
Chapter 0.3

When we done the deal XO shoutup hay Elisha don't forget me please take me with you.I'm your friend.fine can I take XO with me.fine so you have to come my house and live with for 2weeks after 2weeks we leave these country.but first you have convance my parents that you can take care me.and you love me the most over the money but first you both come with us and we change your look's she said. Hay what your mean about look's I means your clouths you have to wear expensive one ok.I didn't understand whats going on but yeah I think its fun we take some drinks and go to mall for shopping I don't know why But XO is good here means in her evil mind she plan something.we enter the most expensive brand and soo-yun give me some clouths for changing.I didn't say any thing and go to changing room I unbotton my shirt and unlock my belt I takeoff my shirt you guys know that I'm a tomboy and so sexy.I takeoff my shirt I wear black shortbar even I don't need it but I wear it.when soo-yun enter the changing room lights is lite low so I know she shock but I think she blush.she come closer and said Elisha we have to make some phyical touch sometime because my perants is real sharp if they figure out that you are not real so they really not allow me to go USA so please.we just talking when lee-son voice come hay what are you doing she is busy you don't go in without permission I'm her mom assistant ok I have to take her with me Soo-yun is little shock she go out for watch what happen when her mom assistent enter the room I grab her wrist and pin her in wall and kiss her on neck for her mom assistent think that we making love in room and tell her mom.but when I kiss her neck its a little shock for me her sweet smell make me want more at the same time she wrap her arms around my neck and push me close like she really love me my hot breath touch her sowft skin she moan lite when a voice come O I'm sorry miss yun I don't know that you here with your lover I sorry she shout and gonna go when I stop her now we three standing in changing room Yun is standing with wall I standing grabing her wrist and we both just inch away so I hug her more tight and kiss her on her neck a little hay baby who is she i said and look at Yun who looking me lovginly like she want to eat me now her face all red maybe from my kiss's she is my mom assistent honey ok what you want miss assistent for my love I said and look at assistent she standing her down and she bow sorry to disturb you both but Miss Yun your mom call you in her office so I come to take you with me .ok wait out side I'm coming she nodded and get out from the room when she close the door on her back soo-yun push me away and said stay away from me why you do that all of sudden don't dare to kiss me again.excause me miss yun I'm intersted in you ok and I kiss because of your mom assistent if she look as simle talking its not posible for couple who are in love standing in empty room and just talking.I'm sorry I'm not use to your touch maybe that why I over react she said and go out of the room.I wear my clouths and get out she standing with her friend lee-son and assistent waiting for her when she look at me she come close and kiss on my chicks and say bye and she went with assistent.XO shock and teasing me at the same time ....
