changed into.


Emily closed her eyes, trying to find peace in the chaos of emotions swirling inside her. But it was shattered by the sound of whispers and giggling. She turned to her left out of curiosity about the source of the sound. She caught a glimpse of Andrew giggling in a conversation but couldn't see who he was talking to through the foilage, but she knew he was talking with someone.


She got up in rage and stormed towards Andrew in an attempt to find out why he had abandoned her. She walked through the pile of shrubs and flowers, leaves blocking her vision for a few seconds, and she finally appeared in the location where Andrew was.


Shock rippled through Emily's body, leaving her speechless as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing the sore realization of betrayal.


She watched as Andrew's hands roamed greedily over Lily's figure, his lips going deep into hers as she gripped him tightly in satisfaction of their intimacy that Emily hadn't even noticed.


Tears pricked at the corners of Emily's eyes, her knees weak. She couldn't believe the magnitude of what she had just witnessed. She felt a sting of betrayal pierce her soul.


"Andrew," she whimpered in a soft voice.


Andrew's eyes widened in shock as he turned to see Emily—red spots marked his face, a show of Lily's kisses.


Lily turned to Emily, annoyed yet sober, her heart pacing from the intercourse with Andrew.


"Emily, uhmm… I can explain," Andrew said, his voice trembling as he scooched away from Lily.


"What is there to explain, Andrew?" 


"So this is why you didn't show up to be with Lily?" She spat, her eyes darting between the two of them.


"Emily, look—"


"And you, don't you have any shame? You know very well that Andrew and I are together, or so I thought, and you still have the guts to make out with him," Emily blurted out, interrupting Lily, her eyes soaked with tears, blurring her vision.


"I can't believe you," Emily said, as she stormed out of their presence with tears rolling down her cheeks.


"Emily, Emily, wait," Andrew called out, but it was futile.