
Who I really am?

"Congratulations, you're released from the hospital." Said Kagamine concludes by giving a sweet smile to Rin. "Tonight I'll make a special dinner for you." she continued.

"Thank you very much Ms. Kagamine. If not for you I don't know what will happen to me. "Rin replied.

Kagamine brought Rin to her house, located not far from there.

"Well, it looks like the atmosphere in Japan is different. This is the first time I've been here all my life." Said Rin jumped for joy. His life in Japan has just begun.

"You really like being here don't you. How about I take you for a walk around the city later on? After all you need to get used being here. Yeah, we don't know how long you'll be here. "Said Miss Kagamine.

"Really? Better than not doing anything."

"Well, this is a tool of communication. This tool is very useful for you. This is the latest technology that is designed to help travelers communicate "Miss Kagamine said handed the tool that only the size of a button.

"How do I use this tool?"

"Embed it behind your ear and it will work automatically. It will detect your DNA and open the database to set the default language for you."

They arrived in front of a cafe. Ms. Kagamine explained that the cafe is owned by his family and she lives right above the store.

"Do you work here?" Rin asked.

"Nope, I worked in high school as a teacher."

They entered the store. Ms. Len had reserved 2 cups of coffee latte. Rin's eyes are attracted to a waiter dressed in maid.

"Well, enjoy your drink. Uh, sensei? Who is this? "Asked the waiter. She was surprised because usually Ms. Kagamine would drink alone.

"This is my nephew Hotaru Rin. Rin, she is a second year student at my school Tsumiki Akiha. "Said Ms. Kagamine introducing both of them.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Rin said shyly.

"Hey, so you're going to school here?"

"Yes. He will start school next week."

"Hey, I wouldn't ... .." Rin has not had time to spend the verse, Miss Kagamine signaled him to agree with her words. "I mean, yes I would go to school here." Rin said while giving a fake smile.

"Oh, nice to meet you. Hope you will be able to familiarize with our living living lifestyle." She then gave a broad smile to Rin before resuming her work.

"Wow, just the first day here you've fallen in love."

"Not really, I just feel familiar face. "Said Rin hide her true feelings. After spending time in the shop to drink, Miss Kagamine brought Rin to her home. Once Rin walked into the house, Rin accidentally stepped on a switch that has enabled the defense system of the house. M16 and AK47 guns pointed right towards the Rin's head.

"Deactivate defense system. Turn on safe mode. "Said Miss Kagamine.

"She's not a typical woman." He sensed something was hidden by Miss Kagamine.

"Sumimasen. Rin. I forgot to tell you my house is equipped with defensive system. There are too many burglar recently. "Said Miss Kagamine. Trying to hide what exactly is going on. "I hope you're not too shocked and ran away."

"Nope I'm okay. Besides where else would I rather be. " Rin said while scratching his head that doesn't itch.

Ms. Kagamine then showed Rin his room. "Rin, this is your room. Make yourself at home. If anything's up just let me know. "

"Alright neesan. "Rin said with a bunch of big smile.

"You relax a bit. I'm going out to buy things. "

After a few moments, Rin asleep due to fatigue. He dreamed that he was in another world, a world of fantasy. He realized there was a health bar on the left. The name that appears on the health bar is very familiar.

"Rin? Is this ... EH !!!! This is my Elguard Online Avatar !!! But .. how .. .. this could'nt all be a dream. "Said Rin still confounded. He then drew his swords. "THIS IS SABER XII ..how it all .. I don't understand .." Rin spotted a GUI that under hp. He pressed the GUI and try to contact someone online to get an answer .. the only friend that online is Ren. Before he could presses the call button eyesight became blurry.

"Rin! Your special dinner is ready. "Rin awoke from his sleep.

"Neesan, why didn't you wake me up? I could've help making dinner. "

"You sleep too soundly. I don't want to disturb your rest time. After all you still have not fully recovered. "

"Oh, It's ok then. Hmm, what's for dinner today? "

"Sumimasen I only buy halal shop near here. You see i'm not a great cook. "

Rin was not surprised because he have seen boxes of ramen cup in the kitchen.

"Itadakimasu." Rin then spreads out his hands to pray. Ms. Kagamine did not feel surprised at all. She seems to know everything about Rin.

"If you want to shower the bathroom is there." Said Ms. Len pointing toward the bathroom is located.

After dinner Rin went to shower. While he was recalling the dream that had happened earlier. The more he thought about it the more his head ached. "Arh !!!"

"Rin are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay."

"Okay, I'm leaving your shirt on the bed. Sumimasen that the only guy's shirt I have here. What say you if tomorrow we go shopping at city mall. "

"Yeah good idea. "

Rin is sleeping soundly in his room.

Ms. Kagamine went outside at the balcony.

"Sir, everything done as planned." Said Miss Kagamine.

"Good, you have to protect Rin from any threat. He is very important in this mission. If he fell into the hands of our enemies the world would be destroyed. I hope you can undertake this arduous task." The man's voice was amended to cover his identity.

"Yes, I understand sir." Said Miss Kagamine before disconnecting the line.

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