
Where It All Went Wrong

An unknown green substance has been found all around South Park and some outside the boarder lines. This green slime has come out of the sky and draws attention to several different adults. Touching the substance changes their life as they have to find a way to get their lives back to the way it once was by going to the government and fight... Aliens?

JessTheMess2018 · TV
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31 Chs

Chapter 23

⚠️ WARNING⚠️ if you don't want to see Tlyde (Token x Clyde) fanfiction, please skip this chapter. This awesome follower LOVES these two so much they make their very own fan fiction stories of the two boys together. Hope ya'll enjoy!!! This is all about Clyde x Token in this chapter.


As Tupperware was being charged by aliens seeking to capture the two, he was blinded by one thing. He isn't one for killing.. however this was a life or death situation for him and his partner. As Tupperware was swinging the metal pole and cracking heads open and breaking bones on the taller aliens bodies. He was backing up against Mosquito who was still unconscious. Every strike that was swung at a visitor triggered a quick flashback to the last time the two boys spoke. It was definitely NOT the last time he wanted to speak to him again. The faster he was swinging the deadly pole, the more the flashbacks collided until it was one complete vision on the two boys at the bonfire.

Flashback ~BonFire~

Several heroes were out socializing and getting to know their new friends and partners better while others were hiding off and doing their own thing. The reason why Clyde was only seen once and Token wasn't seen the whole night.. there were reasons behind it.

As Clyde was walking out of the house while still chuckling on how Toolshed and his partner thought they could trick him into thinking he definitely didn't cock block the hero. He had his fair share of times over at Token's house to understand his parties tend to get crazy!

As Clyde was walking the dark backyard, he was searching for his best friend. The fact he couldn't find him anywhere threw him off. After searching for awhile, he ended up asking around. The one person he thought would know for sure was laying next to Tweek while star gazing a little further way from the others as if they wanted privacy.

As Clyde walked over to the two he stopped in his tracks when he saw them holding hands and hearing them laughing.

Their back together? He thought as he continued walking.

Approaching the two he spoke up.

"Have you guys seen Token?"

"Uhh yeah he headed inside. Something about wanting to be alone. I didn't ask why, I didn't see it being any of my business." Craig said while still looking up at the stars.

"Thanks Craig." As Clyde was about to walk away, he looked back at the two and spoke up again. "Hey Craig, I'm happy you two are back together. I never see you smile anymore it seems. It's nice seeing you like this."

This caused Craig to glance at his friend and squeeze Tweek's hand.

"I'm really happy too. Just wondering.. why are you curious on where Token is when you can just chill was us?"

"Uhh.. I just needed to talk to him before shit hits the fan soon."

"Oh alright when you find he be sure to come join me and Tweek."

"Alright I'll be sure to do that." Clyde said while heading inside.

Walking up to Token's bedroom door. He held his balled up fist about to knock but couldn't seem to do so. Letting out a sigh he finally managed to knock.

It wasn't long until the door opened. Seeing his friend made him smile.

"Hey Mosquito, everything okay?" Tupperware asked.

"Uhh not really, can we talk?"

"Sure, come on in." He said while letting his friend in his room.

"Can you close the door, I don't want anyone to interrupt us."

"Alright?" Tupperware said while closing the door. He was a bit confused to be honest. This must be serious.

"You might want to sit for this." Clyde said.

Token approached the brunette and sat next to him on the bed. "What's wrong Clyde?"

The fact that Clyde wasn't making eye contact with the boy really made Token more nervous.

"Token.. remember how the group seperated thinking it was for the best?"


"Well.. during that time I couldn't seem to get my mind off you. It really hurt, I thought it was cuz I missed being with my friends but.. it started effecting my dating life. I fell into utter depression because of it. I always looked back when we were younger and always hanging out with Craig, Tweek and Jimmy. I just... Miss it is all."

"I do too Clyde."

"However.. it seems it affected my dating life for a different reason.." Clyde paused as if he couldn't push the words out.

"Alright?" Token said while sitting cross legged on the bed facing his friend.

"I... Fuck.. I can't say it!"

"Clyde you can tell me anything dude. It's me. I won't judge you."

Letting out a large sigh while his stomach and face was burning in severe heat, he swallowed the knot in his throat.

"I would look back on when Craig and Tweek hooked up. They were much happier then normal. Then it made my mind wander and wander... Until... I couldn't seem to get this curiosity out of my head."

"Clyde? Are you going to say what I think your going to say?" Token said while looking dumbfounded.

Clyde was looking at his hands that were together while his leg was bouncing up and down due to anxiety. He couldn't seem to respond he was so embarrassed.

"You.. thought about us being together?" Token asked.

The fact that Clyde didn't say anything pretty much confirmed it.

It remained quiet for a good 5 minutes. Token couldn't seem to speak up and neither did Clyde.

"Token.. I'm so sorry." Clyde said while chocking up.

Token's heart sank when he saw his friend crying while hiding his face.

"Clyde.. don't be sorry. I'm happy you told me. How long have you felt this way?"

"5 years. It was starting to eat me alive and make me feel such worse than I normally do. Seeing you again I... I know for sure my heart is going for you.." he let out a half-ass laugh. "Saying it out loud is so much more embarrassing than I thought. I just figured before we possible die from this war, I HAD to tell you that I really like you.. more than a friend."

Token's face and chest was burning as he felt a knot growing in his own throat.

"That's all I wanted to tell you. I just... Needed you to know." Clyde said while standing up off the bed.

Token watched him as he got up and left the room. It took Token a good 20 minutes to process everything that just happened then he quickly ran off in attempt to find Clyde. However that's when they all encountered the four shadow people. It was as if it all happened at the worst timing. He wanted to talk to Clyde one last time but never got the chance. And now... Clyde was in critical condition. So much that Token was starting to think he might lose his friend that confessed his feeling to him. And now he was starting to consider his feelings for himself. But now it was too late..


Tupperware was knock out of his daydream when a dangerous amount of volts of electricity went through his suit affecting him too. Letting out a pained scream, the pain went away as he fell to his hand and knees while panting both in exhaustion and pain. Seeing the 2 remaining visitors closing in on him and his partner. He couldn't hide the fact tears were trying to escape him as he managed to back up into Clyde and hold him tight. He grit his teeth hard as he teleported away from the area but not far. This drained him to his limit as he leaned all his wait on Clyde while still holding him. Hearing the visitors running toward him, he let out all his tears as he hugged Clyde tightly. "I'm sorry Clyde.. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you what you needed to hear. I.. I think I really like you too." He said through his tears while waiting to either die or black out from massive pain.