
Whisper's of my soul

(This is a rewrite of my first novel embracing the shadows because I was not able to connect to the story I decided to stop it if I cannot connect with it how will the readers even though most of the things will be the same I will change things that I didn't like, Atleast give it a try) Daemon is a normal boy who always tries hard in his studies for the recognition of his peers but fails to do so, even though he didn't have friends to play with and was often bullied for his long hair he never complained. Because he was not truly alone as there was one girl always with him and he thought everything would change with time. But the reality is cruel to everyone one day everything changed for him as he started to hear a voice in his head whispering how this world is cruel and you need power to control it. After some incidents which lead him to compel towards the darker side, he succumbed to the darkness within and let his other side out. How he will live a double life solving the mysteries of this world and the voice in his mind. How will his life change as the darkness engulf him? Let's find out. Even though the story is based in India for my Convenience I will change names because This is a story based on alternate earth and there will be many changes, not the same earth (I am a newby author and I hope you give me an honest response I am willing to correct my mistakes so write a review, English is not my first language just so you know) (I am writing this novel on my phone of course because I don't have money for buying a laptop.) ( patreon.com/Piyush_eternal ) (This is my Patreon account new to that too so tell me if anything is important for the time being. I will appreciate your support )

Ace_of_your_heart · Realistic
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12 Chs

Walking On The Road Of Corruption

(Hello dear readers I think this chapter is of better quality. I hope you give me a review. Your support is my motivation.)


As I was arguing with Damien, I heard my Mom's voice.

"Daemon, I have prepared new clothes; they are on the bed. Hurry up; we have to go to the deity's temple for their blessings."

After wearing a light blue shirt with jeans and sports shoes, I checked myself in the mirror. I was satisfied except for my long hair. Everything was good.

After arriving at the temple which was just a 10-minute trip from home by walking.

'Please, Lord Shiva, The only thing I want is to have a good life with my family and live my life with no regrets.' I prayed to lord Shiva for prosperity.

He is one of the Three main deities in our religion, and he is the kindest of them all. As I stood there in the temple, a sense of peace and tranquillity washed over me. The soft fragrance of incense filled the air, and the gentle sound of bells echoed through the temple halls.

I closed my eyes, allowing myself to be completely immersed in the sacred atmosphere.

There are many religions in the world. I have seen many of them in my class, too.

Every religion has its own beliefs. We all should respect that belief. My parents taught me that.

After leaving the temple, we walked towards the auto stand, and after arguing about the price, my mom and I boarded the auto rickshaw.

We arrived at the salon in 10 minutes.

After that, it was the moment I was waiting for; we arrived at the salon, even though it was the same one that my mom always goes to.

After half an hour, I looked at myself in the mirror, satisfied. Not too short, not too long—just perfect.

"Are you satisfied now, Daemon?" My mom chuckled as she ruffled my hair. Most of the time she is stoic, but I know she loves me the most, and I deeply respect her for that.

During the walk home"Your birthday feast, as always, will be at Meera's house. Your father has a surprise for you today," my mom said with her beautiful and rare smile.

Meera Smith was the name of Arya's mother, and Ethan Smith was her father's name. Uncle, like most fathers I have seen, was overprotective toward Arya and Preeti.

"Ugh, I will have to meet her again." I groaned as I started to think of a plan to avoid her at all costs. After reaching home, my mom greeted some neighbours with whom she spent an hour. I was bored, so I got home and plopped down on the bed.

'Damien, do you have any plans to avoid Preeti' I tried to ask him, but he has been silent this whole time.

[ Do what you want. For now, don't talk to me; you are still too young for my advice. I was wrong in contacting you about this early, ] he said, growing silent. I tried to contact him but failed.

'Okay, I don't need you; I will think of a plan myself,' I said to him. I started to think, but after thinking for a while, I fell asleep unknowingly.

"Daemon, wake up! It's time." I heard my mother's voice as she shook my body.

I woke up groggily and rubbed my eyes.

"Hmm, what happened?" I asked, half asleep.

"It's already 7 pm and Father is already at Meera's house the preparation is done too, let's go," Mom said.

"What! I will get ready asap, Mom." I hurriedly got up and ran towards the bathroom.

After getting ready, we arrived at Arya's house. My father was already there, talking to his uncle there about politics. I walked toward my father.

"Happy Birthday, Daemon! You were asleep in the morning, so I decided not to wake you up, and by the way, you look good in the new haircut." My father, William Blackwood, complimented me.

He was a normal middle-aged man, not ugly but far from my mother's league average height. He has a 6-year age difference from my mother.

After that, I greeted Uncle Ethan and Aunt Meera. They also complimented my hair.

Arya pulled me to the side and hugged me. I was embarrassed in front of my parents, yet they didn't say anything.

"Happy Birthday, Daemon, Now, you look more handsome," Arya said with her cute smile.

I saw Preeti in the corner of my eye. She came forward and pulled me from the hug.

"Happy Birthday, Daemon, Meet me in my room After dinner." She whispered the last part in my ear as she hugged me. I was shorter than her, so she bent a little. Showing me some part of her black bra.

I pulled back from her as we all made our way to the living room. Food was already prepared, and all of it was vegetarian because Arya's family was vegetarian.

Well, no problem with that cause even though my family was non-vegetarian we don't eat meat regularly.

There was no cake, as most people don't celebrate their birthdays with cake cutting, and it also mostly contains eggs.

After dinner, it was time for my surprise. It was still 8 p.m.

"Here, Daemon, here is your gift," my dad said, handing me a wrapped box.

I was excited; it was my first gift after my fifth birthday. I unwrapped it, and I was surprised to see a Beyblade set. I walked up and hugged my father.

"Thank you very much, Father," I said, hugging him. I was truly happy.

"Don't thank me yet you have to study hard as always and work more on your writing and it was your mother's idea," Father said

I walked toward my mother and said, Thank you. My uncle gave me study materials, and my aunt gave me a jacket, which I liked very much.

"Here, Daemon, take this gift." Arya gave me a chocolate box; it was her favourite chocolate.

"She brought that from her money daemon from her savings," My Aunt said from the side.

Arya blushed at her words, but I was touched. There was a warm feeling in my heart. I will share this chocolate with her later.

Her gift was my second favourite. As nothing can beat a Beyblade, for which I waited for months.

"Where is Preeti? Seriously, this girl has no manners," Suddenly Aunt said.

I remembered that she told me to come to her room. I was afraid of what she would do if I didn't go, so I decided to go.

"I will go and check on her, "I said. Everyone was looking at me because they know how much I always avoid her but today, I was going to find her.

"Let me come with you, "Arya chimed, but I refused her. Preeti called me alone. I can't let her come; it will complicate things.

I walked towards her room having a weird feeling in my heart that if she told my parents about that day, my birthday would be ruined.

[ Don't worry, just keep calm and do what she says perfectly; I don't think she would do anything bad. ] I heard Damein's voice again after some time.

'Now you decided to show yourself, you said you will not talk to me,' I asked him.

[ I was just trying to help you; if you don't want it, I will keep quiet again,] he said, growing silent again.

'Hey, sorry Damien, I was just being sarcastic. I tried to call him again, but he didn't answer.

After arriving at her door, I opened the door, not knowing what was awaiting me.

As I opened the door, There was an arousing scene before me that was arousing for most boys. Because Preeti was changing clothes.

I quickly turned my head away, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, big sis! I didn't mean to intrude!" I stammered, closed my eyes, and turned my face towards the door.

Preeti let out a chuckle, seemingly unbothered by the situation. "Oh, Daemon, you're so innocent! It's not like I'm naked or anything. Relax!" she said, her voice dripping with mischief.

I could feel her eyes on me, and it made me even more uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, now you can turn back; I have already worn the clothes," Preeti said as I turned back and opened my eyes to get the shock of my life.

This time, she wasn't even wearing a bra. Her beautiful breasts were plain to see.

"W-what?" I almost shouted but held myself back and again closed my eyes. But images kept popping into my head.

Her boobs were small compared to my aunt's but were rounder, firm and had a very enticing pink part on the top which looked like a cherry. I was about to turn towards the door again, but her voice stopped me.

"Open your eyes, and this is an order now," Preeti said. I trembled, as I was really afraid of her this time. I opened my eyes slowly, inside me something was screaming for me to get outside this room.

But I ignored it, not knowing, it will become the reason for many of my future troubles...