
may the emperor rule for eternity and a day

"There are six of us," I pointed out.

"So there are," she agreed, smiling beatifically. "An unexpected outcome, but not unwelcome. There may only be five [Legendary Heroes], but I have no doubt our unexpected sixth guest will also have great abilities as an otherworlder."

As expected of a lady who was clearly of high status. She was unphased by the unexpected addition of a sixth person and improvised accordingly.

"Now wait a moment!" cried out the taller of the high school girls. "Legendary Heroes? Otherworlder? This makes no sense!"

Oh, there it was. The reaction one was supposed to have after being summoned to another world. Thank you, Tall Girl.

"Lady Hero, please, all will be explained in due time. For now, introductions are in order."

The woman in the lilac dress dipped into an elegant curtsey.

"I am the First Princess Evangelia of the Eternal Empire, Keeper of the Holy Fountain, daughter of Emperor Horisio, may he rule for eternity and a day, and Treasure of the Eternal Empire."

The five high schoolers exchanged glances. I pretended to be occupied with a non-existent blemish on my gloves and waited for everyone else to be done with introductions. Why did I want to go last? Because everyone knows the last one to introduce themselves is always the coolest of the bunch, next question.

The boy with hair dyed brown gave in to his peers' gazes and stepped up. He bowed.

"I'm Maekawa Mamoru, second-year student at S Academy, and that's about it. I don't have any fancy titles, unfortunately," he chuckled nervously.

"That's alright," the princess said. "It is my honour to welcome you to this world, Hero Taguchi."

The boy with rectangle glasses used his right hand to push them up by the end-piece and spoke in a clipped tone.

"I am Taguchi Sousuke, also a second-year student at S Academy. I have many reservations about this 'Legendary Hero' business you have allegedly brought us here for, but I will cooperate and save them for later."

"I thank you for your consideration, Hero Maekawa, and welcome you to this world."

Next up was the boy who'd clearly spent too much time reading light novels of the isekai genre.

"M-m-m-my name is E-edamura Yoichi! I'd be delighted to help save the world! Thank you for summoning me!"

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, Hero Edamura. It is my pleasure to welcome you to this world."

The boy almost fainted when the princess called him 'Hero'. Luckily, it really was only 'almost', or else it would have been embarrassing for all of us.

The taller girl with the normal reaction introduced herself next.

"My name is Okuda Hazuki. I'm a third-year student at S Academy."

She ended her rather plain introduction with a nudge at the last one left.

"U-um, I'm Fukuda Airi. I'm a second-year student at S Academy. It's nice to meet you!"

The fluffy haired girl was cute in a stereotypical shoujo heroine type of way. Not really my type, and few years too young besides.

"I welcome you to this world, Lady Heroes, and dearly hope you will help me save it."

Finally, it was my turn. I flipped my sunglasses up onto my head with a flourish.

"The name's Peace Jiang."

I gave the princess The Smoulder™. She was not outwardly affected.

"It's almost certain that I'm the one not meant to be here. I'm not even from the same country as these guys; I was only in Japan for my best friend's wedding and happened to be in the same space as these five when they were summoned."

"Regardless, you will be afforded the same respect as those who were summoned intentionally. It is my pleasure to welcome you to this world," the princess smiled.

I smiled back. "Oh no, the pleasure is all mine, Princess."

We smiled at each other for a full minute.

One of the princess's retainers came up from behind to whisper in her ear. She nodded slightly and gestured to the side.

"The Emperor, may he rule for eternity and a day, has invited us to an audience. Please, follow me."

We were led out of the chapel and into an equally grand hall. I'm talking plush purple velvet carpet, lined with 24 karat gold-framed portraits grand. The sheer opulence in the air was making the tiny kleptomaniac part of my brain twitch.

The audience chamber was even worse. Bugles were blared and our presence was loudly announced before the tall mahogany doors even opened.

"Entering, Her Royal Highness and company."

The princess led us down the purple carpet to kneel in front of the throne. After a few unsure seconds, the five teenagers followed her lead and knelt down as well. There was no benefit to rocking the boat this early in the game, so I knelt too.

"Announcing Her Royal Highness, First Princess Evangelia of the Eternal Empire, Keeper of the Holy Fountain, daughter of Emperor Horisio, may he rule for eternity and a day, and Treasure of the Eternal Empire. Introducing Lord Hero Mamoru Maekawa, Summoned Hero, second-year student of S Academy..."

Aint nobody got time to listen to all that. I tuned the rest of it out.

Contrary to my expectations, instead of gold, the throne was made of pitch black stone. Curling silver vines were draped over the armrest and ran all the way down the carpet stairs of the raised dais. Small violet gems were embedded in the twists of the vines.

Sitting on the throne was a rugged middle aged man with the same bright amethyst eyes and silver hair as his daughter. The ceremonial armour was an interesting choice. Purple and gold seemed to be the colours of the Eternal Empire, and his attire reflected that. His cloak was a solid royal purple, fixed to his breastplate by golden brooches. The armour was mostly obsidian, with decorative carvings filled with gold. A large amethyst was embedded in the forehead of the helmet he cradled in his lap.

"Introducing Lord Hero Peace Jiang, Summoned Hero, and Honoured Guest of the Eternal Empire."

I weighed the awkwardness of having to correct the 'Lord' part later against the risk of having to kneel through another round of introductions while the last person was announced. The former won.

"You may rise."

We rose. The emperor dismissed all the retainers except for the two knights guarding the dais and one robed person who'd followed us from the chapel. Once they were gone, the tension leaked from his shoulders and he slumped slightly on his throne. His change in demeanour had the five teenagers unconsciously relaxing as well.

"Evangelia, my dear daughter. You have done well."

"Thank you, father. There has been a minor complication, however."

"I was informed that six otherworlders were summoned, and now I see with my own eyes it is true. Have we determined which five are the [Legendary Heroes] yet?"

"We have our suspicions, but the use of the [Crystal of Inspection] is required to be sure."

"Of course. Sir Dalen, if you please?"

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty."

One of the knights reached behind a thick purple curtain. He retrieved a cushion with a clear orb floating a few centimetres above it and presented it to us.

"This is the [Crystal of Inspection]," explained the princess. "Once examined by it, you will gain the ability to view your own [Status] at any time. No other magical item in the world has its abilities."

"Please place a hand on the surface," the emperor instructed. "The [The Crystal of Inspection] also grants you the ability to display your [Status] to others. For now, you need only show your name, level, job and titles. Just say [Display] followed by which sections you wish to show."

We went in order of introductions. Brown Hair touched the crystal and froze in awe. A gentle reminder from the princess made him blush and he hurriedly said ""Display"[Name], [Level], [Job] and [Titles."

"Mamoru Maekawa"

"Level 1"

"Job"[Legendary Shield]

"Titles"[Otherworlder] [One Of The Foretold Five]

The words were displayed up in the air for everyone to see.

"Well that's a little embarrassing," Mamoru laughed. "I'm only Level 1."

"That is only to be expected," said the emperor. "The gods only grant us our [Status] when we enter the world. All other otherworlders have been the same way. But do not worry, the [Otherworlder] title is recorded to boost your growth rate."

Good to know that we weren't the first otherworlders. But where were those otherworlders now?

The rest went.

"Sousuke Taguchi"

"Level 1"

"Job"[Legendary Sorcerer]

"Titles"[Otherworlder] [One Of The Foretold Five]

"Yoichi Edamura"

"Level 1"

"Job"[Legendary Archer]

"Titles"[Otherworlder] [One Of The Foretold Five]

"Hazuki Okuda"

"Level 1"

"Job"[Legendary Sword]

"Titles"[Otherworlder] [One Of The Foretold Five]

"Airi Fukuda"

"Level 1"

"Job"[Legendary Healer]

"Titles"[Otherworlder] [One Of The Foretold Five]

It was exactly as I'd expected. I placed my hand on the crystal anyway.

"Peace Jiang"

"Level 1"

"Age" 25

"Job"[Innocent Bystander]




"Titles"[Otherworlder] [Unintentional Tagalong]

"Skills"[Random Skill Gain] [Languages]

That [Languages] skill explained why I could understand what these people were saying and also why comprehension of the Japanese teenagers' words was easier than usual. There was something strange going in with my MP, and that [Random Skill Gain] was interesting, but there'd be time later to explore them.

""Display"[Name], [Level], [Job] and [Titles."

"Peace Jiang"

"Level 1"

"Job"[Innocent Bystander]

"Titles"[Otherworlder] [One Who Was Accidently Dragged Along]

"As I thought. Looks like I'm not one of your [Legendary Heroes]. Can you send me back now? I have a wedding to attend."

My request set off protests from the ones who were supposed to be the [Legendary Heroes].

Tall Girl said, "Even if I'm supposed to be the [Legendary Sword] or whatever, I'm just a normal girl! Send me back too!"

Brown Hair said, "I'm not sure I'm cut out to be your [Legendary Shield] either… I'm sure there's someone better out there."

Isekai Lover looked around at his peers in disbelief. "Guys, what are you saying? Being summoned to another world to be a Hero is a dream come true!"

"Your dream come true, maybe," Glasses snapped, pushing his glasses up. "But the rest of us have lives we can't just abandon back home. Isn't that right, Fukuda-san?"

"Airi-chan, we can't just abandon this world either! You agree with me, right?"

"U-um, I…" Fluffy looked between the two, conflicted.

The princess and the emperor exchanged looks. The princess stepped forward, her mien becoming one of a classic tragic beauty.

"I know it is selfish of us to have taken you from your own world so unexpectedly, but please, will you not first listen to our plight?"

She took Fluffy's hands in her own and, just barely holding her tears back, stared pleadingly into the girl's eyes. Fluffy wavered for a moment, then her back straightened and she opened her mouth.

"Maekawa-kun, Taguchi-san, Hazuki-chan, I think we should hear her out."

"But-" Tall Girl started.

"Please, Hazuki-chan? If you won't do it for her, can you do it for me?"

Tall Girl puffed up with protests, then deflated. She sighed. "Alright."


"...It's unfair if you're the one asking. Alright. I'll listen."

"Thank you, Maekawa-kun."

Last up was Glasses.


Glasses pushed up his glasses. "...I suppose there's no harm in just listening."

"Thank you, Taguchi-san!" Fluffy beamed at him. Glasses pushed up his glasses again to hide his blush. I half expected him to say 'I-It's not like I'm doing it for you or anything, okay?!'.

I was surprised when Fluffy turned to me.


I was taken off guard for only a moment and shrugged while flipping my sunglasses back down. I'd need these rose-coloured glasses to deal with whatever story the princess and emperor would cook up.

"Sure, why not?"

"Thank you."

The princess had been watching the whole thing with a slight smile on her face. She'd only needed to convince one person, and that person successfully convinced the rest. Efficiency!

"Thank you, all," the princess said. "Now I must ask for your patience, as our story is not a short or simple one…"

Put short and simply, the Eternal Empire who worshipped the Virtuous Gods was fighting the demons who worshipped the Evil Gods. Some things happened, blah blah blah, they were losing the war, so they dug up an ancient prophecy and magic circle from their archives. They used it, and here we are.

"Lord Jiang was an unexpected addition, but the gods have reasons for everything they do…"

Damnit, I'd missed the opportunity to correct that 'Lord' part again. Next time, for sure.

The humans were led by the Eternal Emperor and his Holy Knights. The demons were led by a Demon King and his Demon Generals. They were hoping the Legendary Heroes would take out the Demon King and his Demon Generals. This would break the chain of command and allow the Empire to sweep in and decimate the demons. The princess put it prettily as 'saving the world from the despair the evil-worshipping demons would inflict on it were they to take over' but it was pretty much just your typical religious war.

"Thank you for listening to the end. I know it is selfish to ask for more, but still I must implore you to help us."

Fluffy and Isekai Lover were completely onboard with it. Brown Hair and Tall Girl caved in a moment later. Glasses found the whole thing suspicious but he was just too weak to Fluffy. Within moments, all five [Legendary Heroes] had sworn to clear the world of 'the scourge of the demons'.

"Lord Jiang, what do you wish to do? We can have living quarters prepared for you in the castle."

Finally, my chance to correct this misassumption! Then I thought better of it. Either they sent me back, or I was forced to stay in this world. The latter was more likely, and if it did happen the less they knew about me, the better.

"I'd just like for you to send me back home, thank you."

"I am sorry to say that is not possible."

Knew it.

"We were only able to bring you here with divine help. Interworld travel requires far more mana than we can amass."

"Wait, so you're saying that we can't ever go back home?" Tall Girl said.

The princess shook her head.

"No… the gods will naturally return you when the Demon King is defeated."

"Hah… so in the end, it all still comes down to defeating the Demon King," muttered Glasses.

"That's fine!"

Fluffy's eyes shone with determination and she pumped a fist.

"We'll definitely defeat the Demon King. So Jiang-san, please wait for us."

I blinked in surprise before giving her a warm smile. I patted her on the head.

"Alright. Thank you, Fluffy."

She went pink.

"F-fluffy?" she squeaked.

"Yep, because your hair looked soft and fluffy. I am pleased to announce that I was right and it is soft and fluffy."

I let out a laugh when she blushed harder and revelled the glares I was receiving from her admirers.

"Alright, so if you can't send me home, then just give me some money and I'll make my own way in this world."

I shamelessly showed the emperor my open palm and wiggled my fingers expectantly. The two knights looked ready to cut me down right then and there for my act of lèse-majesté.

"Huh? Jiang-san, you're not staying with us?" Fluffy asked.

"We would be as happy to provide you with enough funds to start a stable life here as we would be to accommodate you indefinitely, but will you not reconsider leaving the palace?" the princess said, a worried frown creasing her brow. "This world is so very different from your own."

"That's alright," I replied, unmoved. "Back in our world, I travelled around a lot anyway, often to places I could barely even understand the language of. If I can't continue exploring my world, I'll explore this world."

"But there are monsters and demons and all sorts of dangerous stuff here, right?" Tall Girl said, twisting a dark lock of hair between her fingers. "You could get really hurt or even… die."

I patted her on the head too. "Aww, is that concern I hear? Don't worry about it; I'm tougher than I look."

She flushed and slapped my hand away. "Of course I'd be concerned! You might not be Japanese, but you're still a human from Earth. Ugh, whatever. Do what you want."

"How will you live, though? You can't expect to live off the Emperor's money forever," Glasses said.

"You could become an adventurer!" Isekai Lover piped up, eyes shining. "...There are such things as adventurers and adventurers' guilds here right, Princess Evangelia?"

"Indeed, adventuring is a common profession on this world; however, in the lower ranks, it is not the most lucrative nor stable."

"Fine by me," I shrugged. "I'm good at living hard."

Of course, I was so much better at enjoying luxuries, but sometimes life decided you had it too good and dumped you in the forest in the middle of god-knows-where. Not a fun time, but at least that wilderness survival course finally came in handy.

The emperor beckoned the princess to his side. They exchanged quiet words for a minute. The princess sighed.

The two of them turned back to us.

"Peace Jiang."

The emperor said my name with an unexpected gravity.

"We will grant your request. We will provide you with the means to live here on your own for a month. You must secure your own livelihood after that. However, a room here in the palace will always be available to you should you wish it."

I'd been let go more easily than expected, but whatever reasons they had were no longer my business.

I copied the bow I'd seen the guards use when ordered to leave the room; a hand over my heart and the other at my side, I bent my body almost 90° in the emperor's direction.

"I am most grateful for Your Imperial Majesty's generosity. May you rule for an eternity and a day."


"Father, is it really alright to let him go?"

"The gods have not demanded his presence like they have the others."

"...I do not feel good forcing children into a war not their own."

"Neither do I, dearest."

"Sacrifices must be made for our Empire."

"Yes they must, dearest."


sorry about the formatting, i'm doing this all on mobile and copy pasting everything from the google doc. also, i how does one italiscise and bold in webnovel.

things of note

1. again, not polished, still more to gauge interest than anything. i'll come back later and edit some, rewrite others

2. ch 1 got updated, not much was changed so don't worry about it

3. i really shouldnt write things at 3am. thats my excuse for any and all accusations for writing quality drop

lemme know what you thought

God_of_Beginningscreators' thoughts