
Where I am ?

A bewildered being wakes up in a room that he himself does not know. Where I am? What was he doing before? That he should...? *Ding* "Welcome soul N°57212, in a coincidence of destiny you have been selected by my goddess to be a worthy candidate for our experiment. Now become the most Outstanding being of this reality. Welcome to the Ikemen System"

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Chapter 7: Osana Najimi part 1

Tadano: "Well then… why don't we practice a little how you will introduce yourself?"

I said to Komi-San as we headed to our class.

The girl stopped for a moment and reflected.

And there she was.

*Insert Pokémon music*

A wild KomiCat has appeared.

I don't think I can get used to this change in her. She's too cute when she does it.

While I was lost in my thoughts I didn't notice that Komi-San had completely stopped.

Tadano: "Komi-San?"

I asked but when I looked closer, the girl was already completely frozen.

I guess even with her notebook her difficulty is still too great for her right now.

Tadano: "Come on, you don't have to be so afraid, I know an expert on this topic who might be able to help us."

Hearing my words, Komi's stiffness quickly disappeared and she excitedly took out a notebook and wrote.

Komi: "Really? Do you think they can help us? "Won't we make her feel uncomfortable?"

Tadano: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

I told her, as she gave him a thumbs up.

Once we get to class you will be able to see our "help" talking to a group of students. The moment they separated.

Did I slowly approach her or him? It really was always a mystery. I wonder if They will continue like this in this reality.

Tadano: "Najimi, do you have some time?" I asked.

Najimi: "Oh! This is a surprise, I would expect you to be a little distant like you have been until now. But it seems like you've been changing lately, huh? Like your presentation yesterday, I didn't remember you having such a beautiful voice. Although I must admit it was kind of embarrassing Haha."

Tadano: "Please don't remind me, even though he turned out well, I wanted to die the next minute," I lamented.

Najimi: "Hahaha, you look more and more like your old self. Anyway, what problem do you have with your childhood friend? Tadano-Kun… and Komi-San."

Tadano: "Huh?"

Surprised, I turned around and at some unknown moment Komi-San had already approached me until he was standing next to me, without me realizing it.

Damn, I'm the one who has the stealth among the crowds.

Tadano: "Well, that doesn't matter. Komi-San, see you. This is Osana Najimi, we were high school classmates.

Najimi struck a pose and made peace signs with her fingers as she was introduced.

Tadano: "Well, leaving aside your undefined gender, we wanted to ask you a favor."

Najimi: "Huh? What are you talking about Tadano-Kun? I'm a woman, you know? The heart of a maiden is fragile and your words can hurt me."

Tadano: "Yes… Yes, you are all a maiden Najimi" I said rolling my eyes at her audacity.

Najimi: "Mooh ∼ Tadano-Kun don't be like that," she said jokingly.

Najimi: "Oh, give me a second," she said before the group of students from before approached again.

Boy A: "Najimi, did you see "It" yesterday? It was incredible."

Najimi: "Ahh, do you mean "Strong Arms Walk"? "The leader's walk was pleasant and relaxed, as expected."

Suddenly, the classroom window opened and a student signaled to Najimi.

Girl B: "Najimi! "Will you come watch club practice with me later?"

Najimi: "Ah! Sorry, I can't today. Maybe tomorrow?"

Girl B: "Okay!"

Then a larger student with a scarf and a strange-looking pair of glasses approached Najimi.

Boy C: "G-Big Najimi, here's the novel you lent me yesterday..."

Najimi: "Oh, it's the novel, Jesus! What do you think about it?"

Boy C: "Great Najimi, don't say the name of the novel out loud," said the young man, very embarrassed.

Suddenly, a large group of girls crowded into his position.

Girl D: "Najimi-San, it's him again..."

Najimi: "Yes… Yes, come on, tell me everything…"

Girl E: "Najimi, about the magazine I told you about last time…"

Najimi: "Ah! That…"

Girl F: "Najimi about what you recommended last time..."

Najimi: "How was he?"


Tadano: "Even though he already had knowledge about this, it is really amazing… His power of communication from him!"

Komi: "…"

Komi is very surprised.

For a moment I would swear I heard a female narrator narrate the moods of Komi… maybe it's just my imagination. 1)

Tadano: "Najimi, don't you tell me that all these people…"

Najimi: "Yes, they are all my childhood friends… although really all the students at this school are."

Komi-San is really VERY surprised.

As she expected from Najimi's fearsome communicative power. I wouldn't be surprised if her Charisma is through the roof.


"Lady Luck claims that your guess is very correct."

I'll ignore that for now, I don't want the system screaming in my face again. At least not for now.

Najimi's communicative power is very convenient for Komi-San, she needs to interact with more people. Or at least manage to feel relaxed enough to maintain a conversion through her notebook.

Tadano: "Well, in any case, I have a favor to ask of you."

Najimi: "Yes! Since it is a favor that my Childhood friend Tadano-Kun personally requests, I am willing to do anything for you.

Najimi: "Would you like to unload your accumulated lust on this body of mine? Najimi said as she held "Breasts?" with both hands while her breathing became heavy and she put on a perverted expression.

Having known that this would be the final result, I just rolled my eyes and with a serious face told him.

Tadano: "It's something really important."

Najimi: "Oh come on Tadano-Kun, don't be a party pooper, it was just a joke."

I knew it very well, but Komi-San's gaze that was fixed on me because of Najimi's words still hurt a little.

Tadano: "She's a little playful as you can see, but she's really not mean. So if she looks good to you. Why don't you tell him what we talked about this morning Komi-San."

Komi-San nodded and prepared himself.

After a motionless second, Komi-San faded a little.

Komi: "...?"

Komi-San is conflicted.

Komi-San doesn't want to reveal to him dear friend that she is so nervous that she forgot about the talk just now.

Wow, I don't know if that voice was always there but it's very convenient to understand Komi-San.

Well let's solve this before Komi-San panics more.

Tadano: "Come on, remember… tell her you want her to be your friend."

Komi: …!

After a couple of minutes of somewhat awkward silence.

Komi: "L…L…Le…"

Komi: "Let… let… leeett…"

The girl tried to speak, however she still had a hard time articulating words… a couple of very familiar "Menacing" characters surrounded her again.

Tadano: "Well Komi-San, you are improving… You can almost complete a word"

Tadano-Kun at this time was already getting used to Komi-San's quirks.

 Najimi: "What?! What is this?!"

Najimi was panicking because of the strange situation, she was very afraid.

Tadano: "Don't worry Najimi, she's probably just saying "Let's be friends"…"

Najimi: "Really? It's serious right? Isn't she cursing me or something?"

Najimi said as she clung to my shirt as if her life depended on it.

At this point Komi-San was starting to shake. Seeing where all this was going I decided to change things up a bit.

I placed my hand on Komi-San's shoulder and said.

Tadano: "Relax a little… let's go like this morning, she takes a breath and tries it. And if it is not possible, use the notebook."

Tadano: "While you calm down a little, I'll talk to Najimi a few things, it won't take long, okay?"

Although somewhat intrigued by her talk, Komi-San nodded, she really wanted to have more friends.

Tadano: "Well, good girl," I said as she rubbed her head.

Thanks to the increase in statistics I gained a few centimeters that made me a little taller than Komi-San.

Tadano: "Okay Najimi, you come with me."

I said as she pulled the student of questionable gender with me into the hallway.

Najimi: "Huh? Because? Ah… Don't pull me like that Tadano-Kun! Kyaaaa Tadano-Kun will become a beast and he will do bad things to me in the hallway! Help me Komi-San, they are about to steal my chastity!"

Najimi joked as she was dragged out of the Hall.

Komi-San didn't react when they left. She was still surprised and a little embarrassed by her friend's action just now.

She held her head with a bit of shame, but also a strange feeling.

As I took Najimi into the hallway I could hear the system beeping.


"Congratulations to the Host for warming Komi Shouko's heart + 20 Ikemen points"

I couldn't help but let out a smile when I heard the notification.

This did not go unnoticed by Najimi who, upon seeing her, stopped her jokes for a moment and stared at me.

Najimi: "He always had such a… charming smile," she murmured to herself.

Author's note: "Well hello everyone, the author after a night here present. I had a moment of inspiration and I have a big chapter of 4400 words, I will divide it into 3 or 4 parts. I'll see, anyway, drink a lot of water, and Remember that I love you very much.
