
Whispered Facade

Olla has lived her whole life in the duchy, secluded from the outside world. But when a letter from the Palace invites her to act as the Princess' hand she leaves the only place she's ever called home. The Palace's walls are tall and its' secrets darker than anything she's seen. To survive in the Palace is to put on a mask To hide your true self behind a Whispered Facade

cecefromthestars · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Though she could not see her, the girl could feel the woman's rage burning into her back.

Biting her tongue she looked down, willing the tears to go away. This was the part she hated most about punishment, the silence and the uncomfortable pressure that emanated off the room, except for the whish of the cane the woman had not uttered a sound, she wished she would just tell her what she did wrong so she could figure out an answer good enough to satisfy.

She thought hard, racking her brain for anything she may have done wrong,

"I'm sorry Sister Edwe for not reciting well enough today,"

The girl felt the cane hit her calves.

"I'm sorry that I did not open my heart to the Abby's teachings"

"I'm sorry that I did not fully appreciate the gifts of Leta and Ilye"

The girl held her breath waiting for another smack of pain.

Walking over she gently lifted the girl's neck, a serene look on his face.

"Vollandra you know I love you very much right?"

The girl cringed internally at the use of her name, ignoring the shudder that passed through her.

"Yes, I know Sister Edwe loves me just as I love her."

"Then you know how much you hurt me when you make such silly mistakes."

Swallowing down a retort she replied

"Yes I understand and in the future, I will make sure not to embarrass you again."

"Good. To make sure of it I will be increasing your reading at the Abby."

Mustering up a smile she tried to sound as grateful as possible.

"I will not disappoint you."

"You are excused."

Getting up from her knees Vollandra bowed before limping out of the room.

Reaching her door she opened the room to find two heads peeking up at her from her bed.

"How hard did she pelt you Olla?" The twins said simultaneously.

"You know it's really weird when you guys do that, and aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"Well we are in a bed, your bed" they giggled

"Anyways don't change the subject how hard did she bang you up because me and Adie have been waiting for you for ages"

Olla hobbled to the bed and pulled her frock up.

"Well you tell me."

Harsh raised welts splashed across her dark legs, her knees bruised from sustained kneeling.

Touching one of the welts Adie winced..

"Arah do we still have that salve from mother's last care package?"

Before she could protest Arah ruffled through her pockets pulling out a small container before placing it into Olla's hand.

"You don't have to pay us back mother sends us so much we'd be up to our necks if we didn't give it away"

"Anyways we'd better be off before Evil Edwe notices we aren't in our room"

Alone, Olla relaxed into bed, relishing in the warmth of her sheets, when the stinging pain brought her back to reality.

Looking at her wounds she thought,

"No broken bones at least", opening the salve, the minty medicinal scent filled her room. Taking a generous amount she grunted as she slathered it onto her wounds. She sighed as the cooling effect of the salve immediately soothed the ache, taking away some of the pain.

She looked at the wounds one more time and grimaced.

"How great would it be if this salve was imbued with mana, these wounds would be gone by now" she mused.

Then again, she still had to find a way to pay the twins back.

Snapping her fingers the lights in the room turned off leaving her to doze off.