
Whiskey and Cigarettes

RavenMScott · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

We can never find the best beginning of a story , but the best beginning is not always the best start of the best story , so this story doesn't have the most special beginning.

This story starts with a girl named Lily , a girl once destroyed by surroundings , once lost trough people and painful memories . At some point Lily managed to ignore everything that could've hurt her , passing through things that most people would get stuck into.

However, she found herself in this chaos , because nothing is entirely sure when it comes to life . Someone said once that everything that makes us happy right now it can disappear so easily right in that second .

But in the end in this ocean of chaos and uncertainty, Lily found herself like a few people did and other people didn't .

Lily started finding herself , one night when she was drinking a glass of whiskey and smoking a cigarette with an old but not that old friend , passionate but not really .

Lost in her own thoughts and with a bitter taste left by her very close past , Lily got herself into his kitchen , with him and his best friend Jacob .

- It's been so long since we last saw each other ... Lily said . Why it has been so long? Pour me a drink , please !

- You are the one who showed no sign of life , Lily! Said Jacob still confused by the presence of the mysterious dark-blonde haired girl .

Lily got her glass and took a sip from it , without making a single grimace.

- Woman ! he said. What happened ?  You never drink straight .. Everything good?

Lily's face changed  and without even looking for a moment at his face she was feeling how his look burned her skin . She was reluctant about telling the truth about what happened to her so she totally avoided the question saying:

-A lot changed since we last saw each other ! Maybe coming here was a mistake , but I just wanted to see you guys ! I am going to leave now...

Lily got up , ready to leave, but he grabbed her arm and said :

- Stay , you don't have anything to lose if you stay  ! I am sorry , if you do not want to talk , ok, but you better dilute that whiskey with coke or something, I don't want problems.

His hand on her skin was transmitting electricity trough her entire body and memories combined with feelings in her subconscious .

- Okay , brown eyes , but I drink however I want and please never call me that again ! Uhh .. It's sounds so misogynistic !

Jacob was looking at them a little bit confused but he was seeing something that she knew in a way or another, but Davon didn't and was not interested in .

Davon had something special from her point of view . He was kind of tall , light brunette , wide shoulders and he owned the most piercings and wild brown eyes that Lily ever saw in her life , one look and our dear "woman" , as he called her , was feeling something so vibrant that only she could ever understand.

However , she believed that those piercing brown eyes were sad , like something bad had happened .

He saw her like an ordinary girl , but her emotional state was giving him something to think about, he was a little bit worried. She was not the Lily he met , a "woman" full of life , with pathetic but meaningful principles, and now he had in front of him a silent Lily , whose spunk , principles and even herself seemed to be lost .

The night followed the three friends telling about their most recent conquests , the summer that they had and many more stories .

Jacob was seeing someone though, but didn't seem to be the one for him , he was a little bit taller than Davon , but softer ,happier , he had brown eyes as well but dark brown hair.

It was a little bit past midnight when Lily lighted a cigarette and she finally started laughing at something Jacob said about one of his conquests. She looked like she was having a good time , she fooled J. , maybe even herself, but not Davon .

He knew something was up and he wanted to know what with all costs.