
Spending time

5pm that same day

~Christal's compound~

Christal already prepared their reading stuff in the balcony up stairs, then went outside to wait for the others but when she got their Jaycen was already there, so they both went upstairs to discuss in the main time before the others arrive.

" So Jaycen why did you come to my school" asked

" I wanted to be very close to you that's why and I found out you were going to the school so I told my father to enrol me there " He replied

" May I ask why ¿ " Christal asked and as Jaycen open his mouth to talk Anna quickly cut his voice " hey guys "

" Where's Jaden and Elsa " I asked

" Israel stopped them for a hug, they would be here soon. " Anna replied as Jaden and Elsa echoed together " What's up damsels " as Christal gave them a why are you late look

" So guys, let's start you know tomorrow is the test " Christal said opening a note

" Girl, who told you that ..... The next is next week and we've read alot but we here because of Jaycen right " Elsa said

" Oh, yeah, I forgot got stuff in my head " Christal replied nonchalantly then turned to Jaycen and said " Jaycen the test is next week, so read ahead with us, ok..."

" Wait I'm so curious, how did you too get this close " Jaden asked suspeciously referring to Christal and Jaycen. Jaycen tried saying something before Christal cut him off " Hmm, he also lives in this estate "

" They look so perfect together, let's call them the Chriscen couples " Elsa said and Jaycen gave a quick smile.

" Please let's just focus on why we're here " Christal said looking at Anna with this look " what's wrong with Jaden and Elsa " then Anna gave her a look of " C'mon it would pass " .

As they continued reading and solving alot of problem, Christal didn't wanted Jaycen to fail since their class was a bit competitive, but as they kept on reading Christal started realising that Jaycen was smart and intelligent. All throughout the class she just keep gazing at Jaycen with excitement.

Elsa and Jaycen left since their house was a bit far from the estate, Anna didn't wanted to go but she had to her mom called her then she left.

So, Jaycen and Christal were there alone and Israel was asleep, Christal's parents were not yet back from work at about 7:35.

" Hey, Christal thank you so much I really learnt alot today " Jaycen said while holding Christal's hand then Christal pulled her hands away and said

" Thank you also Jaycen for being able to attend the lessons with us, I appreciate that" Christal replied

" You don't need to thank me, I had to come so I can meet up for the tests " Jaycen said smiling as he hugged Christal and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, then left

Christal starred at him with astonishment until he got out of sit, then hurriedly went to her room and covered her head with her pillow. And after something, she freshen up and tried to sleep but couldn't.



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