

Only Whisper

Juste_Bell · Book&Literature
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-Dannnn What?

-Wake up little bitch!

-WHA (Place his hands on my mouth so that I don't cry)

Never call me that again Dan! Otherwise I will kill you!

-Okey! But hurry up, our lessons will start.

You will certainly ask me how the teachers manage to speak to us in class given that there are a lot of us, well! It's via computer and you don't know how boring it is. Fortunately we only have two courses, I took diplomacy in addition to maths, I want to become the president in order to change everything once and for all. My mother used to tell me every night that before we could talk, shout, sing ... Even if she had given me a cassette with 5 songs before her death, she told me that the first song was rock, the second of country, the third of blues, the 4th of Jazz and the 5th of R and B. I love them all! Gabriel often tells me that the only good one is the 5th.

Today I have math lessons, I get ready and turn on my laptop then start a FaceTime with Gabriel.

We follow the course while chatting together until BOOM !!! A huge earthquake is felt.

Ga: what was that ???

We were not used to this kind of sound, suddenly it gives us a huge headache.

Ka: I don't know! I do not know !

I try to get up as best I can and there I see a huge machine that crashed on some buildings.

It was literally the day that had noise, the dogs were barking for the first time, strange noises from everywhere exploded my eardrums. I take my phone and put my laptop in my bag. If there is something I want to be among the first to know. I ask Gabriel if she wants to accompany me, but she refuses because her little brother starts screaming in the house. I go through the window to go out and use an old ladder glued to the roof. I run to the machine and I already see the authorities around which makes me hide automatically. Turning my head, I almost cry out when I see a young man, he has the reflex to close my mouth.

Unknown: "I'm sorry I crashed here, I was on a mission. I'm from planet earth and I would like to go back as soon as possible but it seems that it is not yet possible, can you help me? "

Ka: hmm hmmm

Unknown: Ohhh !!!

He takes his hands out of my mouth. And I remembered that my mother also told me that an event almost like this had happened, that's why my grandparents knew how to speak loudly. My parents had lost the habit a bit, so they taught me to scream with all my strength, which is why I can scream. Maybe this creature is here to finally change the whispers into loud voices like in my grandparents' time

as mom said.

Ka: Come on! If they find you you will be fucked up.

He had to follow me, because the authorities who surrounded his machine were super armed. I led him to the isolated mountain that Gabriel and I used to go. When I arrive, I write Gabriel to tell her where I am. I turn around and sit next to him.

Unknown: Thank you very much for helping me, my name is Harry.

Not only did he reach out to me on top of that he spoke normally. He had just broken two regulations. It was maybe my chance to know how to speak normally, I could just whisper or shout.

Ka: My name is Karla. I'm glad I can help you. Whispers *

Harry: Why are you still whispering? We are far from armed people.

Ka: Yes, I know! I don't know how to speak otherwise.

He started by looking at me strangely.

Harry: What do you mean?

I started by explaining everything to him, that here we had no right to speak normally, that we have no right to certain greetings, that we should respect all the rules to live. He remained silent after hearing what little I had said to him. Gabriel sent me a message to tell me that his brother was a little better and that she will come by tomorrow if possible. Now I don't know how I'm going to do it, since we're out on an isolated mountain and I can't bring it with me.