
Goblin Mage Dark Staff Part 2

With his spear in his hands, Adam launched himself into the air and made it seem as though he was going to strike downwards on the Tank Goblin Beast that had moved forwards to face him, but then suddenly stopped attacking just as he was about to clash with the Tank Goblin Beast.

Their bodies were very durable and strong, had thick armour and thick shields, which made them hard to take down, but that also made them easy to avoid and without any offensive fighters with them, they were quite easy to deal with.

The Tank Goblin Beast had put up his shield to block the downwards spear attack that he thought Adam was attacking him with, however, he was merely helping Adam, who stopped his attack, by doing so.

Adam who acted as though he was about to strike him with the spear, landed on the Tank Goblin Beast's shield and launched himself off it towards the other Tank Goblin Beast that wasn't prepared for a sudden attack.