
While you were sleeping

Hong joo's dreams always come true. She dreams of hugging a man whom she has never met and is shocked at her actions. On the night of Valentine's Day, she is worried about her mom and hurries home to see her. Jae chan has a dream about Hong joo. He feels that he must prevent the events of his dreams from actually happening and tries his best to make sure that the accident never happens.

milx_txn · Teen
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3 Chs


"Hes such a pro" Hong joo said " he has some serious skills" Hong joo added

" i think you just have no clue when it comes to guys." Her mom said.

"can i get my bill, please?" One of there costumer said

"1 serving of pork belly and kimchi stew. 17 dollars, please." Her mom said

"yes,just wait a minute...here thank you" there costumer said

"thanks" Hong joo's mom said.

Hong joo saw the lighter the guy has it was very familiar to her then she remember it was the guy she dream of before "what's the matter? do you know that man?" Hong joo's mom said

"in my dream, 3 months ago...i saw that man with a bandage on his finger." Hong joo said.

" it was snowing As soon as he flicked his lighter to smoke. He caught fire in the gasoline station." Hong joo said

"when? Where did it happen?" Her mom said in shock " where is it " her mom added

"i dont know " Hong joo said.

"He flicked his lighter with the hand with bandage" Hong joo said

" that means it will happen soon...gosh" her mom said

they both chased the guy they luckyly see the guy "sir, can you give me your lighter and cigarettes?" Hong joo's mom said

"why?" the guy ask

"smoking.....is bad for your health. It can cause cancer" her mom said.

" why do you care?!... Its none of your business" the guy shout

" move out of my way" the guy added slaming his car door

" sir, you'll die if you smoke" Hong joo said.

"what is wrong with this both women? Are you both crazy?!" The guy said

" get lost, out of my way " the guy said pushing the both of them.

"for goodness sake " the guy said

" you have to listen sir you'll die if you smoke" Hong joo said

" you have nothing to lose please listen to me sir?" Hong joo added banging the guys door car then the guy started his car then got away.

" I got his lighter, will this help?" Her mom ask

"forget it, its no use" Hong joo said

"its his choice and his life " Hong joo added

"what are you talking about we must change it if we know" her mom said

" we cant " Hong joo said.

" who could believe this crazy nonsense?" Hong joo added.

"gosh where did my lighter go" the guy said while driving

"what i see in my dream came true so if you dont listen you must listen to me no matter what everyone will think its all nonsense even dad passed away because he didn't believe me.

the future is unchangeble knowing what will happen in nothing " Hong joo said in her mind.

The guy arrive at the gasoline station and flicked his lighter then the fire start straight to his face then the gasoline station exploded.

(The next day)

"Give me this cake" Hyang mi said

"why so you need to buy a cake?" Her co worker said

"hey, today is Prosecutor Jae chan's first day. We should celebrate." Hyang mi said

"Celebrate, my foot. Your going overboard" her co worker said then Hyang mi showed the picture of Jae chan

"We should celebrate indeed. Lets celebrate.... Let today be a national holiday..... He looks smart." Her co worker said.

" i know right? Doesn't prosecutor Jae chan so sharp?" Hyang mi said

" i really like him" Hyang mi said

"look at him..... My goodness" Hyang mi and her co worker said.

"Ms. Moon , my feelings is hurt" Yoo beom said

"you used to call me fondly like that when we used to work together. You're already calling prosecutor Jae chan like how you used to call me?" Yoo beom added.

"gosh, prosecutor Yoo beom....i mean lawyer lee Yoo beom" Hyang mi said

"I'll pay for this" Yoo beom said

"No, you dont have to" Hyang mi said.

"No, its okay its prosecutor Jae chan first day you know..... I should congratulate him" Yoo beom said

"you know him?" Hyang mi asked

"ofcourse i used to tutor him" Yoo beom answered

"he look like he doesn't need a tutor in his whole life" Hyang mi said jokingly

" What? He always got a lowest grade on his class" Yoo beom said

"are you serious? Really?" Hyang mi and her co worker asked in shock

" found that hard to believe" they added

(13 year's ago)

Yoo beom was tutoring Jae chan

Yoo beom wrote justice " What does this mean?" Yoo beom asked

"this was to easy.....just. it means now then ice as in ice cube..... Together they're pronounced as just ice.... It means freeze now" Jae chan answered confidently

(Back to the story)

"Gosh his that dumb?" Hyang mi and her co worker asked while there walking "Poor you. A stupid prosecutor will probably make your job harder" her co worker said to Hyang mi

"Well hes still a prosecutor, he cant be that stupid" Hyang mi said.

at that moment they saw Jae chan taking a selfie outside there office "i cant stand him" Hyang mi said annoyed "hey, prosecutor Jae chan" Yoo beom said.

Jae chan looked startled to what Yoo beom said "is it you Yoo beom?" Jae chan asked

"Yes...its been a while jae chan.....i meen prosecutor Jae chan" Yoo beom said.

proceed to go inside of Jae chan's office "was it two years ago? The work i did.... The curruption case and the series murder case earned me .... A award from the Public Prosecutor General." Yoo beom said while talking to Mr. Choi.

" all i do was put down a spoon on the table....that was already set by mr choi, but i even got an award" Yoo beom added

"gosh that's no true" mr. Choi said.

"hello im choi Dam Dong " mr. Choi said to Jae chan

"hello nice to meet you, my name is Jae chan" Jae chan said while smiling