
Which Side Will You Choose?

When you're Alex, the second son of Academia, an assassin family that takes any job no matter how dangerous and scary and you are next in line to be the leader because your brother passed because of a mission you were suppose to go on, but you can't morn because your father just wants to retire so you runaway and stay away for 2 years will you stay in the life you made for your self or will someone drag you back to the dark side.

Jenae_Woods · LGBT+
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6 Chs

The Mission: James pov

 I walked out the door of the coffee shop and picked up the call. Academia:" Agent Miller, any updates on the mission." James: Yes, I spent the day with your son as you asked and we got closer" I look at the coffee shop and see his face through that window and I see how he smiles that smiles that can blind a man I love it when he smiles like that. My mission started 2 months ago I was called in by Academia a assassin family that is more powerful than you may think I was hired to be a delivery driver for the second born son Alex Academia and get close to him so I could take him back to his family. They say 2 years ago Alex ran away because his brother had been killed on a mission, and he was next in line to be the leader of Academia so he ran and the family he's been looking for him ever sent. They found him 5 months ago as a writer and told me to go undercover. But it turns out I am a double agent. I work for Arrow, an agency that fights assassins the Arrow leader is my father he ordered me to go undercover cover and work for Academia, and so I did, but Academia gave me another mission to find and bring back there son and so that is how we go here. Academia: Hello. James: Oh, yeah,. Academia: You remember that mission, right? we will do a check-in. 1s a week, don't forget the adjective now. Bye.

 They hang up before I can say anything, but anyways I turn to see that bright smile I love. Walking up to me with two cups in his hands. I smile at that and get one of the cups he has. "So you ready for me to take you home?" I say, feeling like I have forgotten something but not sure what."Yeah, and what was that call about? You look tense." I look at him shocked and trying to find a good excuse,"my dad called to see if I was okay at home alone. I just moved here, so he's seeing how I'm doing." I say and surprise at how good that was "oh you live alone, not dating anyone".