
While Asleep

With the involvement of everyone with the non-stop murders that happens every night, the people are suspicious of each other, with every possibility of someone being the heinous murderer. Loralai and her adoptive family have been very alarmed seeing the news headline every morning about the creepy incidents. Bloods, heads, and burns, the victims are mercilessly killed by the villain whose motive can’t be identified. The present and future of the society may crumble as the villain holds a big grudge about an event from the past that can’t seem to leave its mind.

Maggixxian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"Wake up, Loralai," Acheros whispers as he shakes Loralai's shoulder. Despite her wife being mean to the kid, she wanted Loralai to enter the same school as their real daughter. Dayanara said she doesn't want someone under her care to grow up knowledgeless and a fool, which Acheros completely understands. "Hurry, you'll be late." In return, Loralai grunted and switched off her position. From her face on the bed to her injured back now on the bed. Acheros' brows furrowed. He knew where Loralai was injured, obviously, at the back, that's why he is confused why Loralai didn't feel any pain where it switched position. Maybe her body is still unconscious about the pain. He quietly agreed to himself.

"5 minutes…" Loralai mumbled under her sleepy breath. For some reason, Loralai felt like not going to school today. She felt so tired, like really tired. Her body last night felt tortured though she liked it.

Acheros sighed. "Fine," he said. He knew he can't do anything at that time because Loralai literally says that every morning, every day. Nevertheless, Loralai still prepares for school, just a little bit late though. "Make sure you prepare after 5 minutes, or I'll come back here and fix you myself," Acheros warned. He just laughed secretly at what he said. As if Loralai will be scared of his threat. It was a harmless threat. And it's certain that Acheros won't be able to do that because of their genders.

Acheros went to their living room, and there stood his own son, Callum, waiting for him to accompany him to school. Callum stood almost six feet, literally taller than his father. He has two observant brown eyes, his long lashes, and dark, thick eyebrows that complement his eyes well. He got high cheekbones and beautiful pinkish, kissable lips that can attract every girl. But, as handsome as he is, he snobs everyone, except her family – a real family, and close friends. Overall, he is handsome, but not quite because he got some not-so-good personality.

"Let's go?" Callum asked at Acheros, tightening his grasp on the strap of his bag before walking towards their garage.

"Wait," Acheros stopped him. "Let's wait for 5 more minutes for Loralai. I'm sure she's getting ready by now."

Callum blew a loud breath before sitting down on their sofa. It was like that every day. It's not like he doesn't like going to school with Loralai, it's just that, his time was wasted waiting for that woman to come prepared when she knew that they are going to school together every day. 'Why am I even annoyed? It's not like she does something new that may annoy me.' He sighed. Callum's always this patient when it comes to Loralai because he somehow knew what's happening every night. But he can't wait like this forever. He can't be continuing waking up early in the morning, preparing early, being ready early, just to wait for Loralai who he isn't sure if already fixing herself.

Callum monitored his watch – 5 minutes. He looks at it every minute. And every minute passing by, he's getting annoyed. He literally hates being late at school. Callum isn't the most outstanding student in their school, but he sure has a good image. And he can't ruin that by being late even just for a minute. Callum looks at the staircase from time to time, and Loralai seems hopeless. He's losing his patience, and all he wants now is to board their car and go to school.

"Let's go, I'm getting late," Callum stated with a stricter, commanding tone. It wasn't supposed to scare his father, but to let his father know that he is getting annoyed, and can't wait any longer than now. "Dad," he called after his father didn't even bat him an eye. His father is still looking at the staircase, waiting for the moment Loralai will set foot and start walking towards them, which might not happen any second now.

"A little more," Acheros mumbled, still looking at where Loralai might appear. And Loralai didn't disappoint, well maybe, and soon is walking downstairs with her eyes closed. It wasn't needed, but Acheros is somehow amazed at how Loralai can walk downstairs with eyes closed without tripping or missing any step. 'The little things…' Acheros don't know why, but he felt that there is something more in Loralai that can amaze her. In fact, despite Loralai living with them for almost 2 years now, they still don't know what the woman can do. Remember that their world has magic in it, everyone has, and Loralai didn't even use hers even once. Well, maybe, they don't know if Loralai used it before. But they are sure they don't know what Loralai can do. "Come one," Acheros lead the way towards their garage.

He slid himself inside first before the two followed, Loralai sitting at the front seat, while Callum sat just behind them. Acheros immediately started the engine and traveled their way to the two's school. They just sat there comfortably while they are moving along the long road towards the school. It sure was a long ride. It took them at least 30 minutes to reach their destination.

"Loralai, wake up." Acheros shook Loralai's nearest shoulder, waking her up. She's been sleeping ever since they rode the car. 'Is that her power? Ability? Amazing sleeper?' Acheros be loving to think weird things about Loralai. "We're here, wake up."

"Hmmm," Loralai's responded, crumpling her eyes and yawning before opening the car door and going out. She still unbelievably has her eyes closed at the moment she is walking towards the school campus. Everyone was staring at her as she walks her way to their classroom. 'She's really weird,' Everyone thought. Loralai was like that every single school day, and they seem not to get used to how weird really is Loralai.

Acheros just smiled at how weird Loralai really is. The woman wasn't like that when she first knocked on their door, begging them to adopt her because she has nowhere to go. Well, they obliged and adopted her, as per his wife's request. And so, Loralai was added to their family. But still, they seem to know nothing about the woman except her name.