
Where are I? What is this ?

MC is reincarnated. ,............ This story is Trash plz don't read it

Leonado_Linovor · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter-1 Leonardo Lisa Nightingale

As soon as I open the eyes, I become someone else. I am become a little girl.

First thing: I was a men before right now I become female.

Second thing: I am not alone in this body. This body has three personality. All of them are alternate version myself from another timeline. How did I know because three of us share same name. Despite being from another timeline.

First personality will be me. I am have nothing but happy life. I enjoys my life with different ways. Reading novel, Cooking Dishes, Watching movies, reading lore, etc. my life has something other me doesn't have that is happiness.

Second personality is Female. Her life is hell. She was abandoned by her parents at church. She lives as Nun in church. But at age of sixteen, she was kidnapped Raise as assassin, She was become best of best assassin. Age of 26 She can quite her jobs as assassin and run away. Start her life as Nurse. Because she kill so many that somehow she want a job that save people. She died when civil war was happening in her country. She live in cold war period.

Third personality is also female. Her life is unique. She is Both Esper and Scientist. She is came from some sort of cyberpunk world. She was betray by her friends.

So we have it. Three of us become one soul and reborn as a little girl. Our soul merge as one but our personality regain our conscious.

Things are happening so fast. Right now I have to keep the situation. In our view three of us are same person, one soul.


I (we) open our eyes, right now I am who can control or think normal. My other personality can't still pass trauma of death. Because they have too many things to do before they died.

First thing I take control body and look surrounding, there is some kind of people walking around me. I am in some kind of test tube. It didn't take one minute to realize to what is going on.

I am in born in laboratory. I think I am some kind of human weapon make by some kind of organization. The Question is why I wasn't reborn in nice papa and mama? For this movement I Know I am will not have a happy life. This is big problem.

Right this is big problem we have to think something about it.

Find out what this body can do if this is human weapon, then there is something special about this body.

Huh? Ah Lady Scientist You Can overcome your trauma? It is good news.

It was unwise to panicked in situation like this my pride didn't allow it, you, who is normal person can think normal then what I can't too?

I agree too.

Ah­ Lady Assassin, welcome to unity.

First I want to thank you about your existence, because of you now I can feel what happiness is all about.

No, problem lady assassin.

Stop calling me that I have a name you know. We all have.

I think we have to choose new name, to let go our past lives. So man of culture, you have to choose our new names. I know you will have talent in that area.

Hum, First, Lady Assassin you are Nurse and Solider in your past lives (she served the country during Civil cold war) so your name will be Nightingale named after famous Florence Nightingale.

Lady Scientist you name will be Lisa named after Mona Lisa, A person who have characterizes of both male and female. (For those who doesn't know anything Mona Lisa is have hand of Man and Woman, Da Vinci Draw that way) Lady Scientist is Lesbian at her past, she often wear men clothing because she didn't want to depend on other like woman always do. She hate woman that lick toes of men. But she has respect for the woman who can be independent. She want woman to be independent like men always do. That is her motto. Even she is bottom of hell, she will climbed back. She is that kind of person. She is my type too. We like person with strong mentality. That is common thing we have.

I am man of Culture who have a great respect to cultures. So my name will be Leonardo, Named after Leonardo Da Vinci.

So our body which three of us live will be named Leonardo Lisa Nightingale.