
Where I am ?

A bewildered being wakes up in a room that he himself does not know. Where I am? What was he doing before? That he should...? *Ding* "Welcome soul N°57212, in a coincidence of destiny you have been selected by my goddess to be a worthy candidate for our experiment. Now become the most Outstanding being of this reality. Welcome to the Ikemen System"

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs

Chapter 43: Collateral damage part 2

Jeanne: "What kind of mother lets her son kneel in front of her like this. Get up, my son cannot kneel before anyone, your Hito-Chan must always keep your head high" my mother said as she fixed my clothes and hair.

When she was satisfied and with a sad smile she said.

Jeanne: "I know you're growing up and at some point you'll take your own path, but Mom still doesn't want to let you go. Mom will be very alone." She said as she hugged me again.

I stroked her hair and said.

Tadano: "I understand… from now on if I need to attend to my business and I can't get home. I'll let you know right away. And rest assured that I will always return. So mom. Please stop crying."

Jeanne: "it's okay… I'll trust Hito-Chan"

We held each other for a while until the door behind me opened and a wild Hitomi burst into the room.

Hitomi: "Mom, I haven't found Onii-Chan yet, I think it's time to call to…" said my little sister until she saw me and my mother hugging.

Then without saying a word he jumped on me.

Just like my mother.

She gave me a slap that strangely broke through my defenses and then hugged me tightly, hanging on to me as if I were a koala.

I had to appease the mother-daughter duo for a while.

It was so severe that I even had to use my singing ability to calm them down and entertain them with a few songs.

That night we cooked as a family to share some quality time together.

When I headed to my room they both followed me like ducklings following their mother.

I rolled my eyes and asked if they wanted to sleep with me.

They both nodded and I had no choice but to have a sleepover with both of them in the living room.

Within all the strangeness of the situation, it was something fun and a very happy moment of family togetherness in my opinion.

*the next day*

While walking to school I bumped into Yamai again.

I approached her and said hello.

Tadano: "Good morning Ren, nice day today, right?" I said with a playful tone.

Yamai: "Y-Yes, good morning."

Tadano: "I like your good attitude… that's why I'll give you a prize"

Upon hearing the word prize, her face immediately turned red and she shifted nervously in her seat as she spoke with a timid voice.

Yamai: "N-No… not here… we are in public… the others will see us and I…"

Upon hearing her words I knew she had misunderstood me and I couldn't help but laugh.

Tadano: "HAHAHA… not that kind of award. You will get that prize at lunch break. The prize I'm talking about is something you might be more interested in."

Yamai blushed furiously upon seeing that she had misunderstood things, but her gaze turned curious upon hearing that the prize was something she would be interested in.

Yamai: "So... what's the prize?" She asked timidly but also somewhat curious.

Tadano: "You didn't always talk about wanting to get closer to Komi-San, I'll let you be her friend. Of course, you are absolutely prohibited from laying a finger on her… Understood?" I said with a cold and emotionless tone.

She trembled for a moment. But then her glowed with joy.

She jumped on me and hugged me.

Then She ask.

Yamai: "I can really be friends with Komi-Sama?!"

Pushing she away from me with one hand I said.

Tadano: "Yes and you are also lucky, you can also help her fulfill her dream… she wants to have 100 friends but she is a little shy and introverted. Which is why she finds it difficult. You can become her friend and with your connections and acquaintances you can help her have more friends. Obviously they all have to be approved by me first"

Yamai burst with joy upon hearing that not only could she become Komi-San's friend, but she could also help fulfill her dreams.

Her euphoria and excitement were so great that she couldn't help but jump on Tadano and kiss him on the lips.

Tadano was so surprised that he didn't react.

When he did it, the girl had even already put her tongue in him mouth.

Pushing her away from him, he said.

Tadano: "Not in public places, you understand? Unless I say otherwise, refrain from taking these actions." he said in a cold tone.

Yamai didn't care and with a flirtatious smile she said.

Yamai: "Okay… anyway I will reward you for this great gift at lunchtime, look forward to it∼♥" after finishing her words she ran out with a red face and a smile on her face.


"Even for me it's difficult, you know?"

Let's see She level of affection.


[Name: Yamai Ren

 Age: 16

 Relationship: Slave

 Life: 125/125

 Afflictions: None

 Affection: 75% – (My body wants you and my heart feels complicated.)]

How the hell did I raise that much percentage in one night.

"You forget that she is still a teenager and that you take everything from her. Not to mention that now you have just fulfilled her dream of getting closer to Komi and even gave her a purpose related to Komi, although I am also somewhat surprised, I can somewhat understand this sudden change."


Anyway, let's see how Komi-San is today.

Yesterday I couldn't hear her response. But I'm sure I'll have one of hers today.

I said as I continued my way to school.

*POV Third person*

Tadano did not realize that behind him in one of the trash cans a head of black hair with green tints emerged.

Kaede had seen the entire exchange between the two young men.

When she saw that Tadano turned in his direction she hid in this trash can.

Luckily for her it was easy to hide in them for some reason.

Kaede was not happy.

She couldn't fathom the idea of that bitch Yamai Ren becoming so close to Tadano overnight.

She was taking away something that was his.

Something she was working hard to get and it was stolen in a single day.

Kaede was furious.

Her fist clenched in anger.

Her eyes were half-closed showing her beautiful pair of emerald eyes that showed a dangerous shine.

Her always calm and cheerful expression now showed a grim and threatening expression.

I take her phone and call her friend.

Nene: "Oh? What important event came up for you to call me and even so early in the morning… oh did Tadano confess to you?" Nene asked jokingly.


Nene: "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…" she wanted to apologize before being interrupted by Kaede's impassive voice.

Kaede: "Help me make Tadano Hitohito fall in love with me… if you do, I will let you be his second wife or lover… don't deny the obvious. I know. I see it in your eyes every time you look at him. Now answer me, do you accept or not?"

Nene: "…"

Nene: "Okay, let's meet at school."

Kaede: "Understood" then she hung up the call.

Kaede: "I would do anything for you Tadano Hitohito… I really love you…"

The girl said with a shy expression while a cute blush covered her cheeks.

Affection: 82% -> 85% -> 90%

Author's note: Well here is the last part of this chapter. With that I have my repertoire somewhat full. I will continue writing but at least I now have something in case of emergencies. with that said. Remember to drink lots of water and that I love you very much. Sincerely your favorite depressive author.

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