

Jimoh_Maryam · Urban
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11 Chs

Hot and Wild!

Sam and Stella ended up spending the night together in the latter's place.

They had an eventful night. Hot and wild. Enjoyable.

Sam had taken his time to thoroughly satisfy Stella. He worshipped every part of her body and Stella's mind was blown away, completely.

It had been years since she felt loved like that. Years since she was treated like a woman and she enjoyed every bit of it.

"Oh, sh!t! What's the time, Babe?" Sam inquired hurriedly as he scampered out of the bed.

He had just waken up as Stella entered the room, and realized that the day had fully broken. The reflection of the sun through the window was so bright.

"Hey, sweet man, good morning!" Stella greeted him sweetly. It was evident she had gotten out of bed a while ago, and had freshened up.

She was cladded in a pretty sportswear.

"Why didn't you wake me up, babe? What's the time now?" Sam inquired again, as he looked around the room for his clothes.

"You were sleeping soundly so I couldn't disturb your beautiful sleep. I believe you could make use of a good sleep. You needed it. What's going on? It's just 10am." She informed him.

"What? Just 10am? I'm here sleeping till 10am on a Friday morning and you're asking me what's going on? I'm late for work." He announced, exasperatedly.

"Oh, I didn't know. I thought you won't be going to work, today." She replied him, apologetically.

"Why won't I go to work on a Friday?" He looked at her, confusedly.

Stella sighed then nodded in understanding and went to hug him.

"Ok, fine! You're supposed to go to work, but now that it's really late, why don't you just calm down and let's enjoy the weekend, together? I even have a great idea for the weekend. Let's go and have fun in Dubai. Great fun." She announced, with a big grin.

Sam couldn't believe her. He shook his head and laughed, with disbelief.

"I should not go to work? Do you know what will happen if I refuse to show up at work, without permission? My salary can get deducted, or I can even lose my job. That's how serious it is." He analysed to her.

Stella frowned.

"Well, I don't think that would be a big deal. You have me here, just tell me whatever it is that you need me to do for you. I can give you a job if they sack you, and balancing up your salary for you if it's been deducted, won't be a problem. So, let's go to Dubai, my sweet man." She maintained, excitedly.

When she landed, Sam immediately broke free from her hug. He clenched his jaw tightly. He felt insulted and belittled by what she had said.

"Excuse me? You're telling me to not go to work just because you want us to go to Dubai? Just you're capable of employing me? Wait, are you disregarding my job? Are you looking down on me and my job? Are you mocking me? Are you seriously mocking me that I am a mere salary earner? A mere salary earner that you can employ and feed, right? Is that how you're seeing me?" He snapped at her.

"I told you, I earn big. I earn well. I'm doing good for myself. I do not need you to help me balance my salary or employ me to your company." He added, angrily.

Stella's lips parted in surprise. She wasn't expecting such outburst. She could see he was so pissed off.

Sam gritted his teeth and started putting on his clothes, hurriedly.

"Hey! Hey, sweet man! Calm down. Look at me, please look at me! I didn't mean it like that. Trust me I didn't mean to get you upset. I'm just saying that..." She was trying to explain what she meant but Sam wouldn't have none of it. He butt in.

"You're just saying that what? You're just saying that my job is useless, right? You're just saying that I am somebody you can feed, clothe, and cater for? You're just saying that I do not look okay to you, right?" He snapped at her, again, furiously.

"No, no, no! That's not what I'm trying to say. I won't ever say that to you. You should know, I won't do that. I'm just trying to make sure that no one bullies you at work. I'm trying to let you know that I get your back, and I'm willing to do anything to support you. To support you! I can't stand by and be watching you get insulted, trampled upon or bullied at work, when I can actually do something about it." Stella yelled.

"And why is that? How is that any of your business?" He inquired, still angry.

"Because I'm starting to fall in love with you." She blurted out.

Sam became calm. He looked at her, in astonishment.

"Because you're starting to fall in love with me?" He asked, unsure he heard that right.

She nodded, firmly.

"Yes. Are you surprised? What were you expecting after all we've done together? I even allowed you to make love to me. What were you seriously expecting to happen after all that, Sam?" She asked him.

"Well, I thought you were just flirting... You know, like how you wealthy, independent women use to do. I thought it was just a fling, I actually believed so. Like you're just in need of a strong, handsome man who can take care of your needs, at the moment, then when you're done enjoying the man, you let him go." He stated, emotionlessly.

"What? Do I look like such woman?" She asked, bewildered. He scoffed.

"Who could tell? I mean, with the way you even approached me, I thought you wanted just a fling." He maintained, firmly.

Stella shook her head and went to hug him.

"Wow! I didn't know my approach passed that to you. Okay, since you thought so, it's fine. Now, let me clear you. I'm not looking for a fling. I was so attracted to you the first time I set my eyes on you. I'm not in need of a fling. I'm interested in a relationship. I'm in need of a relationship. A serious relationship at that..." She trailed off.

"A serious relationship?" He inquired.

"Yes. We're both old enough to be in a serious relationship. There's no need playing around. So, let's date." She proposed.

Sam was taken aback. He didn't know what to do with the announcement. He had actually thought what they had was a fling. He thought they were both just flirting. He never thought she'd be that serious to ask for a relationship.

"Let's date, Sam. I know you feel something for me too. The feeling is mutual." Stella stated and hugged him tightly.

Sam heaved a deep sigh.

He wasn't sure the feeling was mutual. He wasn't sure of his feelings for her. He wasn't sure he wanted to be that committed to her.

But he was sure he wasn't ready to be tied down in such huge commitment.

However, he couldn't push her away or stop her from hugging him because her sweet fragrance wasn't making him think straight. He just wanted to feel her warmth and inhale her scent, at that moment.

Hello guys!

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