

Come and read about a slice of life with our main man Silver living it up in the Fortnite world makeing friends and having laughs as what else does an immortal need anything else but good times and good company.

PinkCottontail · Video Games
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7 Chs

1) Welcome

Time is nothing to a borde man that has seen it all, done it all and yet still feels incomplete.If time means nothing why should one hurry to find that missing piece,you'll stumble upon it one day right?


The sound of a tank firing is herd on a muddy battle ground with sounds of footsteps trudging in the mud ,men and women yelling as gun shots are flying everywhere this means only one thing,


'It was like any other day back at my world before I arrived on the island, I was tasked to defend the line in sector 23C by the hills of Droona with me as squad leader I needed to make sure my brothers and sisters were safe I barley had any sleep, how can you sleep here when you always need to keep your head down and gun up if you want to live. My world was never a kind one it was the year 4589 late Martch last time I was there, my world was bread for violence from non stop war for the past 2000 years if the history logs are correct, it has been so long we don't even know what we are fighting for anymore is it land what land we blown it all up is it resources why bother they are all used up for more weapons anyway, it doesn't matter to me , not anymore.'


My eyes widened and before he could say anything else I hoped over my desk and sprinted towards my fellow soldiers location.When I arrived barley dodging enemy fire I see Quinn stuck under a horse we used when running low on gas for the vehicles. As I got to him I see that the horse is dead and he is unconscious I try to push the horse off of him no luck it's to heavy as I try to think of a plan my radio turns on


" I WON'T LEAVE ONE OF USE " I yelled back turning the radio off, no I need to get him to safety it's to late to get him back but I could shield him as that though hit me I started pulling random scrap and dead body's to protect him 'The 49GK is a shrapnel bomb so just have enough layers and you could survive hopefully ' as I finish I start looking around " Ok now for me I need to-" I was cut off when I heard a whistling sound looking up I see it, my end I was to slow to tired.

I close my eyes ready to accept my fate "At least I saved one more person" the whistling got louder and louder until...


Nothing, nothing happened actually the whistling stopped all together, it sounds calm it feels warm, when was the last time I felt warm? I opened up my eyes and almost got blinded by the sun I looked around green hills a lake and blue sky's I took a deep breath to calm myself 'wow it smells so fresh and clean,am I dead is this the afterlife?' I questioned I looked down at myself and to my shock I'm clean no dirt no blood just my clothes I was wearing today, a black shirt and brown trench coat, with long camo pants, brown boots and a silver chain around my neck my brother gave me as a joke because of my name being literally called Silver.

'OK that's it I have finally snapped how long was it 11 years working with the Liberation and I finally lost it at the age of 24 not bad I got to say many people lose it after 3 to 7 years got to give my self a pat on my back'

I sit down on the hill looking at the lake infront of me.

"Now I just need to wait for one of my men to put a bullet in me, I remember the protocol if one goes Awall it's lights out" I take a deep breath again "At least the air is clean."

I keep looking onto the lake waiting for my time to finally meet it's end as I wait I hear a snap of a twig behind me, I freeze instantly and slowly lower my hand to my hip.

'Shit I don't have my gun or knife'

"Whoa there man didn't mean to startle you there " I stand and turn around and see a man behind me with his hands up, The man had short blond hair wearing a military pants and a green shirt and scarf with a red bandana around his right arm and above it a tattoo.

"Your new here right, I would know I have never seen you before , names Jonsey but people just call me John." He lowers his hands and reaches out for a hand shake.

I stare at his hand for a solid second and reluctantly shake it " Captain Silver Fleetwood leader of the 24th squad of the Liberation" I say seeing if me saying my rank and organization will gain a reaction I still don't know where he lies in the war or if he is even apart of it but questioning his look he must be a soldier.

John raises an eye brow "Ya no need for that friend on this island everyone is equal no need for titles or ranks, can I just call you Silver? Cool name by the way" John walks next to me and sits down looking onto the lake "Sit I have a lot of explaining to do, your confused and lost many are on there first day" He says well looking at the lake.

I take a second to sit down with him " Where am I?" I ask as i finally sit" One second I'm waiting for my death the next thing is I'm here what happened " I look at him.

John turns to me " Well judging from what you are wearing and how you addressed yourself it's safe to say you are a soldier, well my friend no need to have your guard up here on the island we are all friends ok maybe not all but hey not everyone clicks with one another"

"Just tell me what happened am I dead?" I say slowly losing my patience.John took a deep breath " Dead yes well not really what has happened to you is that you where sent here by the island like everyone here, it's not always clear how one is chosen or why, some like you died back in their world some just woke up here after going to bed and others just doing day to day things and poof here they are" My eyes widened and I ask

" Wait their world, you mean to tell me there are other worlds?" I ask not understanding what he said.

John smirked " Well ya talk to most people here and you will soon find out they are from different realities but that is not important not here that is" He sighs "Look this is always hard to break down to new people so I'm going to tell you how this place works and it's rules and after you can ask me questions, deal?" He ask

I look at him for a moment 'if I'm in a new world and know nothing this is my best chance to find out what to do next' I look at him back

"Ok" I nodded .

John smiles " Ok first big thing there is no leaving this place it is impossible " my eyes widened I was about to say something but I kept my mouth shut I need to know more

Jonsey continued " You are currently on a looping island and it is impossible to escape make a boat and sail north next thing you know you are sailing to the island from the south and by looping I mean that every day the island resets, any changes done to it cut a tree and make a table ya nope all that work all gone the next day.

But very importantly for some reason Friday's never reset so if you want to build or change something do it then it's weird I know but I learned long ago to not question this place"

OK my brain is trying to not fall apart 'is he lying ' is all I could think of, John continues

" Now that might be strange but what you are about to hear is way weirder, you never age nore can you die in this place, now as I said it sound unbelievable but you will see in doew time" I interrupt not able to hold it in " I'm sorry WHAT you are telling me in basically immortal I'm sorry but your crazy if you think I'm going to believe that" I stand up about to leave 'if he wants to talk like a crazy person I'll find out where I am myself 'I thought as I turn to leave but before I started walking I heard Jonsey speak "How about a demonstration then" I hear a clicking of a gun and turn around fast and see John pointing a pistol at me, 'What? where did he get that gun he wasn't carrying it earlier how did he hid it?' is all I thought but before I could act he pulled the trigger.

Time slowed down for me not understanding what was happening as the bullet hit my chest right by my heart I felt nothing, ok not nothing I felt pressure but no pain and my vision started to be blocked by what I could only describe as pixels, big blue pixels, I felt light and next thing I knew I was falling from the sky slowly heading towards the ground.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" I scream and noticed John just under me yelling at me " Quickly think like you are deploying a parachute trust me!" He finishes

"Trust you , you just shot me!" I yell back.

"Just do it" He yells again, I close my eyes and Imagine I have a parachute to deploy, to my surprise I started to fall slowly I quickly opened my eyes and to my shock I'm standing and gilding with a skateboard but not just any skateboard it is the one I always ride on my free time a black board with a Rabbit cartoon skull under it but it's leaving a trail of light gray smoke behind it.

Slowly I land infront of John smiling at me "So a skateboard, did not see that I thought it would be something military like mine"he say rubbing his chin. "What the hell just happened " I softly say but John heard me "That my friend is know as a respawn" I look at him and say "Like a video game" I think I'm losing my mind even forgetting that just a moment ago he shot me.

John still smiling" Ya you get it, if someone is hurt or dies they respawn back but always in the sky for some reason, also sorry about shooting you earlier needed to show you that this place is on the up and up you know seeing is better then just telling " He sits down again and the pistol he held disappeared from his hand as blue pixels devolved it,' so that is how he hide it' I thought as a sit once again.

"Ok now that I got your attention where

was I?" He thinks " That's right now you know you can't die let me tell you about you glider and weapon, that skateboard was your glider for when you fall from high places everyone has one and it represents the person them self and same goes for their harvesting tool,ok like the glider try thinking of holding a pickaxe " I do as he says and close my eyes again and after a few seconds I felt something in my hand I open my eyes and see a combat knife a with a brown leather wrapped around the handle and the same cartoon bunny skull keychain hanging on the end.

"Great well done this harvesting tool is impossible to break and can help you in a pinch" John says, I look at him "what do you mean in a pinch" John looks at me and straightened up "Ok this is the most important thing about the island every Saturday and Sunday we fight" I look at him questionly, he continues " Ya the island forces everyone to fight on the island by ejecting people out of the sky at random and must look for chest that have weapon or items to help you be the last person standing it's a total Battle royal" He looks up and sees the sun Starting to set.

John stands up and I follow as he says "Look it's getting late how about you crash at my place and I'll tell you all about it because sad to say for you it is currently Friday so tomorrow is going to be your first battle come let's go, my house is not to far."


Author's notes

So ya chapter 1 what did you think let me know if there any mistakes.

Ya so this was alot of talking about rules and stuff but I wanted to explain how this world works and it's rules are and I still need to explain more but they can come later.


Next chapter is his first battle hopefully he can come our with the Win or completely get run over