
Whisper of the heart : Lily Evergreen

In a faraway land, there lived a kind and beautiful Princess named Lily Evergreen. She resided in the castle with her father, who was sick and desperately searching for a prince to take over his throne. Lily's mother had passed away when she was only three years old, leaving her father strict and unsympathetic towards poor people whom he believed to be beggars. Lily grew bored of her life in the castle and started spending more time with mysterious man.

S_Myst · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

The sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm amber glow over the ancient stone walls of the castle. Princess Lily Evergreen sat on her window seat, her white blonde hair reflecting the light as she gazed longingly at the bustling marketplace below. Her vibrant green eyes darted from one stall to another, soaking in the sights and sounds of a world she was not permitted to explore. She pressed her delicate hands against the cold glass, feeling the familiar ache for freedom and adventure stir deep within her heart.

"Come now, Your Highness," chided her governess, Mrs. Potts, "You've spent enough time daydreaming. It's time to attend your lessons."

"Mrs. Potts, do you ever wish you could just... leave? And experience life outside these walls?" Lily asked, her voice full of longing.

"Of course, dear. But, we must remember our responsibilities and duties." Mrs. Potts smiled gently before leaving the room.

Lily sighed, her gaze returning to the marketplace. The thought of spending another day confined within the castle was unbearable. As the sun disappeared behind the horizon, an idea began to form in her mind. She would sneak out of the castle, if only for one night, and taste the world beyond her gilded cage.

With excitement bubbling inside her, Lily quickly changed into a plain dress and wrapped a shawl around her shoulders. She carefully unlatched the door, ensuring no one would hear her departure. Her heart raced as she tiptoed through the dimly lit corridors, grateful for the shadows that concealed her presence.

"Adventure awaits," she whispered to herself, her breath fogging the air.

As Lily reached the servants' entrance, she hesitated for a moment, considering the consequences of her actions. But, the pull of freedom was too strong to resist. With a determined nod, she slipped out of the castle, her footsteps echoing on the cobblestones as she ventured into the night.

The moonlit cobblestones glistened underfoot as Lily ventured deeper into the bustling town. She marveled at the sights and sounds, feeling like a caged bird finally set free. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with laughter and music that filled her ears.

"Care for some roasted chestnuts, milady?" A street vendor offered, extending a tiny bag towards her.

"Thank you," she replied with a smile, tucking her emerald necklace under her shawl to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

As she continued on, an eerie silence replaced the joyful commotion. Shadows danced across the walls of the narrow alleyway, and a chill ran down her spine. Suddenly, a gnarled hand shot out from the darkness and grabbed her wrist.

"Give me that necklace, girl!" rasped a voice, belonging to a hunched old man with yellowed teeth. His grip tightened like a vice, his other hand greedily reaching for the emeralds beneath her shawl.

"Unhand me!" Lily cried out, her blue eyes blazing with defiance. Her heart pounded in her chest, but she refused to relinquish the precious heirloom without a fight.

"Feisty little thing, aren't ya? Well, I'll teach ya a lesson!" the old man snarled, yanking her closer.

"Leave her alone!"

A new figure emerged from the shadows - a young man with tousled brown hair and intense brown eyes that glimmered with determination. Callum Nightingale, known only by reputation to Lily, leaped into action, wrestling the old man away from her.

"Mind your own business, boy!" the attacker spat, struggling against Callum's hold.

"Really? You're going to rob a defenseless girl?" Callum retorted, his voice laced with disgust. "Not on my watch."

As they tussled, Lily caught her breath, willing herself to regain her composure. She had never encountered such danger, but she couldn't let fear paralyze her now.

"Are you alright?" Callum asked, his gaze briefly meeting hers before returning to the old man.

"Y-yes," she stammered, clutching her shawl tightly. "Thank you for your help."

"Of course. Now let's get you out of here," he said, finally subduing his opponent with a swift punch.

Just as they turned to leave, the old man lunged forward, snatching Lily's emerald necklace from her grasp. Before either could react, Callum's hand shot out, expertly snaring the precious jewels from the would-be thief's grip.

"Nice try," Callum smirked, securing the necklace in his pocket.

"Curse you, boy!" the old man wheezed, slinking away into the darkness.

"Let's go," Callum urged, guiding Lily back towards the safety of the town square. The adrenaline coursing through her veins made it difficult to process what had just transpired. She wanted to be grateful, but something about that final exchange unsettled her. Was Callum truly her savior, or did he have ulterior motives for coming to her rescue? Only time would tell.

The town square's fading sunlight cast a warm glow upon Lily and Callum as they paused at the edge of the bustling crowd. Relief washed over Lily, momentarily replacing her previous fears. Callum turned to face her, his brown eyes softening with genuine concern.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Lily looked into those warm eyes, feeling a strange connection to this enigmatic stranger. "Yes," she replied, her voice steadier now. "I can't thank you enough for what you did back there."

Callum shrugged, a half-smile playing on his lips. "No need to thank me. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing." He hesitated for a moment before adding, "You're brave, you know? Most people would've handed over their valuables without a second thought."

Lily blushed at the compliment, her heart fluttering with a surprising surge of gratitude and admiration towards Callum. She sensed a kindred spirit in him, someone who understood the desire for freedom and adventure. As silence settled between them, the distant sound of marching footsteps caught their attention.

"Princess! Princess Lily!" a deep voice called out from the approaching guards, their polished armor gleaming in the waning light. Panic surged through Lily; she couldn't be caught outside the castle, not after everything that had happened.

"Go," Callum urged, his hand lightly touching her arm. "Head back to the castle before they see you. I'll make sure they don't follow."

"Thank you," Lily whispered, her green eyes shimmering with gratitude. She hesitated for a moment, torn between returning to the safety of the castle and staying with Callum. But the urgency in his eyes reminded her of the risks they both faced.

"Until we meet again," she said softly, turning away to slip through the shadows of the town square and back towards the castle's towering walls. As she moved, Lily couldn't help but feel a strange longing for Callum. It was as if their lives had become intertwined, bound by the shared danger they had just experienced.

As the castle loomed before her, she felt the weight of its expectations pressing down upon her once more. But inside, a spark of hope burned bright – the hope that one day, she and Callum would find each other again, and together, they could chase the freedom they both craved.

Once inside the castle, Lily slipped through the dimly lit corridors, her heart pounding with every step. The walls seemed to close in on her, suffocating her newfound sense of adventure. As she hurried, her hand instinctively reached up to touch the emerald necklace that lay against her chest, a comforting reminder of her family's love and protection.

Her fingers brushed against bare skin.

Lily froze, panic seizing her as she felt for the familiar weight of the necklace. Surely it was there, merely shifted out of place? Her eyes widened, breathing shallow, as she patted her chest, desperately searching for the precious heirloom. It was gone.

"Impossible," she whispered, her voice trembling with disbelief. She retraced her steps mentally, trying to remember when she had last felt the necklace's reassuring presence.

"Could it have fallen off?" she muttered under her breath. Her mind raced back to the chaotic events of the evening, and she couldn't help but wonder if someone had taken advantage of her vulnerable state. A surge of anger swept through her, her green eyes flashing with suspicion as she thought of all those she had encountered outside the castle.

"Him... the old man..." The names came unbidden, each stirring a mix of conflicting emotions within her.

"Princess Lily!" Lady Isabella called, her voice filled with concern as she approached the distraught princess. "We were so worried about you! Are you alright?"

"Isabella," Lily choked out, her voice barely audible. "My necklace... it's gone."

"Your emerald necklace?" Isabella gasped, her hands flying to her mouth in shock. "But that is a priceless treasure, passed down through generations of your family! We must find it at once!"

"Indeed," Lily replied quietly, her mind racing with possibilities. "Someone must have taken it while I was outside the castle. I cannot believe anyone would dare..."

"Your Highness, we must inform your father," Isabella urged. "He will want to know of this treachery."

"No!" Lily snapped, her voice suddenly fierce. "I cannot involve my father. He will only use this as proof that I am not ready for freedom. I must handle this myself."

"Princess, please reconsider," Isabella pleaded. "The loss of the necklace could have dire consequences for our kingdom. Your father must be told."

"Isabella, you don't understand," Lily insisted, her eyes pleading with her trusted confidante. "If word gets out that the necklace is missing, the people will lose faith in our family's ability to protect them. They won't feel safe. I cannot let that happen."

"Very well," Isabella conceded, her brow furrowed in concern. "But we must act quickly and discreetly to find it."

"Agreed," Lily said, her face a mask of determination. "We will start by questioning those I encountered tonight. And if they prove untrustworthy, I will do whatever it takes to reclaim what was stolen."

With that, the two women set off on their mission, each step leading them deeper into a web of deception and intrigue. And as the shadows lengthened around them, the castle's dark secrets loomed ever closer, threatening to consume them all.

Lily's gaze fell upon Callum, who was speaking animatedly to a group of townspeople in the castle courtyard. He was laughing - a rich, genuine sound that seemed at odds with the tumultuous emotions swirling within her. She couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that he might be involved in the theft of her emerald necklace.

"Isabella," Lily whispered, her green eyes never leaving Callum. "Do you remember how he managed to appear just in time to save me from that old man?"

"Of course, Princess," Isabella said, her brow furrowing as she caught on to Lily's line of thinking. "You believe he might have been involved in the robbery?"

"Perhaps," Lily murmured. Her thoughts raced, trying to piece together the puzzle that had been thrust upon her. The timing of Callum's arrival, his sudden disappearance, and the fact that the necklace had vanished without a trace all seemed too coincidental. "I need to speak with him."

"Princess, be cautious," Isabella warned, placing a gentle hand on Lily's arm. "If he is indeed involved, confronting him alone could be dangerous."

Lily nodded, her heart hammering in her chest. But she knew she couldn't ignore the possibility, no matter how much she wished it weren't true.

Drawing a deep breath, she approached Callum, forcing herself to maintain an air of regal composure. As she drew near, he turned to her, his warm brown eyes meeting hers with a mixture of surprise and delight.

"Princess Lily!" he exclaimed. "What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?"

"I must ask you something of great importance." said Lily.

"Of course," he replied, his expression turning serious. "Anything for you, Princess."

"During our encounter with the old man, did you see what happened to my emerald necklace?" She hesitated, then added, her voice barely audible, "Or...did you take it yourself?"

Callum's eyes widened, and for a moment, a flicker of something - guilt? fear? - crossed his face before he quickly masked it. "Princess, I would never dream of stealing from you," he said earnestly. "I swear on my life."

Lily searched his eyes, trying to discern the truth in his words. But as much as she wanted to believe him, doubt remained, gnawing at the edges of her mind.

"Thank you for your honesty" Lily managed, her voice betraying none of her inner turmoil. "I must return to my duties now, but we will speak again soon."

"Of course, Princess," Callum replied, bowing low. "Until then."

As Lily turned to leave, her eyes caught a glint of green in the distance - a flash of color that made her heart skip a beat. She couldn't help but wonder if it was a sign, a clue that would lead her closer to the truth. But as she moved towards it, the mysterious light vanished, leaving only darkness and uncertainty in its wake.

And so, with each fate of her family and kingdom hung in the balance, and time was running out.