
Introvert’s doom

"Honey, listen to me carefully", Roxy's mother started to explain her worries,"I am very concerned about your health and lifestyle stuck in this place. I think you should go..". "No! This is not happening! You are here again to manipulate me. But I have told you a million times,mom, I AM NOT GOING OUT!" Roxy snapped at her mother.

Tears ran down on Mrs Williams face being faced by reality. It was her mistake that Roxy had been like this and this was like a slap on her face. But instead of regretting to Roxy she said "Your father has not much time left". "What are you talking about?" Roxy questioned in curiosity. "Don't interrupt now and listen to me. He was diagnosed with last stage cancer few days back. And his only wish,before his life ends, is to see you interact with people so you can learn to live in this world."

Roxy felt like the ground under her feet had melted away. She felt like she was in some kind of trauma. This was too much, too much for a girl who had underestimated life. Though, it seemed that her parents did not have time for her meant that they did not love her, but she understood them and loved them unconditionally. "This isn't happening" Roxy thought. "You are kidding, right?" Roxy asked for a confirmation from her mother.

Mrs Williams stood up straight and said, "This is the harsh reality, and no matter how hard it is, its his only wish". Roxy got that her mother was referring to her social interaction with the world. "Come to me when you've thought through it", Mrs Williams muttered in the air, "I'll tell you what to do next".

A father diagnosed with cancer was never a common thing for anybody but going out to face the world was very common to everybody. But the only thing Roxy thought at that moment was that her sanity is going to get affected if she left the home. On the other end a high pressure of her father's last wish was pushing Roxy towards great extent. She was lost in deep thoughts...