
Where Were You

I never thought I would ever see him again. Jackson... We were best friends from five to twelve. Who was I kidding? He was my only friend. The only one I could rely on, the only one who was there for me... Until he suddenly was not, when I needed him the most. Now, after all this time, we've both made something of ourselves and now my job was asking me to be friendly with him again to try and secure the contract that was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If I fail, I could lose my position and my job, something I've worked harder than anyone I've ever known to work for. I can do this. I can swallow the resentment and put on a smile until we get the contract. I will not lose everything I've worked for because of him. He has already caused me enough pain and suffering, he's not going to give me anymore. Not if I can help it. *R-18* WARNING PROFANITY, ADULT CONTENT BOTH SEXUAL** AND NON, ADULT SITUATIONS, PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ABUSE DOES OCCUR. PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THESE TOPICS AND SITUATIONS* **Lots of it ALL SCENARIOS AND CHARACTERS ARE FICTIONAL

Mara_Heller · Urban
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90 Chs

38 Mother of Mercy

His eyes widen and the smile that creeps across his face reminds me of those commercials where the 5 year old finds out they're going to Disnay-world. There's excitement, disbelief, and wonder all over his face. Pride swells in me and a new burst of confidence rushes through me as I step out of my dress, pull the hair pin out of my hair and strut to him. 

I hope that was as sexy as it felt. "Surprise." I lower my chin and look at him through my lashes, biting my bottom lip as I stand right in front of him.

He swallows hard, lifting his hands up that tremble as they come to rest on my hips. "Wow." 

I've caused him to lose his vocabulary with just the outfit. I wonder what he's going to do when he sees the rest of his surprise?

"So is this a good surprise?" I ask him, as I straddle his lap and press him back onto the bed.

"Melita. I ... I'm speechless. You look fucking amazing." One of his hands comes up to caress my cheek, as I lean over to give him a kiss.

I keep it soft and sweet, but he's having none of that. He flips us over, deepening our kiss as he grinds his hardness against me. He pulls back and strips out of his jacket, tossing it to the side before loosening his tie. I grab his tie and pull him back down to my lips, helping him untie it as his hands work on the buttons of his shirt. 

His shirts off, his hands now roaming over my body, his feet kick off his shoes, our lips never leaving each others except to take a quick breath. When I can't take it anymore and I need him, I struggle with his pants making him lean back and undo the hook that was giving me trouble. He stands and drops his pants and boxer briefs, his cock smacking his lower abdomen once it's released. 

I scoot up the bed, preparing myself to let him know, there's more as he crawls onto the bed after me.

"Jackson... There's more to your surprise..." I blush, there's no turning back now. 

Cocking a brow at me, he grins, "There's more? What could possibly make this any bet...ter...?" 

I pull out the restraints from under the pillows, making his voice trail off. 

"Oh, Melita..." Groaning my name he cages me under his body, his lips drifting over my skin on my chest and up my neck to peck and tease my lips. "Baby," He whispers, "You didn't have to do all this."

I know I didn't, but I just tell him, "Red is my safe word." I inform him.

"I'm going to have so much fun with you." He says confidently, kissing me deeply as he takes one hand and slips it into the restraint, and then the other.

"There's more in your drawer." I wink at him, making him too curious to not look.

He bites his fist when he opens the drawer, before pulling out the spreader bar for my ankles and the toys. 

"I thought you didn't know much about bondage?"

"I did not, but my new friends did and answered some questions I had." 

"Ah yes. Your new friends... So I'm guessing last night was fun?" He runs his hands down my inner thighs, making me shudder in anticipation.

"It was fun. A little intimidating too." I respond as he seems to contemplate the spreader bar.

"Intimidating? How?" He asks, setting the spreader bar to the side and coming back to lay down next to me, running his hands along the parts of my body not quite yet exposed.

"I don't know..." I start, but he tweaks my nipple through the bra, "Ah!... let me finish!" 

He cocks a brow at me, for my attitude, and I bite my lip. Realizing my mistake I apologize.

"Sorry, Sir. I really was going to say, that I don't know for certain because it was a mixture of things. They were confident in who they were, what they were doing, and they just understood each other without having to speak. It was rough trying to keep up with the conversation at times."

"Kind of like how we are?" Jackson asks, running his hands up and down my sides, tracing the lines of my outfit. 

I give it some thought before nodding in agreement. "Yes. I felt a little out of place with them, mainly because I didn't know them that well. I could tell though that they were genuine in their care and concern for each other. They also seemed genuine in their wish to get to know me better."

I take a sharp breath in when his mouth descends on my skin, kissing me gently between my breasts.

"Well, I think having some friends are good for you. Did you have fun at the strip club?" He asks working his kisses up and down my chest teasing me with their feathery softness.

"Yes." I blush and dip my chin to look at him leaving trails of wetness on my skin, remembering the dance on stage and how it had turned me on but nothing compared to what Jackson was doing to me right now.

"Why do I feel like there's something you're not telling me?" Jackson gives me a playful grin, nipping at my sides before he straddles me.

"I ... I..." Shit, now I'm tongue tied?!

Jackson quirks a brow at me, but I grit my teeth and release a long breath before I explain.

"I was pulled on stage by one of the dancers and was given a dance."

Jackson's eyes flare with a steely glint as I quickly explain, "It was Simons ex boyfriend Aaron who did it. Aaron couldn't pull Simon on stage and asked who wanted a dance in his stead."

"So you spoke up?" Jackson takes in this information, a mischievous aura invading the air. He reaches over and pulls his tie that was discarded on the bed and wraps it around my eyes as I fumble for words.

"No! I tried to protest but ... " I feel the loss of his weight on me and hear him moving around before his weight reappears between my legs. Something cold touches my warm sex making me flinch.

"Go on." Jackson urges me as I hear a click and a vibrating buzz begins between my legs.

"Oh! Uh.. I told them I didn't think you'd like that but Simon insisted I needed to experience it and then Aaron had me on stage setting me in a chair as he explained the rules ... Oh my!" The vibration intensifies and I begin to rock my hips against the toy wanting more friction.

The toy disappears and I whine as Jackson readjusts himself and the toy returns to my clit.

"How did the dance go?" Jacksons warm breath is against my hips before he leaves a playful nip on my right hipbone.

"Ah! It was good." I answer quickly.

"Good? hmmm, tell me more. How did he dance? How did it make you feel?" He rubs the toy around my clit and I gasp from the sensation and rock my hips. "I want details, Melita."

Jackson pulls the toy away and I grip the restraints in my hands and try to think. "He danced around me in circles making sure his muscles were in front my face."

"Did you like what you saw?" He teases my clit with the vibrator again and when I don't respond he takes it away.

I grit my teeth, "Yes."

"What else did he do?" Jacksons lips are now on my thighs nipping and sucking my skin.

"He.. had me stand and danced around my body, holding my hand on his muscles on his stomach!" Fuck, why the hell was he asking me these freaking questions! 

"Keep talking Melita..." Jackson urges, moving the toy up and down my slit.

I groan and rock my hips, panting as I try to remember what happened next, "Then he... Oh! Took me the floor and danced like we were fucking!"

"Did it make you excited?" Jackson pulls the toy away from my sex.

"Yes! A little but he is gay! It was more embarrassing than anything!" I cry out frustrated he's teasing me. His mouth bites down on the sensitive flesh of my inner thigh and I cry out in shock before he begins sucking at the bite mark. Moaning now, I part my thighs farther apart for him, urging him to where I really want his mouth.

The toy returns to my slit and he teases my entrance with it, pressing it in slowly and pulling it back out to brush over my clit before going back to my entrance. 

"Oh my god... Jackson.." I groan, pulling on the restraints, lifting my hips up to meet his hand and the toy. 

He slips the toy further into my entrance, pressing the small bullet toy into me. I gasp as he presses it deeper within me as his tongue begins to lap at my clit. 

His tongue pauses, "So would you go back?" 

Huh? Back? 

"Back where?" I pant, wishing I could grip his hair and hold him on my damn pussy until I came already.

"For another dance." Jackson moves his finger and the bullet around inside of me.

"Fuck.... Not for another dance... I don't like being teased. Remember?" I grit out and Jackson laughs at that.

"Yes, I do." His mouth is all over my clit, sucking and licking, his finger maneuvering the toy in me.

"Oh fuck!" Jackson has me at his mercy right now, my hands gripping on the restraints tightly, my hips held up in place as I feel an orgasm just within reach. He removes his finger and the bullet pops out of me, as I feel Jackson begin to move his body.

I feel his cock at my entrance as I pant out, "Jackson... Please..." 

He coats his cock in my juices, rubbing it along my entrance. The buzz of the bullet is on my clit again and I begin to whine only to be left breathless as Jackson slides his cock inside me, the bullet pressed against my clit hard.

Jackson stays there, pressed against my body, shifting, making me whimper and want to pull him closer against me. I rock my hips, but he holds me still, before removing the tie from my eyes. 

My wide eyes stare hungrily up at him, as he takes in my appearance. 

"Fucking hell." He mutters as he can not seem to hold himself back any longer, taking my lips with his and begins to rock his body over mine. 

I'm gripping the restraints wishing I could rip them off, wanting to touch him, wanting to feel him so badly it hurts.

His hands work up to the restraints and grip my hands on them. Burning a hole through my soul with his stare right now, he positions his knees to cradle my ass and using the restraints, he begins to move faster inside of me. 

"OH my fuck...!" I can't believe this angle has made it so easy for him to fuck me and feel like he's going to destroy me from the inside out. And I'm going to love every fucking second of it.

"Jackson!" I cry out, not sure if I really am going to make it through this.

His hands snake to my hair and he grips it hard bearing my throat to him. "What's the matter, my little Lita? Afraid you can't take it?" 

The sound I make he takes as a yes, because the next second, his other hand covers my mouth, "I don't want to hear that you can't take this." His thrusting speeds up, becoming harder against my body, my cries muffled by his hand, he breathes against my throat, "You can handle this and anything else I give you." He grits out, nipping at my neck, "Because you're mine. My little fuck toy, my fucking cunt to do with as I see fit." He slows his thrusts and fills each one with strength and purpose, showing me he knew how to make my body melt on him. 

My muffled cries become clearer as he moves his hand to my throat and holds me, his cock being a merciless tool of pleasure as he grinds himself into me and drags it back out of me pressing it up into my body.

"Tell me Lita. Who do you belong to?" Jackson looks feral and it causes a flicker of panic to stir in me but also melt for him even more.

"Fuck! You didn't even have to use words! Your body just fucking told me." Jacksons eyes roll back into his head a moment as he relishes in my fresh wave of arousal coating his cock.

He tightens his grip around my throat, his eyes flashing open, "I still want you to say it. No, scream for me Melita. TELL ME, " He stops his movements and shift his hips lightly to position me more on his knees before he begins again.

Oh holy fucking mother of mercy.

He thrusts slow and hard like before but everything just tripled in the intensity of the sensations. 


"YOURS!" I cry out through my choked throat, barely able to breathe, restrained, and pretty sure I'm about to die.

"FUCK I'M YOURS!" I manage out as my body heightens it's tension, my back arching, my hands gripping for dear life as he growls in satisfaction and takes me faster. My eyesight starts to darken from the lack of oxygen when suddenly I take in a deep breath and fucking explode.