
Whispers of 4 Sisters

Ms. Hanafrey's group home for girls seems to be the catch all for young girls who have experienced trauma in their past. That is where 4 girls, Ember, Wren, Alda and Meadow met and soon viewed each other as sisters, clinging to each other for survival. One fateful day, the sisters leave Ms. Hanafrey's home and are thrown into a magical world full of creatures and sites only told in stories. The girls are amazed at how at home they feel in this strange and mysterious world, away from the troubles of their lives back on Earth. With much excitement and wonder the girls follow their feet on an adventure of a lifetime. Soon, they are forced to face a reality they didn't know existed... to take their rightful places amongst their lost people. With bravery, luck and each other the girls are able to fight against all odds, and mythical creatures to take back what is theirs. This is a story of magical unity, on your seat suspense and creatures of old. Join the ladies on their fight for survival in Whispers of 4 Sisters.

Enchanted_HPS · Fantasy
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27 Chs

A Story's Beginning

<p><br/>Ember<br/><br/>"What do you mean you have known us our whole lives?" I asked Geilas. All four of us were sitting there with such confusion on our faces.<br/><br/>"What I mean is I was there for each of your births…and the birth of your parents for that matter." The kindhearted smile she had when she first met us at the lake was still plastered on her face. She stared between each of us, as we sat speechless, before continuing.<br/><br/>"Ok, so a bit of background is needed. Please know I will do my best to answer all your questions. First, I ask that you let me tell my story without interruptions. I think with a bit of background you will better be able to understand why you are here and how I know you."<br/><br/>"I think we can do that, right guys!" Wren speaks up. She was clearly excited about the notion of secret mysteries. Geilas beamed at her and stood up.<br/><br/>She clapped her hands and ushered us to get up from the table. We followed her to the fireplace.<br/><br/>There was a pile of pillows, all shapes and sizes thrown in the corner closest to the fire. Across from the pile was a large rocking chair. The giant of a woman sat in the chair and waited for the four of us to sit. I found this turquois cushion-like pillow and collapsed on top of it. Alda jokingly picked up a yellow square with white tassels and slapped me on my back.<br/><br/>She was trying to lighten my mood…bless her sweet soul!<br/><br/>We all got comfortable and turned our attention back to Geilas, who was still smiling. I couldn't help but think it was strange how she looked at us.<br/><br/>With…. HOPE???<br/><br/>"The land you find yourselves in now is called Bavilan." Geilas started her tale. We remained silent, signaling that she could continue uninterrupted.<br/><br/>"Bavilan was once a peaceful land of six Tribes. These six tribes lived in perfect harmony. It had always been so. In all recorded history, there was never any animosity among the Tribes. I, myself belong to one of those Tribes, the Amazons." She squares her shoulders clearly proud.<br/><br/>"We Amazons were a warrior Tribe, full of all women. We served as a forest militia of sorts that would protect the land of Bavilan from any outside dangers. Usually this was from the creatures of Darkness. However, on occasion, we have been known to protect from the common bandit crew. We are a proud tribe that served the other five families. They in turn would send us new recruits from their tribes that were interested in joining our ranks. It was a successful and humble relationship." She pauses for a minute as if stuck in memory.<br/><br/>After a short pause, she continues.<br/><br/>"The five Tribes were each led by a powerful family, respectively with their own strengths. We worked together and maintained our free-spirited way of life. Of course, like any story, our peace would soon end abruptly. There were those amongst the families that believed that the Tribes needed new leadership. They believed that what the people needed was more structure and laws." She wiped her eyes and proceeded.<br/><br/>"One of the Families decided they no longer wanted to work coherently with their counterparts, nor did they wish to send any of their warriors to the forest to join the Amazons. They wanted to break off and start their own law of the land for those that wished to live by a more assembled way of living. Some of the members of the other four Tribes decided they too wished to join a new civilization. I'm assuming in hopes of finding their own power amongst new ranks."<br/><br/>She shook her head and for the first time her smile faded. I could tell that the story she was telling was a painful one. What I couldn't understand was what it had to do with us.<br/><br/>"Umm, Geilas, I'm sorry to interrupt, but what does this have to do with us and our parents" I couldn't help myself. I was tired of wasting time and we needed answers.<br/><br/>"Ember dear, this has everything to do with you all. You see your parents were all leaders of 4 of the Tribes. Making you their heirs." She points to each of us individually. "There were those that did not want you to proceed your parents. They wanted to take over and finally be in a place of power. This is where the 6th tribe comes in."<br/><br/>"Our parents…seriously. You are trying to tell me that my junkie parents are royalty in this Bavilan place. You can't expect me to believe that. You can't expect any of us to believe this. We have seen too much of the world to be that gullible" Meadow chimed in. The green in her eyes flickered to a life she wished to forget. She was at her boiling point, and I knew this wasn't good.<br/><br/>Usually, Meadow kept us all grounded. So, if she was flying of the deep end, we would all be losing it soon. <br/><br/>"No, no, no…the people that took care of you on Earth were not your parents. They were your wards. They were people from Bavilan that gave up their lives and family to protect you until you returned. They were giving the esteemed responsibility of getting you all back upon the 18th birthday of the youngest amongst you."<br/><br/>"Alda, if I'm not mistaken, your birthday is today. Happy birthday dear!" Her smile returns. We were at a lost for words. What in the world was going on!?<br/><br/>"Shall we continue…ahh where was I. Yes, you were sent to Earth as babies with your wards because there was a war brewing. And you were the targets." She sits back, ready to continue this horrific tale. <br/><br/></p>

I love my teen. He found out I was finally writing my own book and he wanted to read it. I sent him the link and he is hooked. Thanks for all your support guys. Keep posting reviews and comments!

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