


" Clear! "

The defibrillator came in contact with the chest, sending electricity throughout the body.

She jerked despite herself as she experience the sharp pain flashing through her nerves, to her brain and her heart.



Her mind is losing focus, all she could feel is the remaining pain in her nerves. The ends of her fingers are in pins and needles, even her joints are now aching.

Her brain is hurting so much from the shock her nerves experienced and her chest is in so much pain, like she had been punched.

She's slowly losing consciousness, it's getting harder and harder to keep her eyes open, and yet before that happen, she heard the doctor release another "Clear".


'Gaahh!' she gasped.

Everything's going haywire.

But darkness engulfed her as her energy kept draining.


Waking up from her sleep she could hear the murmurings in her surrounding.

It might be the exhaustion but she can't open her eyes, even moving is impossible.

Concentrating to the sounds, although she can't hear them clear she've managed to identify bits of pieces of their conversation.

" The patient is under coma....."Is what she think she've heard from the doctor, although she's not sure but it's the most likely that they've said.

She think there's still something else but she couldn't hear it, as her focus zeroed on coma.

' That explain things...' That's the reason why she can't move...

After thinking that, her consciousness begin to fade once again.


" Well, I didn't expect this. "

Even when she's under coma she can still hear his sneer.

What they said that the sense of hearing heighten when you lose your sight, is indeed true.

"Hah! Heaven is still on my side." He chuckled.

She can imagine a big creepy smile on his face right now.

' ... Disgusting man...'


" Oi, Rin, aren't you tired? It been months, even the doctors lose hope on her" A cheeky voice said in sarcastic tone.

" Does that mean anything. " Said the girl with unusual flat tone.

" You don't need to keep pretending like a good friend, you know. Everyone will understand, so you don't have to worry, the money is yours. "

" Can't you shut your mouth. " This is the first time she heard Rin use such dangerous tone.

"Ai! What are you angry about? Don't make a fuss! " She said with mocking tone. " Alright, I gotta go! Goodluck on your play! Jā ne! *"

(* See ya in japanese)

The last thing she heard from Fuka is that ear-ringing slam of a door.


Little Isis in the dark, can't do anything but listen to them, she run-out of comments about this whole thing, it's just like a repeated broken record to her, but even so, this record hold a significant warmth that keep her going.


" Rin! Aren't you being too much, you ungrateful brat!"

" What's the matter this time?" The old cheery voice of this girl can no longer be heard, covered by the coldness left by the lost warmth of the people surrounding her.

" Give us the money instead of using it to a dead person! " The person shouted from the other line.

" This is her money! "

" What her? There is no her now! You better send us the money or you will be sold for money! "

" You can't do that! "

" I can and will do! Just you wait, you bitch!"

" Wait! "

" Du! Du! Du!" The call was disconnected.

Rin tried to call them back, or that what she speculated, but all she heard was a busy line.

" Sob! Sob!" The sound of her crying surrounds the ward, replacing the deadly silence.

' Rin, they're right, just let me go... It've been really hard on you...'

The little Isis once again can only muttered inside of her.

She really wanted to comfort this little girl that she've watched grow into an adult.

' I-' Tears well upped her eyes. ' I'm tired... aahhh!' Crying is definitely contagious. ' Rin, please don't cry...' her tears falls one by one. ' I really wish I can comfort you..'

' Sob! I'm sorry...' The trembling body look very weak and pitiful, sadly no one can see it, along with her tears, drying on the pillow.

' I'm really sorry... '

No one, not even the girl that grown upped in this past few years, not even she herself, know that the woman that been sleeping for years moved in her distress.

But the silent night was suddenly disturbed by an ear-piercing,



The same darkness surrounds her.

But... something doesn't feel right...

The coldness that accompanied her for years seem to have change?

It's not as freezing as before.

No, it's not that... It feels like a complete different type of cold altogether...

' What's happening??? '

' Have I not die? Or is this the heaven written in the Bible??? '

' Is it already the judgement day? '

Excitement filled her whole body.

' I can feel warmth! It must be it!!! '

Overjoyed, she trembled.

Suddenly the trembling got stronger, and her body experienced spasm and pulsation.

' ACKKKgh!!! '

Her whole body is trembling not from joy but extreme pain. She haven't experience such pain in her entire life, not even at that time.

It's like her head is being split into two parts as the information and memories belonging to someone else forced itself into her brain.

The pain is driving her crazy, she's going insane but that's not the worst.

Few moments after, the pain increased ten folds, it's like the initial pain is nothing but a warm-up, preparing her for this.

The pain is so intense, she having a hard time breathing, even thinking is painful.

No, forget about breathing, she stopped breathing, her heart also stop beating and her body got increasingly cold rapidly.

It's colder than when she's still in coma, it feels like, it's directly freezing her soul.

Unfortunately, it's still not done yet.

On a minute mark, her soul that been freezing suddenly set ablaze, it's scorching hot that it's no different than being thrown into boiling lava.

Her brain that's been bearing the pain of being split filled with countless information that it feel like exploding.

It is really no wonder that Isis' mouth's been bubbling since earlier.

This one might be the one that would finally kill her at last.

Her whole body's been shifting from freezing cold to scorching hot.

Her body is full of sweat, half of her face been covered by her saliva, her eyes is super red even the slightest touch would break the skin.

Her whole face is basically a mess right now, it's disgusting.

Her eyes been tearing hard it was creating mucus and her nose is running wild.

Fortunately, she still hasn't piss herself or release a stool.

Or that would be so embarrassing...


Hey guys! Author here!

This is the first time I officially written a novel, if you notice a grammatical error, please pardon me, English is not my mother tongue, and I have another issue, I find it very hard to convey my ideas into the physical world, so writing is very hard for me, my vocabulary also love running away so....

Anyway, please enjoy reading my story, I will continue to work hard!!!!

The original prologue have a heavy feeling and depressing, but my mom lost my book😢😢😢

Even the synopsis quite catchy but I can't remember it anymore 😢😢😢

Such a shame...

Ps: I don't like using author's thought, because sometimes it's really hard to use, there's times where I want to read the author's thought but it's malfunctioning...