
Whiskers the bounty Hunter

Whiskers is a Tabaxi with mad skills working as a fun loving bounty hunter. This is a story about how he learns who he really is.

Michael_Childress · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Target: Roan

A loud roar eccos through-out  an empty city street as a tiger walks through a city in ruin. It jumps over a large van while looking for prey in this city where nature now reigns supreme. Vines wrapped around the buildings, growing, bursting out the ground, cars flipped over broken in pieces. This was the city abandoned by decent members of society. Up inside a old office building on the 9th floor of the tall tower was an interesting bar setup. This place had a few individuals inside and they were some of the most dastardly scum on the planet. A rogue lizard man with blue goggles, carrying a crossbow and bombs. A massive muscular bear-man with a scar over his eye holding a large axe, drinking down a huge mug of foaming beer. The bartender was a demi-human fox-girl with crimson red fur, a mean star that screamed do not mess with me but she still got along great with the customers. 

     From a taller floor across the street and one building over was a Tabaxi-rouge bounty hunter named Whiskers who was watching in wait for his next big score. He was waiting for hours as the small group went about their day as they all seemed to not move at all, whiskers just had to wait for his target. This Tabaxi has black colored fur, a big white patch on his chest, a small white patch on his arm and left ear. He had a long tail with white on the tip. He wore loose pants with blue and gold patterns then a hood with the same colors. The patches of blue and gold had swirls if you looked closely and he carried a short bow and a rapier sword. He was trying to stay patient as he looked on through binoculars but Whiskers was more a person on action. Whiskers knew his info was from a reliable source but he had not seen his target for days now as it was always the same few people in and out, when would Roan show?

     Roan was a stag like human creature, almost like a centaur with a full deer backside, a human man body and head with antlers on his head. This man was wanted for supposingly murdering a elvish family that lived in an enchanted forest. The story goes that Roan brutally destroyed the family and stole some kind of magical artifact. This was some kind of family heirloom hundreds of years old. This exclusive bounty went out to few hunters and had a huge payout of one million units but only if you have the killer alive with the artifact intact. As Whiskers waited and waited he grew impatient and frustrated so he decided to take action, move closer.

     Whiskers decided to go undercover, walking into the establishment with swagger and eragance. Intense stairs meet him as he approaches the bar, both patriots and the bartender give Whiskers a look that reads who the hell are you? A look that would make normal people walk away in an instant. Whiskers however still walks up and asks if the fox-girl knows Roan with a whisper trying to act evil and menacing. "I am a buyer of certain... items if you will and I am looking for Roan? Have you seen him today?" The bartender simply laughed slightly and answered with a sassy "you're in the wrong place buddy." She warned him to go away before the locals come around saying "we don't like strangers 'round here."

     Just then Roan walked into the room uptop the withered skyscraper inside the descelate office building tuned bar. Whiskers turned as he heard the distinct sounds of deer hooves clipping against the hard floor. Whiskers had to keep his cool and not react to quick, he had to act naturally, inside his own head he thought "don't be weird, don't be weird, don't be weird." Roan continued to the counter to ask for a drink and shared a cautious look with the bartender as Whiskers said "sup" kind of awkwardly. Roan replaied is a suspicious tone "Haven't seen you around here before, what brings you to nowhere?" The bartender chimed in before Whiskers could reply, she directed a question at Whiskers "did you say you were he to meet him?" Roan became interested and aware as he said "is that so, foxy?"

     Panicking slightly pausing and laughing a little to stall for time before saying boldly "yes of course! but you see we haven't met before, I simply heard you would be here." Whiskers looked nervously at both Foxy and Roan as he went on " I am a collector and heard you acquired a new artifact recently?" Roan's drink shows up and he picks it up kind of slowly as he strategies, before the drink hits his lips he quickly reacts. Splash! Roan throws his drink in full causing a moment for him to turn and run fast jumping through a window, bursting out! He then took something from a pocket on his jacket and threw it up as it expanded into a big glowing balloon that had a string Roan held onto. This allowed him to gently float down to the city streets.

    Whiskers followed behind pulling out his short bow and a specialty arrow. He stood at the edge of the building and fired a zipline arrow down, this created a line from him to the street that he could use his bow to slide down. Whiskers quickly followed his target down sliding to the streets. The pair lock eyes and the chase was on! Roan exploded with speed down the city street, jumping over big potholes and destroyed car parts. Whiskers gave chase quickly following behind, his shortbow still in hand. As he ran after his target he was skilled and could continue to fire arrows trying to capture Roan. Whiskers had the ability endless quiver, a ability that allowed him to summon any of his arrow typed automatically like they shot of of his palm. Whiskers yelled after the deer-like centur "Stop! You are a wanted man!" but this went on closed ears. Catching his breath he softly said "damn this fucker is fast." As the chase went on turning left then right down the city streets with Whiskers firing arrow after arrow, all coming closely to their target. Roan barley dodging each shot as he jumped over decaying benches and left over junk from a once booming city.

     Eventually after a long chase Roan turned down an alley then slipped into a building. Before Whiskers could catch up Roan quickly hid away in an effort to catch his breath or possibly get away from the bounty hunter. Both creatures were growing more tired as Whiskers followed into the dark old Wearhouse. This place had a moldy odor in the air and sounds of dripping water from a few different spots, metal supports beams disconnected and falling over as if it could fall at any moment. As it was getting later and later the sun was starting to fall with no light seeping into the building, darkness filled the worn down Wearhouse. Luckily Whiskers eyes were genetically made for this, evolution mixed with training and a touch of magic made his eyes as good if not better than night vision goggles.

     The bounty hunter had to be calm, patient, and stealthy in order to get the upper hand on his target but this wasn't his style. Whiskers walked in saying loudly and jokingly "Marco?" with his hand cupped by his mouth. Acting like it's a game and being light hearted about the situation. He walked around taking a look around trying to find his target, but Roan more than just hiding, he was luring his openent into a trap. This has been Roans hideout for the last month or so while he was trying to lay low and come up with a plan. He made sure this base of operations was set up and ready for any situation he could think of, right now he was hiding behind an object called a camouflage wall. This allowed Roan to put it up like a shield in order to magically bled into his background, basically disappearing. Whiskers kept searching but couldn't find his target at all but was not prepared to leave without Roan and the payday that came along with taking him in. 

     Whiskers came up with a wild, crazy, and irresponsible plan just like he always does, he always tended to be a sort of 'wildcard' but always managed to be successful. He yelled "either come out or I'll blow this place up!" With a smerky looking smile Whiskers pulled out six bomb arrows using his ability and began walking around sticking those arrows into several spots around the Wearhouse. Each corner and two support beams all got arrows shoved stertally into place as he chuckled and said "Ill catch you one way or another." As Whiskers starts to count down from 5 to 1 slowly, Roan starts to get nervous and starts to wonder if the hunter will really set off bombs in this place? 

     Roan walked out slowly trying to buy time, time to think of his next plan. He starts to sweat, taking a gulp and nervously saying "Hang on.. hang on there, don't do anything crazy." Trying to stay confident while trying to explain his situation "I'm not the bad guy here, I am in a bad situation is all. I simply did what I had to in order to do what is truly right." Roan tried to explain but Whiskers wouldn't listen simply answering with "I'm taking you in and getting paid, it's that simple." 

     The two strong individuals circled each other slowly getting a good measure of the other. Whiskers went in for the first attack, quickly running forward, jumping and drawing his sword. Roan was ready with his hidden ability, his antlers started to glow a bright light blue as a close by metel trash can glew the same color and shot off the ground, intercepting Whiskers attack. His sword cut right through the projectile with ease but he lost momentum landing back on the floor as the two again were at a stand still. Whiskers was trying to get this done quickly as the more time Roan had to think the better chance he had to escape. Roan drew his sword as well to meet with the incoming blade. A loud cling is heard from the two swords clashing into one another forcefully, then pulled apart then smashed together over and over as the two battled for control of the other.

     Bang! A huge flash of light filled the room blinding both Roan and Whiskers, disorienting the pair. Whiskers took a few steps backwards in the confusion activating a trap, flipping upside down from a rope trab wrapping him up as he dropped his sword. At the same time Roan started to regain his vision but only to be shocked as a new enemy landed gracefully in front of him. Cheshire, another tabaxi bounty hunter, with purple and pink fur in a leopard like pattern, stunning eyes, and a fierce smile. She wore jean short shorts with a utility belt, a stylish tank top that barely covered up her voluptuous cleavage and was carrying a javelin. She had thrown a stun disk at Roan to temporarily stun the target then she used a specialty tool of hers to capture the centur. This tool was like a small marble she threw at Roan and on impact it burst open into a huge balloon like cage that surrounded him. The bubble was floating slightly off the ground and had a rope attached to it that Cheshire had the other end of. 

     Whiskers was shouting at her while this was happening, "that's my target! Of course it's her! Fuck!" all while he struggled to get free.    He grabbed his small dagger and struggled to sit up while hanging in order to cut through the rope. Cheshire just giggled, smiled, blew Whiskers a sarcastic kiss and said "Thanks babe" while she ran off easily out the building taking the now captures Roan with her easily pulling the bubble behind her. She makes it out the building and to her motorcycle before Whiskers could get free, she knew he would find a way out of a simple trap like that. Quickly attaching the cord to her bike, and starting the engine, she speeds off as Whiskers ran behind her firing off a few arrows, each one exploding on impact. On her purple crotch-rocket she speeds away barley dodging the explosions and the rubble.

     Cheshire celebrated as she left Whiskets behind because he couldn't keep up on foot and her target was captured. Whiskers ran behind knowing he was out done this time but knew he couldn't give up. Meanwhile Cheshire got further away down the city street, thinking she got the prize but a moment later the bubble wasn't attached to her bike anymore. Bam! One shot came from an unknown place without her even noticing. She calmly but cautiously got off her bike and investigated the event, taking a good look around, checking the connection, and she knew something was up. It took a few minutes to change the magnetic connector and create a new core to connect the bubble but that was long enough for an ambush.