
When You Transmigrate to Other Times

"The world is full of mystery. I've heard that all my life and it seems to be true. But if I go through something mysterious myself, will I be believed? Maybe I'll think I'm crazy, or everything that happens to me in my everyday life is just something I'm dreaming and soon I'll wake up. Questions without answers..." Everything changes after he returns from a pilgrimage to a miraculous statue of the Holy Virgin Mary, when he becomes the victim of a plane accident in which, with no hope left, he prays alongside the other passengers, gives his final blessing, and then... And then what? He wakes up on a bench. Where exactly? Right in the heart of the most important square in the world, in Rome, caput mundi, as the Latins used to say. What is he doing there? He remembered the airplane accident, but he also had other memories. How did he get here, what year is it? He was at the Vatican, but still... Is it the year 1492?!

Antlittle20 · LGBT+
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114 Chs

Chapter XLIX: Exam's day  

The next day, June 13th, was my name day. On June 13th every year, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates St. Anthony of Padua, whose name I bear. It looks like I'll have to work on my name day. Well, it's not the first time. After some time, I arrived at the Seminary in Târgoviște where the students eagerly awaited the start of their exam.

The new rector was quite a pleasant guy, although rather chubby for his height, with glasses and dull brown eyes... Well, I think he resembles me, the 21st-century me... Now I realize what makes people like someone. It's not necessarily their physical appearance but what they have to say and their innate charisma.

"Your Eminence, we are glad to have you at our seminary. We are pleased that a former student of ours will soon become a Cardinal and Prince of our Church."

"Well, Father Rector, things are not quite like that. The divine grace descends upon us to be of help to others, don't you think?"