
Where I am ?

A bewildered being wakes up in a room that he himself does not know. Where I am? What was he doing before? That he should...? *Ding* "Welcome soul N°57212, in a coincidence of destiny you have been selected by my goddess to be a worthy candidate for our experiment. Now become the most Outstanding being of this reality. Welcome to the Ikemen System"

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 4: Komi-San Part 3

Tadano: "Come on Komi-San, say something else." I encouraged her to say something else.

Komi: "Sakura petals are very pretty," she wrote.

Tadano: "Yes they are, although I really like their flavor in sweets."

With that we spent a lot of time writing in a long conversation.

It was really fun to see the different topics Komi-san brought to our talk.

Tadano: "Komi-San, what is your dream?"

Komi: "Have 100 friends"

Komi: "Please don't laugh." She wrote immediately after her previous sentence.

Tadano: "I would never do it, I think it is a very nice dream. So. How about I be your first friend? With this you only need 99 more" I wrote to her while she smiled at him.

When she read my message, the girl was surprised and trembled for a moment.

She panicked a little when she saw her reaction and when she was about to say something she wrote.

Komi: "Then... I will be under your care from now on."

Tadano: "Huh?"

Even knowing this could happen, I looked at her and when I saw her blush and her embarrassed expression my brain exploded for a moment.

Before she could say anything, the girl ran away.

With my hand outstretched and a deep blush on her face, I couldn't do anything but stay there statically in the same position.


System: "Congratulations to the host for completing the quest: "A Lonely Beauty", rewards will be distributed."

"You have received 20 Ikemen points"

*Komi Shouko POV*


This time it is a new school. I hope I have better luck than the previous one.

As I approached the entrance to the high school, I noticed a cute black kitten sitting near the entrance.

*Blew it*

With an abrupt change, a pair of cat ears appeared on my head and I couldn't help but play with the kitten for a while.

Before I knew it, a crowd began to gather around me.

Oh no…not this again.

Damn, I did it again.

I quickly headed to school.

But it was useless. Everyone was already looking at me with that look again. Now I couldn't try to talk to them later.

No! It is not necessary to have such depressive thoughts. Maybe I can find someone I can chat with, and maybe he just likes me enough to be able to ask him if he wants to be my friend.

When I entered the lockers I could see that someone was already there.

Tadano: "Oh, is your shoe locker here? That means we are of the same class, Nice to meet you…" He said with the gentlest smile

Oh! OH!

He is talking to me!

That I have to do?

What should I say?

Oh no… Damn, I did it again. He has a scared expression on his face. Well done Shouko, you've done it again. You scared a potential friend. I couldn't stand him rejecting me now.

I quickly put on my indoor shoes and escaped.

My heart didn't stop beating. For some strange reason, seeing that boy made my heart skip a beat for a moment.

*some time later*

Well, now that I'm in class maybe I can find someone I can chat with.

Wait... Oh no. Everyone has that expression, why? Why is it that everytime I go somewhere everyone have that expression? Every time they have that expression, I can't really communicate with them and they run away from me before I can say anything.

Although I was a little depressed inside, I kept my poker face. The books said that no one would like to have a depressed friend, so if you were unhappy it was always best to keep a neutral expression.

After a few moments of self-reflection I was able to see how the boy from before entered the class and sat in the seat next to me.

Oh, he sits next to me. Maybe this is an opportunity to talk to him more.

However, I quickly noticed how everyone began to look at him with dangerous looks. I've seen this kind of thing happen before.

I better not get too close, I already scared him before and I don't want to cause him more problems by making the others take it out on him.

*Some time later*

When it was time for the presentations I could see how everyone else introduced themselves, even the girl before me was very well received by the class.

Maybe I should make an elaborate presentation so I can win some friends? If that sounds like a good plan.

When my turn came I was about to say something. But I froze again, I couldn't get a word out of me, no matter how hard I tried.

Hell not again. I have no choice, it will be like the previous times.

I quickly approached the board and wrote my name, it's not polite or friendly but at least I can introduce myself correctly without any major problems.

When I sat down I cursed myself for wasting such a good opportunity, I could feel the gaze of the boy from before looking at me. Open it scared again? I hope not, I don't want him to think I'm weird.

When the time came for the boy's presentation, I was surprised.

Tadano; "Nice to meet you all ∼♫ My name is Tadano Hitohito and I come to conquer your heart ∼♫"

So it's Tadano Hitohito-San, it's a good name, plus his voice is pretty. I would like you to sing me a song with that voice...

Wait I'm thinking. I quickly shook my head, I had already scared him into wanting to even relate to me.

*Some time later*

While I was writing my eraser fell. Tadano-San kindly passed it on to me. Or at least that's what he tries to do until a speeding projectile almost passes through his hand.

I decided to ignore it and not look back more than anything for fear that it would hurt the most if I saw it.

However, ignoring everything I still returned the draft.

I couldn't help but look at him and then at the draft, to see him again.

Really try to say thank you. But my nervousness prevented me from doing so and he began to shake with frustration.

He would have continued stubbornly trying to say something. But he gave me a smile that calmed my heart. And he continued with his work. He would remember this favor and return it when he could.

When classes ended and we were about to go to the last ceremony of the day, an avalanche of people rushed to our place. I could see out of the corner of my eye how one hit Tadano-San in the face, causing him to faint on his desk.

I felt very guilty, because of me everyone was treating him badly now. I ignored the rest this time, I didn't like what they did to Tadano-San. That and I felt very nervous with so many people around me.

When everyone began to disperse over time.

Only Tadano-San and I are left. I decided to wait for him to wake up to go to the ceremony or miss it if necessary. I wouldn't leave him alone in this situation, his current state was my fault after all.

After finishing organizing my things and notes, and seeing that he still didn't get up, I decided to play with the kitten keychain that my mom gave me.

At one point, on an impulse, I meowed at him.

And to my bad luck, just at that moment he got up.

When I was about to run away out of embarrassment, he held my hand and ask if I had a communication disorder. I was surprised he caught it so quickly. So I stopped.

*Some time later*

I was leaning against the classroom door.

My face was completely flushed, and my excitement could reach the heavens.

At last. I made a friend. My first friend. And he was such a nice guy.

I'm so happy. He even said that he would help me get the other 99. What's more he didn't even make fun of my stupid dream.

AHHH! I am so happy.

When I felt he was moving I quickly grabbed my things and ran home.

"Tomorrow would be the first time I see him and let's talk like true friends. I'm waiting for it to arrive" I thought to myself with a smile on my face.

Author's note: well here is the last part of this great chapter of almost 6k words. Well this is the last one I edit. and I translate, if there are spelling errors, I would appreciate it if you would mark them so I can edit them. With that said I love them very much and they fear a lot of water. depressive author out. 

-------------------- uwu