
Where The Night Flowers Bloom (BL)

For years a war erupted against the Kang Clan. The three main clans came together in the hopes of putting an end to the sacrilegious Kang clan, but their unorthodox ways proved to be more formidable than they expected. With supplies dwindling and the loss of many men, the Clan Leader Hai, leader of all clans supposed a truce with the Kang Clan in the hopes of ending the war. With the truce signed, they became the four main clans of the cultivational world. Being once the enemy clan, the Kang clan began to struggle with fitting in. With his Father's say so, the heir of the Hai clan, Hai Yin began a friendship with the heir to the Kang clan, Kang Lei. As strong bonds and clan relationships develop, so do strange happenings. Can the Kang clan really be trusted or is someone not happy about the new fourth clan? Warning! BL!!! Means boy on boy love! Adult content in chapters to come. Updates twice a week!

Ghostmane1991 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

A Day In Wuxi

Running through the manor, young master Kang was on his way to meet up with young master Hai when a thunderous voice called his name.

"A-Lei!", clan leader Kang's voice rumbled. Stopping and letting out a sigh, Kang Lei turned around to see his Father and Kang Yixing walking toward him.

"Father!", the young master bowed slightly, cupping his fist.

"Do not run inside the manor, have I not taught you how to be respectful in another's space?", said clan leader Kang.

"Sorry Father.", Kang Lei nodded with a smirk.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?", the large man asked, eyeing his son intensely.

"Young master Hai has asked me to join him today, I am not sure what for."

"I see.", clan leader responded

"Shall I tag along clan leader?", Kang Yixing budded in and Kang Lei narrowed his eyes, he did not appreciate the man inviting himself along.

"What for!? He was trapped for hours with you along last night and what purpose did you serve!?", clan leader Kang snapped at Kang Yixing.

Embarrassed, Kang Yixing almost bit his own tongue, "my apologies clan leader.", Kang Yixing nodded and young master Kang sucked his lips inward to hide his smile.

"A-Lei.", clan leader Kang redirected his attention back to his son, instantly causing him to wipe the silly grin off of his face.

"Father?" the young master answered.

"I have business I must attend with the other clan leaders, do…not…cause me any trouble!", clan leader Kang said firmly, emphasizing his words to make sure that his son understood.

"Mn.", Kang Lei nodded as his Father walked off with Kang Yixing following behind.

Satisfied with the outcome of things, Kang Lei skipped along, to meet Hai Yin outside of the manor. When he got there the young master seemed quite annoyed with Ba Chen and Vu Zhan at his side.

Hai-ge! Why can't I come along? I don't want to miss out!", Ba Chen complained.

"Ba Chen! Let's go!", Vu Zhan insisted.

"There will be nothing to miss out on.", Hai Yin responded rolling his eyes.

"But Hai-ge!", Ba Chen whined and suddenly the three of them heard a giggle, and in unison they all turned around to see Kang Lei laughing, Hai Yin with a 'save me' me expression on his face.

"Kang-ge, could you let us come along!?", Ba Chen whined.

Glancing at Hai Yin for a minute who was shaking his head no, with a smirk Kang Lei directed his attention back to Ba Chen. "I am sorry Ba Chen, I cannot invite you along when I have been invited myself.", Kang Lei shrugged. Peaking behind Ba Chen, Vu Zhan nodded his head to tell Kang Lei to send Ba Chen his way and Kang Lei nodded, throwing his arm around Ba Chen and turning him around.

"Ba Chen, you know danger cannot help but to find Hai Yin and I, we might run into more monsters or get trapped underground again. I don't think it will be a good idea for you to come along.", said Kang Lei as he had led, the young master over toward Vu Zhan.

With wide eyes, Ba Chen nodded, "perhaps you are right Kang-ge."

"Mn!", Kang Lei responded with a smile, removing his arm from around Ba Chen's neck.

"Come Ba Chen, let's see what trouble we can get in to.", said Vu Zhan as he nodded with a smirk to Hai Yin and Kang Lei while he pulled Ba Chen away.

"But Vu Zhan, I don't want to get into any trouble!", Ba Chen whined as the two young masters got further away.

"Shall we go?" said Kang Lei, turning to young master Hai with an eye squinting grin.

"Mn.", Hai Yin nodded with a smirk and the two made their way down the steps of the manor.

"Hai Yin I've never visited the Flourishing Ancient Woodland Sects town of Wuxi before, but I am itching to explore, won't you tell me where we are going?", the excited young master asked.

"You will see when we get there." Hai Yin responded, although the young master had no plan in mind, he had no idea why he had the sudden urge to invite Kang Lei out in the first place.

As the two young masters had gotten further away from the manor and arrived in town, they soon came onto the vendors walkway and Kang Lei skipped ahead, becoming excited about the many things and multiple aromas in the air, perhaps Hai Yin had lucked out after all.

"Young master, young master, please try a Dragons beard, you will not be disappointed.", said the vendor.

"Dragons beard?", Kang Lei asked with a raised brow, he had never heard of such a thing.

"Dragons beard is soft stringed candy.", said Hai Yin coming up behind Kang Lei.

"Ah yes, the young master knows his sweets!", the vendor said with a smile.

"Do you wish to try it?", Hai Yin asked.

"Sure, why not?.", said Kang Lei with a smirk and the man prepared to serve the candy, after, him handing it to Kang Lei while Hai Yin paid.

Pulling the candy apart, Kang Lei eyed its strange appearance carefully, "Hai Yin, are you sure this will taste good? It looks like a ball of string."

"I do not know, I have never tasted it.", Hai Yin responded.

Kang Lei suddenly stopped, "Hai Yin!", the young master raised his voice.

Turning around alarmed, Hai Yin froze, "What is it?", he asked confused.

"Why did you buy something that you have never tasted? It may be a waste of money!" said the blue-eyed young master.

"Because I am not fond of sweets.", the young master responded. Narrowing his blue-eyes, Kang Lei walked over, holding the container of dragon's beard in front of Hai Yin.

"Since neither of us have tried it, this time only, try it with me?", Kang Lei asked with a smile.

Staring at Kang Lei for a second, Hai Yin picked up a piece of dragon's beard. "One, two, three.", he sounded off and at the same time, the two took a bite of the piece of candy.

"Wow, that is really good! Hai Yin, how do you like it?", said the young master stuffing the rest of his piece of dragons beard into his mouth.

"It is too sweet.", Hai Yin complained, his expression agreeing with him.

"Well allow me.", said Kang Lei with a smirk, taking the rest of Hai Yin's bitten piece of dragon's beard out of his hand and putting it into his own mouth as he continued walking. Stumped, Hai Yin just stood there with wide eyes, before bringing the corners of his mouth tight and following behind Kang Lei.

After making their way through the vendors walkway and Kang Lei had tasted more sweets than his stomach could handle, the two were nearly at the end.

"Hai Yin, you said that there was something you wanted to show me?", Kang Lei asked and Hai Yin froze, he had forgotten that he was suppose to 'show' the young master something.

"Well..", he began to say, but as he turned his head toward Kang Lei, he saw that the young master had disappeared. Glancing around, Hai Yin saw Kang Lei leaning over, fixated on a painting at a vendor's space.

"What is it?", Hai Yin asked, walking up behind him. Standing up straight, the young master continued to stare at the painting.

"This woman.", he finally responded, and Hai Yin looked at the painting to see the picture of a beautiful woman. With long dark hair down her back and pale skin, the woman in the picture stared wide eyed back at the young masters, her eyes light blue.

"See something you like young masters?", a woman appeared from behind the painting.

"This...this painting.", the young master stuttered, that being all he was able to get out.

"Oh, I'm sorry young master, this painting is not for sale.", said the woman, directing her attention from the painting and turning her head toward Kang Lei, and as she did her eyes enlarged. "Young master, your eyes…", said the woman, as she stared at Kang Lei.

"Madam, who is the young woman in this photo?", Hai Yin cut in as he could see that Kang Lei was still dumbfounded.

"This is my Grandmother, a picture my Grandfather painted of her around the time they were first married.", the woman responded.

"Is she still with you?", Hai Yin asked.

"She has passed on.", said the woman lowering her head.

"Do you know where it was your Grandmother came from?", said Kang Lei, finally able to speak.

"Where?", said the woman raising her head and thinking a minute. "Grandmother never really talked about where she grew up before she came to Wuxi, but she often said she would never go back even if someone offered her riches.", the woman chuckled.

"I see.", said Kang Lei, forcing a smile as he nodded and walked away. Watching the disappointed young master walking away, Hai Yin quickly nodded to the woman, following behind Kang Lei.

As Hai Yin caught up, he touched Kang Lei's shoulder to stop him, "it is alright, there will be more opportunities in the future.", Hai Yin encouraged Kang Lei.

Letting out a sigh, Kang Lei stopped walking, turning toward Hai Yin with a smile, "Ahhh! I am fine Hai Yin.", the young master dragged out his words, turning his attention ahead as he started walking again. "I must admit when things like this happen, it gives me a bit of hope, however it's starting to make more sense to believe my Mothers family is just a fragment of the past." Letting out a soft sigh, Hai Yin continued next to the young master, there had to be someone out there who knew something about where Kang Lei's Mother came from.

As the young master's made their way back up the vendors walkway a group of people crowded around one area, some even standing on their tip toes to get a better view.

"Gather around and listen up!", a man's voice yelled. Glancing at each other first, the two young masters ran over to have a look at what was happening. As they got closer, they saw a woman and her young daughter standing next to the man that was speaking in the center of the crowd.

"Not long ago this child was sick, born with an illness that no one could cure, she soon met her end, but here she stands!", the man raised his voice as the spectators gasped and whispered.

"Impossible!", random people in the crowd called out.

It is true! Ask this Mother yourself!", the man continued.

"It is true, my daughter was sick her whole life. After she died, I grieved over her body when a traveling man passing by laid hands on her, and she came alive! The man is a healer, he can heal any sickness!", the woman shouted with tears in her eyes.

"Necromancy?", Kang Lei said softly as he eyed the little girl that seemed normal. Had someone actually succeeded in bringing a person back from the dead?

"Where do we find this man?", young master Kang called out.

"At the top of the mountain is where the healer Guang MingYu does his work! If the Gods see fit and for a price, he can heal you too!", the man answered, and the two young masters made eye contact, both of their brows furrowed.

Soon the group of people had disbanded, with a few left behind questioning the Mother, but Kang Lei's light blue eyes were only fixated on the little girl. Glancing at Kang Lei for a minute, Hai Yin also focused his eyes on the little girl who stood quietly by her Mother while she conversed.

"Shall we question the girls Mother?", Hai Yin asked.

"Hmm.", Kang Lei hummed, before walking over toward the girl and her Mother, Hai Yin following behind. "Madam.", said Kang Lei nodding to the woman as did Hai Yin.

"Hello, young masters." The woman bowed her head politely.

"Madam, I have many things I wish to ask you, I wonder if you'd allow my friend and I to treat you two to a meal in exchange?" Kang Lei asked, a friendly smile on his face.

"Mn.", the woman responded, grabbing her daughters' hand and the now group of four making their way to a tavern.

As the group walked into the place, it was quite empty, but the few that were present whispered loudly about the young master with blue eyes and the walking dead girl. As the staff man came over, they were seated quickly, the Mother and daughter on one side of the table with the two young master's on the other.

"What can I get you?", the staff man asked.

"Sweet red bean buns, dumplings and oolong tea, enough to share." Hai Yin answered without hesitation and the man nodded and walked away. Glancing at the young master beside him for a moment, a smirk made its way onto Kang Lei's face before he directed his attention toward the Mother and child.

"Madam pardon me for being so direct, but you mentioned that your child has been ill most of her life?", Kang Lei asked.

"Mn, she has never been able to speak and her body has always been feeble. If there was an illness to be caught, she would catch it.", the woman responded.

"Please tell us when she..", Hai Yin paused, ending his sentence early, not wanting to mention death in front of the child and the woman understood.

"A week ago, A-Ling had taken a turn for the worse, I paid for treatment after treatment, but no one was able to help her. After I had finally given up a man appeared outside of our house. He said that he could help my child, but by the time we had gotten to her, my little girl had already…I do not know what the man did, but he brought her back.", said the woman with tears in her eyes, pulling her daughter close to her.

"Are you sure that she had..", Hai Yin asked.

"Mn, I could not believe it either, he said that her time here was not yet finished." With their brows furrowed, the two young masters glanced at each other for a moment.

"This man charged a steep price did he not?", Kang Lei asked.

"Well, he is a healer, that is how he earns his living, so yes I paid him, but he has allowed me to do it in installments. He asked that I spread the word on what he has done for us and then he left."

"I see and is A-Ling herself?", Kang Lei asked, turning his attention to the little girl.

"Yes, she is just as she was beforehand, although she is just hungrier than she was before, but what growing girl does not eat a lot?", the woman giggled.

"Your meal.", said the staff man, placing the food and drink down and leaving with a nod.

"I'm starved.", Kang Lei said, reaching out his hand for a red bean bun, but his hand was suddenly popped before he could grab it. "Hai Yin! What was that for?". Kang Lei complained, comforting his stinging hand.

"Sweets are for after your meal, do not teach A-Ling bad habits.", said Hai Yin with a smirk on his face as the madam across from them giggled.

"…", not saying anything, Kang Lei pouted and began to eat dumplings.

Happy New Year all! Send your author stones for motivation and thanks for reading, more to come ^_^

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